Chapter 8: Questions?

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The three rode in the Taxi silently, Sherlock was holding Abbie very close to him and he kept his eyes staring out the window, watching the world go by. The Taxi drove down a quiet rode, filled with small normal houses, the street was full of young children running around playing tag. The Taxi slowed at the bottom of the street then stopped in front of a house.

Sherlock stepped out of the cab with Abbie, John followed him up to the front door of the house.

"Who lives here?" John asked as he looked at the door.

"Kelly Martin used to live here," Sherlock told him and pulled out a key.

John glanced at Abbie. "You mean her Mother, Kelly Martin?" He asked.

Sherlock unlocked the door and gently pushed it open. "Yes," He said quietly.

Abbie smiled brightly at her old home and wriggled in her Fathers arms, Sherlock placed her on the floor and watched her run round the house.

"Sherlock why are we here?" John asked.

Sherlock sighed. "Moriarty was looking for something at the flat," He stated. "It has to be something Kelly owned."

Sherlock and John walked around the house, pictures of both Mother and Child were displayed, the place was tidy and clean, some of Abbie's toy's were in the living room; Nothing seemed strange.

Abbie went up stairs, Sherlock and John followed the toddler closely as she went into her Mothers room and began to look round the room.

"Mommy?" Abbie called.

Sherlock sighed. "She's not here Abbie, she's at work," He lied.

Abbie was too young to even begin to understand where her Mother really is. Sherlock knew that Abbie wouldn't really remember these few years as she got older, so it wouldn't hurt to lie to her a little...

Sherlock knelt down to his daughters height. "Where's your room?" He asked. "Can you show me?"

Abbie nodded and went out the room, Sherlock walked out the door and down the hall into another room. It was a pink room, the furniture was white, the floor was covered in toys. Sherlock watched as Abbie placed her Horse on her bed and went to her wardrobe and got in it.

Sherlock frowned. "What are you doing?" He asked and looked in the wardrobe.

Abbie came out and was holding a small box. "Mommy," She told him and opened it showing it to Sherlock.

Sherlock knelt down and held the box in his hands; The box was full of old newspaper clippings from the times he and Kelly put away Moriarty's men and took down his web, the plans they wrote down on napkins and scrap bits of papers and at the bottom of the box was a picture of Sherlock in the hat the day he announced he faked his suicide but there was something attached to it, an envelop.

Sherlock ripped the envelop open and began to read it.


Dear Sherlock Holmes,

If you are reading this then I am dead. I knew this would happen, it was only a matter of time before Moriarty knew I had betrayed him.

As of right now Jim is looking for something, something that I have been hiding for years; A computer system that will allow him to destroy every inch of the world, it has every countries secrets, army tac tics, weapons... Everything. The system is stored on a memory stick that is hidden in the safest place I know. I need you protect Abbie for me and she needs to forget me, I made a mistake that system could be the wnd of you all and I'm sorry.

I can not tell you exactly where the memory stick is but I can tell you that you have had it since the second you let Abbie into your life.

With love,

Your partner Kelly Martin.

P.S Never take your eyes of our daughter.

Sherlock looked at his daughters blue eyes, he gently tucked a blonde piece of hair behind her ear.

"I will keep you safe," Sherlock told her and gently kissed her head.

Abbie smiled and hugged him tightly as John walked in. "Found anything?" John asked.

"Kelly left a note for me," Sherlock stated and handed it to John. "A memory stick, that's what Moriarty is looking for."

John quickly read the note. "So where is it?" He asked.

Sherlock shrugged. "I don't know," He muttered. "Apparently I've had it since I met Abbie, how?"

Abbie picked up her horse and yawned quietly, Sherlock picked her up and placed her on his hip.

"It must be at the flat," Sherlock spoke up. "It must be in her bag or hidden in her jacket pockets!"

"I'll get Mary too meet us there," John told him and pulled out his phone.

Sherlock nodded and headed down stairs; Where could this memory stick be? How was it hidden so well?

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