Chapter 32: Perfect

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"What buttons do you press when you are scared?" Sherrinford asked as he handed his niece the flip phone.

Abbie looked at the phone. "The green one, then one," She told him.

Sherrinford smiled. "Wonderful!" He told her.

The middle Holmes looked at Abbie and all he could see in her eyes was her Father.

Sherrinford straightened the bow in Abbie's hair and let her drop the phone in her Minnie mouse bag. The little toddler ran into her Dad's bedroom and climbed onto Sherlock's lap, the detective wrapped his arms around his child and kissed her head softly.

Green eyes met blue. "I'm sorry," Sherlock told her.

Abbie frowned a little. "Daddy it's okay," She told him and hugged his neck.

Sherlock smiled. "Please be careful!" He told her.

"I will!" She told him.

The little Holmes hopped off Sherlock's lap and ran back into the living room where Mycroft and Jack were waiting. The young Lestrade let Abbie hold his hand as the three of them headed out the hotel and into the back of a limo.

The Holmes' (Sherrinford) had arranged for Mark Thompson to baby sit Abbie for the day; This would hopefully give the Holmes' time to figure out what Mark's plan was with the dolls. As the car drove Jack kept his hand connected to Abbie's hoping it would give not only her comfort but also himself.

The car pulled up outside the mansion. Jack and Abbie got out he car and walked up to the front door, before the young Lestrade could open the door Mark had already opened the door and knelt down to Abbie's height greeting her with a smile.

"The Holmes' will be back in a few hours," Jack told the billionaire.

Mark stood up straight and lifted Abbie onto his hip. "Yes I've spoken to Mycroft, Abbie is in safe hands I can assure you," He told the teen.

Jack kept his face neutral. "Please remember that Abbie Holmes is the Governments pride and joy, anything happens to her then a very horrifying picture of your face will be on a wanted poster and you will be hunted down within a week," He warned then walked away. "Have a lovely day!"

The billionaire pulled a disgusted face at the teens manners then shut the door. Abbie clung to Marks body as he carried her through the house and upstairs, then went to the top floor and into the room with all the dolls but all the dolls were now gone well all but the unfinished one by the desk.

"Now you sit here like a good little girl while I do some work," Mark told the toddler as he placed her on a soft white sofa.

Abbie slipped her bag off her shoulder as she watched Mark sit behind a well lit desk; He pulled a draw out and started pulling out small tools. It was safe to say the little toddler wasn't comfortable watching what Mark was doing, he looked like a mad scientist who had been brought a new kit.

"You have amazing eyes little Abbie," Mark spoke up. "You're Fathers are like a sea green where as yours are sky blue just like your Mothers."

Abbie's head tilted to the side ever so slightly. "Mommy?" She asked.

Mark smiled. "Yes my little angle you look just like your Mother, the blond hair, the eyes and that smile," He told her as he began to mess with the dolls face and blonde hair.

"What doing?" Abbie asked as she climbed off the sofa and slowly walked over to Mark.

Mark plucked the bow out of Abbie's hair and placed it in the dolls hair; The young toddler frowned as Mark turned the doll to face her...

"That me," Abbie said quietly looking at the 'Abbie Doll'.

Mark chuckled. "Doesn't it capture your beauty?" He asked. "You're Uncle will adore this gift when I put the main gadget inside."

Abbie scrambled back to the sofa and curled up in a ball holding her bag tightly against her chest as she watched another man walk into the room holding a rectangular box with wires sticking out of it.

"Here's to world dominance!" Mark cheered as he watched the other man place the rectangle into the dolls body.

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