Chapter 5: A CASE!

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"Abbie put your boot on!"




"We have a case now put your boot on!"


"You need suitable foot wear to go to a crime scene in!"

Abbie whined and threw the boot away from her.

This argument had been going on for about half an hour and Sherlock was ready to hit the roof. The toddler had been staying with him for about a week now and she had learned exactly how to push his buttons but Sherlock also learned how the toddler worked.

"Fine then you win, you can stay here all on your own," Sherlock stated and went towards the door. "I'll just go."

Abbie's eyes went wide as she watched Sherlock. "Detive, detive!" She whimpered and stood up.

She ran over to him with her arms raised up to him. Sherlock bent down and picked her up, placing her on his hip. "Are you going to put the boot on?" Sherlock asked and Abbie nodded.

Sherlock picked up the boot and slipped it on her foot. He carried her down stairs, he hauled a cab and climbed inside it, he told the cabbie the address as he sat Abbie on his lap. The journey was very quick which sherlock was very happy about, Abbie didn't like to sit still for too long.

The two Holmes' hopped out the cab and walked towards the crime scene, Abbie held her Dad's hand tightly as they got closer to the crime scene, the closer they got the slower she walked. Sherlock stopped and looked at his child then to the crime; She must still associate the police with the day she was taken from her house.

"Come on," Sherlock told her and held his arms out to her.

Abbie jumped into his arms and scrambled to his neck, she clung tightly to him and played with the curls on the back of his head. Sherlock walked towards the house and saw Lestrade.

"Ah Lestrade what have you got for me?" Sherlock asked as he tried to hide his excitement.

Lestrade looked at Sherlock then at Abbie. "Is baby Holmes alright?" He asked.

Sherlock frowned at the name. "Abbie is perfectly fine she is just a little frightened of the police," He explained. "Now what have you got on the body?"

Lestrade nodded. "There's two bodies, Kate Haywood, 33 years old and her son, Alex Haywood, three years old. The two lived here alone, the neighbour came round to see if the boy wanted some of his sons old toy cars, he looked through the window and saw Kate lying on the floor. He kicked the door down and she was dead, he went upstairs to look for Alex and found him dead in his cot," He explained.

Sherlock nodded taking in the information. "I need a babysitter," He stated. "I'm not taking my daughter in there, that boy is almost her age, Abbie is traumatized enough, I need your least annoying officer."

Lestrade rolled his eyes. "Right, give me one minute," He told Sherlock and walked towards the police cars.

Abbie lifted her head and looked at Sherlock's face, she gently took a curled lock of his hair in her hand and gently pulled in then let it go, watching it curl again, Abbie giggled and did it again.

"You get amused too easily," Sherlock said quietly as a small smiled appeared on his face. "Why are you so cute?"

"Here you are Sherlock!" Lestrade shouted as he walked over with a young man. "This is Jack, my son."

Sherlock frowned. "How old is he?" He asked.

"I'm seventeen," Jack told him. "I have a little brother so she'll be alright."

Sherlock sighed and handed Abbie to Jack. "Behave and don't listen to the other officers," He told her and went inside with Lestrade.

Sherlock followed the Inspector into the house; It looked like a normal house, pictures of the Mother and her son. The house was pretty tidy, the living room had a few of the boys toys lying around.
Sherlock walked onto the dining room and saw the Mother lying on the floor. He knelt next to her body, her neck and face was bruised, her stomach was covered in blood and a bullet wound...

"That's not a bullet wound," Sherlock stated and took out his magnifying glass. "Someone stabbed her after she was strangled and scooped the flesh out making it look like she was shot."
Lestrade looked a little shocked. "What?"
"I'm certain!" Sherlock told him. "Take me to the boy."

The duo went upstairs and into the boys room. The room was a mess, toys and clothes were strewn all over the place. The small boy was lying on his bed, his body was exactly like his Mothers. Sherlock checked the boy over and found something in his pocket;

Did you miss me?
I'm back Sherly, back for another game
and this time your sweet little off
spring will be apart of it. She is such a cutie, I
may keep her for myself and raise her as my own. She'll soon see I'm not a big bad wolf.
-JM x

Sherlock felt sick to his stomach. "James Moriarty is back," He stated as he looked at Lestrade. "This murder was a warning. He killed Abbie's Mother and he won't hesitate to take Abbie away from me."

"Go, take her home and sort protection out," Lestrade told Sherlock. "You need to keep that girl close!"

Sherlock nodded. "I shall let you wrap this up then," He told him and quickly made his way down the stairs and out the house.

As he got outside he saw Jack and Abbie sitting on the grass looking at an aeroplane that was flying above them, Jack picked Abbie up and made plane noises.

Abbie giggled then Sherlock caught her eyes. "DETIVE!" She shouted and Jack placed her on the floor.

Abbie ran straight over to Sherlock and he picked her up, holding her close to his chest. Neither of them knew just how much the other had missed them.

Sherlock looked at Jack. "If I ever need a babysitter I know who to ask," He told the teen.

Jack smiled. "Anytime," He told him. "She's a little star."

Sherlock nodded and walked down the road to catch a cab. He needed a plan, a plan that would keep Abbie safe!

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