Chapter 34: Epilogue

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I strutted through Scotland Yard Police station with the details of the latest case I had solved with my companion trailing behind me. I hadn't changed much over the years, I got smarter and taller I suppose but I was always like my Father as everyone likes to tell me but I am a lot nicer than him; I actually know how to use sarcasm without hurting anyone's feelings!

"Another case solved?" An officer asked me.

I nodded and held up the folder. "Was the barber!" I told him. "He was clever!"

I smiled and continued to walk through the corridors; Trouble and danger was never far away from me, not matter how hard my family tried to keep me away from it I always found my way into helping solve cases.

Over the years I grew smarter, I trained with government agents to improve my fighting skills, flexibility and aim. I was made for the army or spy work but I was happy to be a detective, it's all I knew and it's what I loved to do. Not many people say they like their job but I did , I never took days off and I didn't do it for the fame, I did it so I could help people!

I opened Detective Inspector Lestrades office door and dropped the file on his desk. "All done?" He asked me with a raised brow.

I nodded proudly. "The barber, there was a hint of blood on his equipment," I told him. "He wasn't that good of a cleaner."

The DI nodded. "Wonderful!" He told me with a smile. "Want more?"

My companion smiled up at me. "We're ready!" She told him in a confident voice.

The DI handed us another folder. "Merry Christmas," He told us.

"Serial Killer?" We both asked.

"Just for my girls!" He told us.

"Thanks Jack!" We told him and left his office.

My name is Abbie Holmes, I am twenty years old and I am a detective at Scotland yard along with my partner Maddie Watson. My father is the one and only consulting detective Sherlock Holmes, my uncle is the British Government Mycroft Holmes and my other uncle is Sherrinford Holmes an international spy...

And that was the story of how I became the heart of Sherlock Holmes!


OH MY GOD... Guys the story is over!

Thank you all so much for every ounce of support you have given me through this crazy story. I cannot believe how many of you have been reading my story and have loved reading it, it's just something I can't get over.

I update this story at night then go to bed, waking up in the morning with beautiful comments that make me laugh and cry with happiness so thank you so much for sticking till the end. I never imagined anyone would enjoy reading this story... I'll be honest this story started as a little scribble at the back of my college book last year and you amazing people have given me the support to make it into a story for you all to enjoy.

Thank you all again for everything please do not hesitate to leave comments or check out anymore of my story's. I love you all and remember to stay Sherlockians and be patient... The new season of Sherlock will be here soon!!

Any questions you may have please feel free to asked!

Thank you,

Slyfox1998 <3

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