Chapter 9: Crazy

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John and Sherlock were stood in the kitchen around the table. Sherlock had a pair of scissors in his hands and John and some tweezers, in the middle of the table looking at them was Abbie's toy horse...

"I can't do it!" John told his friend. "It's looking at me, that's a kids toy!"

"I've searched the flat, this is the only thing the memory stick could be in!" Sherlock told him. "Abbie's asleep so she won't know!"

John sighed and watched his friend cut the seem on the toys belly, Sherlock pulled some of the stuffing out and put it on the table; Once he pulled all the stuffing out the table looked like a winter wonderland.

"So?" John asked.

Sherlock huffed. "How can it not be in here, it has to be in here!" He raised his voice in frustration. "I've had it since I met Abbie, this thing has never left her side!"

"Maybe you should put it back together before she wakes up and see her poor toy in pieces?" John suggested.

Sherlock stuffed the toy and kept mumbling things under his breath, he was so sure it was in here, how could it not be in here. He was slowly running out of idea's of where the memory stick could be! It was only a matter of time until Moriarty got bored and would decide to come for Abbie...

"Daddy?" Abbie's small voice asked from the bed room door... Sherlock turned and looked at Abbie's watery eyes. "Mine!"

Sherlock quickly stitched the horse back together and handed it to her, the toddler clung to the horse and went into the living room. Both Sherlock and John huffed as they walked into the living room and sat in their chairs.

"I don't understand how was it not in there?" Sherlock asked and closed his eyes searching his mind palace.

Sherlock walked the corridors of his mind palace looking over everything he knew about Kelly and where this memory stick could be hidden.

"Er Sherlock?" John called loudly.

Sherlock groaned. "Shut up!" He snapped.

"You may want to open your eyes!" John told him.

Sherlock's eyes shot open. "WHAT!" He raised his voice.

John nodded at Abbie who was sitting on the floor playing with some little blocks, the blocks were built in a little square with low walls, inside the square was a small rectangular object... Sherlock frowned and sat on the floor in front of his daughter.

"What's that?" Sherlock asked and pointed to the object.

"Mine," Abbie told him. "Mommy."

"Can I see it?" He asked her softly.

Abbie picked the object up and shook her head. "No, safe!" She told him.

"It's okay, I'll give it back," Sherlock told her.

Abbie huffed and handed it to him, Sherlock looked at the object it was the memory stick.. How did Abbie have it?

"Where did you get this?" Sherlock asked her.

"Mommy shush," Abbie told him and pointed to the pile of blocks and smiled. "Gone!"

The little two year old had it on her all this time, she kept it hidden from everyone in a little pile of building blocks. Sherlock just stared at his daughter in disbelief.

"Hid it in plain sight," John stated.

"Kelly gave it to her knowing she gets possessive of things only she gives her, I thought it was in the horse because it never left her side but no this was something else, Kelly must had told her to hide it and she did," Sherlock deduced.

"Sherlock she's two," John stated.

"And she's a Holmes," Sherlock added. "A brilliant Holmes!"

"So now what do we do with it?" John asked.

Sherlock sighed. "Bargain with Moriarty," He stated. "I have plan."

John shook his head. "You always have a plan," he muttered. "Will it work?"

Sherlock frowned. "My plans always work!" He stated. "And for this one I actually need my brothers help."

John gasped. "Did Sherlock just say he wanted his brothers help?" He asked.

Abbie giggle. "Yeah!" She spoke up.

Sherlock rolled his eyes. "Any way, yes I need him to make me a copy of this," He stated and held up the memory stick. "We're going to trick Moriarty."

John nodded. "So what's this plan?" He asked.

Sherlock smiled at Abbie and handed her the memory stick back...

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