Chapter 27: New York

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After a few hours of arguing, sly comments and a lot of tellings off... John, Irene and the Four Holmes' made it to New York in one piece and they were now checking into the hotel.

"Down!" Abbie mumbled as she crossed her arms, a small pout had replaced her sweet smile.

Irene Adler was holding Abbie. You can imagine Sherlock's face when Sherrinford handed Irene the child, yes Sherlock protested and said some 'Not very kind words' as Abbie put it but his older brothers dragged him away to sort the rooms out.

"Come now Abbie there is no need to be rude," Irene told her.

Abbie glared at her. "DOWN!" She repeated but raised her voice.

John was sat on a posh black sofa watching the two females. John knew Abbie wouldn't want to be held by Irene any longer, he also knew what Abbie's next move would be....

"Want Daddy!" Abbie whined then looked at John. "John help!"

John watched as the toddler stretched her arms out towards the good doctor. "He's coming in a minute," He told her and stood up.

Irene moved away a little. "No John, the little darling needs to learn to be nice to others," She stated and tightened her grip on Abbie.

"I scream!" Abbie told her with a hard glare.

Irene stood there with a blank expression. "Abbie please don't say things you won't do," She told her.

And the Toddler took that as a challenge, she smirked then looked a John.

"Abbie-!" John began but Abbie hard already started screaming.


Irene placed Abbie on the floor and moved away. "My god!" She mumbled.

"She did warn you," John told her.

"STOP!" Irene shouted but Abbie went louder and more high pitched.

"WHAT ON EARTH?" Mycroft shouted as he walked towards his screaming niece.

As quick as a flash Abbie stopped screaming, she was quiet then as soon as she saw Sherlock her sweet smile was back. Irene stood there watching the child, was it even the same child?

Sherlock picked Abbie up and placed her on his hip. Sherrinford strolled in and handed Sherlock a ten pound note; The two brothers had a bet on how long Abbie would last with Irene.

"That's my girl," Sherlock whispered in Abbie's ear then kissed her cheek.

"John, Sherlock and Abbie will have a room," Mycroft spoke up and handed John the room key. "Miss Adler you will share with Sherrinford as for myself, I am to share with Jack when he arrives."

"Perfect!" Sherrinford grinned. "We shall meet down here for six, we have a dinner party to attend to at a friends house!"

Sherrinford linked his arm with Irene's and they headed up stairs. Mycroft went outside to make a phone call leaving Sherlock, Abbie and John.

"I don't like this Sherlock," John mumbled.

Sherlock nodded firmly. "Agreed, why does Sherrinford want us all here to stop this billionaire?" He asked. "In the past he has always handled everything alone, why come to us now?"

Sherlock didn't know what to think, he knew Sherrinford couldn't be trusted but what was going on? There had to be something else?

John sighed and headed towards their room. Sherlock placed Abbie on the floor, he took her hand in his and they followed John. The three entered their room, it was incredibly large, three beds, two bathrooms and a small lounge area that had two sofas and a coffee table. Abbie made a bee line for the window, she gently pulled back the silk curtain and smiled at the city below her, it wasn't like London, it was new.

"Abbie you don't leave this room," Sherlock told her sternly.

The little Holmes sighed and nodded...

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