Chapter 31: Madness!

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A/N- Did you miss me? Got so much planned for this book and this is just the start!!

The room was cold and dark.
The detective followed his daughter further into the room, the light from outside the door lite up part of the room and Sherlock saw something strange, very strange...

"Dolls," Sherlock stated as he looked around with his small torch.

Little female china dolls were placed around the room, all were different, all were perfectly made but one there was one at the very back of the room, one that was just the body of a doll; Sherlock had guessed whoever was making the dolls was working on a new one...

Abbie found the dolls weird but very cool unlike her Father who took extra care when looking at the glass dolls. As Sherlock got a better look at the dolls he noticed some strange things about them, things that didn't add up.

Sherlock looked at his toddler, she touched and laughed at the dolls. Abbie had found a hair brush next to one of the dolls and began to brush their hair. The detective frowned at the dolls that surrounded him...

"What the hell are you doing in here?" Sherrinford asked his little brother harshly.

Sherlock shot round and looked at his older brother. "Explain, now!" He demanded.

Sherrinford didn't move an inch. "Get out that room!" He ordered him.

"Tell me what the hell is going on!" Sherlock spat.

The middle Holmes shook his head. "Tell me what you have!" He told him. "Come on Mister Detective!"

Sherlock glared at his brother. "The dolls are replica's of daughters and granddaughters of very important people in America and England," He deduced.

"Very good baby brother!" Sherrinford told him.

Sherlock suddenly grabbed his brother by the scruff of his shirt and slammed him against the wall making Abbie jump in freight. "Why do you need my daughter?" He asked in a dark tone.

Sherrinford was actually slightly scared, he had never seen Sherlock like this before and it worried him. Sherlock was prepared to punch Sherrinford directly in the face, breaking his nose or possibly his jaw!

"Mycroft is the British government, at some point Mark would want to see him and he would soon realise the precious little thing in his life would be your sweet little Abbie," Sherrinford explained. "I wanted to make sure this was Marks plan."

"This is madness, why do you need my daughter?" Sherlock asked as the grip he had on his brothers shirt tightened. "What are those dolls for?"

Sherrinford looked at his brothers hands. "He has a plan for the girls, I don't know what it is yet but it's not good," He admitted.

Sherlock let his brother go and looked at his scared daughter. "Come on," He mumbled as he picked her up. "We're going home!"

Sherrinford's eyes widened. "No I need her, brother listen to me our country is in danger and she will help me get the answers I need!" He told his brother.

Sherlock's eyes went dark with anger. "My daughter is three years old she has been through hell with both Moriarty and Moran after her, I could have lost her twice. Her mother died, she had no one, I'm trying to protect her but you brother mine, you are the last person I ever wanted near my child because you are the definition of evil, you use people to get your own way, you manipulate people and hurt them just so they will do what you ask!" He spat. "You will never have my daughter!"

Abbie clung to her Father's suit as he marched down the stairs; She hated seeing her Dad like this, she'd never get used to his dark side when he was angry.

"Where are you two going?" Irene asked as she walked down the hall towards them.

Sherlock's poker face didn't change. "Move now!" He snapped.

"Oh someone is in Daddy mode," Irene teased. "What's happened?"

Sherlock stopped dead in his tracks. "You knew!" He snapped. "You knew what my brothers wanted with my daughter!"

"I'm here to make sure nothing happens to the sweet little thing," Irene told him.

"Myself, John, Abbie and Jack are leaving tonight!" He told Irene and carried on walking.

Sherlock rubbed his daughters back, his grip on her never loosened; He wasn't going to let her get hurt, not again not anymore!

The two Holmes' got to the ground floor and found Mycroft, Jack and John. Abbie tucked her head into the crook of Sherlock's neck and yawned softly.

"Sherlock where the hell have you been, you've missed dinner?" Mycroft asked.

Sherlock ignored his brother and looked at Jack and John. "Come on we're going back to London, tonight!" He told them and began pushing them towards the main door.

"Wait, what?" Jack asked in confusion.

John was just as confused as the young Lestrade. "Sherlock what's going on?" He asked his friend.

"I take it you know why Sherrinford brought us all here," Mycroft stated not looking at his baby brother.

Sherlock glared daggers at the eldest Holmes. "You are never allowed near my daughter again, you will stay as far away from us as humanly possibly or my dear brother, I swear I will kill you!" He threatened.

"Now, now boys play nicely," Irene told them as she walked down the hall, her high heels clicking with every step against the tiles. "We need your baby girl, I'm sorry Sherlock but she is now property of the British Government." 

Jack looked at Mycroft. "You said you wouldn't take it this far, you said you'd let them go if it got too much for them!" He stated. "You liar!"

Mycroft sighed. "We need to calm down right now!" He told everyone. "Sherlock just stop what you are doing or our brother is going to do something you won't like."

Sherlock stood with a solid poker face. "He touches my daughter and I will kill him!" He stated. "He is not putting her danger, you saw what happened with Moriarty and Moran, you know what she has been through!"

"Oh Sherlock will you shut up!" Sherrinford barked. "Lets get back to the hotel before anyone comes and hear's what we are talking about."

Jack lowered his head in shame, Mycroft filled him in on what was going to happen and he swore to the teen that nothing bad would happen to Abbie but the elder Holmes lied to him like he lies to many people.

Sherlock's grip tightened on his daughter small body, Sherrinford and Mycroft escorted their baby brother and niece into the sleek black car.

Things have gotten worse for the Holmes family and they're not going to get better any time soon...

Mark's plan is already going ahead!

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