Chapter 18: Dark Rooms

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WARNING- Dark scenes and violence!

It was very late at night, Abbie was still curled up against Sherlock's side asleep, John has left for the evening to check on his wife and child as for Mycroft he sat in the arm chair next to his brother watching, waiting for him to wake up...

Sherlock's fingers twitched but he did not wake, his heart rate went up, his breathing became heavy and ragged. Mycroft's eyes went wide, he ran to the door and stuck his head out.

"NURSE!" Mycroft shouted.

A few Nurses and Doctor came running in. Mycroft picked up Abbie and held her close, the little toddlers eyes shot open as she was carried away from her Father.

"NO!" Abbie screamed and struggled against Mycroft's hold.

"Stop, Abbie please, it's alright!" Mycroft told her. "He's going to be okay, I promise, I promise you he will wake up. He always does!"

The doctors and nurses tried to help Sherlock, they gave him more medication for the pain...


Sherlock was in his mind palace, he was dressed in his usual clothes. The detective was stood outside a door, his hand was holding the door handle trying to open it but it wasn't budging.

"What the hell?" Sherlock muttered.

"What's up?" John suddenly appeared next to him.

Sherlock sighed. "I can't open the damn door!" He grunted in frustration. "Why are you here, I thought I left you on the 56th floor?"

John chuckled. "You really are a prat sometimes, you know that right?" John told him. "You're not getting in there!"

Sherlock frowned at his friend. "And why's that?" He asked.

"You've shut you're self off from that room, you're confused by it!" John told him and walked off down the corridor.

Sherlock watched his friend walk away, the only sound was the gently steps he took until he vanished at the bottom of the corridor. The detective was confused as anything now...

Sherlock looked at the door the kicked it hard but nothing happened.

"Brother you create these things for a reason!" Mycroft said as he appeared next to him.

The young Holmes groaned. "I thought I left you outside!" He grumbled. "What do you mean?"

"You locked this room for a reason," He told him. "Surely you must remember? It's your puzzle room, everything you've never understood is in here, everyone you never understood is in here."

"Where is this going?" Sherlock asked.

"You're looking for something," Mycroft stated. "And it's not in there, you think it is but it isn't!"

Sherlock groaned and held his head. "You're annoying, and you're hurting my head shut up and tell me what I am apparently looking for!" He demanded.

Mycroft smirked. "The pain in you head is from some metal," He stated. "Anyway I can't tell you where it is, I never created this horrible place, you find it!"

Suddenly his brother vanished and Sherlock was once again alone; What could he be looking for, how was he supposed to find it if he didn't know what he was looking for?

Sherlock walked through the corridors of his mind palace, he would pop his head into different rooms every now and then looking at old memories, information from past cases, some of his trusted homeless network people and many other things.

"What am I looking for?" Sherlock muttered in frustration.

Sherlock went down a level, this corridor was home to his worst nightmares, his dark ages, the things that truly frightened him. This level was dark, foggy and cold just like that night he and John went to see the hound of Baskerville. The young Holmes slowly opened a door then stepped inside.

"Daddy!" A little voice cried.

Sherlock turned and saw Sebastian holding Abbie with a gun pressed to her head. Tears were streaming down his daughters face, Sebastian was laughing uncontrollably, the room was spinning.

"NO, NO ABBIE!" Sherlock shouted.

"Bye Daddy," Sebastian said and pulled the trigger.

Suddenly Sebastian vanished and Abbie's lifeless body hit the floor. Sherlock slid across the floor and held is child in his arms, he looked at the side of her head, dark red blood was poring out of it and onto his clothing, he held Abbie tightly.

"You knew it would happen Sherlock," Moriarty said as he walked around Sherlock. "You can't protect her, she won't make it with you!"

Suddenly Abbie's body was gone, Sherlock gasped and looked up at Moriarty who was now holding the little girl in his arms. Moriarty smiled and kissed the little's forehead then gently rocked her.

"So sweet isn't she?" Moriarty stated. "Very cute!"

Once again Moriarty and Abbie vanished Sherlock span around and saw John sitting on the floor holding Mary and their baby girl tightly, all three were strapped to bombs.

"You can't save everyone Sherlock," Moriarty whispered.

The three bombs exploded killing the three Watson, the floor was covered in blood... Sherlock was breathing heavily, his was white with fear.

"Sherlock," Mycroft whispered.

The detective turned and saw his older brother lying in a hospital bed, he was pale and thin. Mycroft was hooked up to many wires, a bandage was wrapped around his chest and blood was slowly appearing over his heart, the heart monitor went flat...

"You'll lose everyone Sherlock!" Moriarty told him.

Sherlock fell to the floor. "The Watsons," Moriarty whispered.

All three Watson lay dead on the floor.

"You're brother," Moriarty whispered.

Mycroft lay on the floor blood all around face and clothes.

"You're few friends," Moriarty chuckled.

Lestrade and Molly lay on the floor still, their faces were very pale.

"And your little girl!" Moriarty laughed like a maniac as Abbie body appeared on the floor.

The toddler wore a light pink dress that was torn, covered in blood and dirt. Abbie her self was covered in bruises, cuts, burns... Sherlock had tears in his eyes.

"NO!" Sherlock shouted and held his head. "I want to wake up, I need to see them, I need to see everyone, I will always save them, please let me wake!"

"DADDY!" Abbie screamed.

"LET ME WAKE UP!" Sherlock yelled.


Mycroft and Abbie stood outside Sherlock's hospital room, the toddler had calmed down and was now resting her head on her uncles shoulder. Mycroft paced the corridor trying to calm himself down, he had been here plenty of times with his brother and every time his little brother pulled through.



Just before Sherlock handed Abbie over to Sebastian back at the Nursery the detective had pick pocketed Abbie so he had the gun. Sherlock knew Sebastian would notice if he had a gun so the switch had to be made when Sebastian saw Sherlock gun less but also when Sebastian was focused on something else; Abbie running into his arms. Once Sherlock placed his daughter on the floor he took the gun and no one noticed. Sherlock had killed Sebastian with his little girls help!

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