Chapter 25: Didn't see that coming!

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A/N- I am so sorry it has taken
me so long but here it is.

Sherlock was still stood by the door waiting ever so patiently to leave, John was sat in an arm chair going over everything that has just happened and was preparing himself for what was to come, Jack was sat on the desk next to Abbie and Sherrinford was sat in his chair looking very proud of himself.

"I am so confused!" John stated as he rubbed his temples.

Sherrinford chuckled and looked at Jack. "I think he's going to have a heart attack!" He joked then turned his head to look at his little brother. "Honestly Sherly how has he been able to keep up with you?"

Sherlock huffed in annoyance. "Brother please hurry up with this next part because this really is soul destroying!" He told him in a bored tone.

The middle Holmes rolled his eyes. "Now Sherlock we all now you don't have a soul!" He joked.

Abbie let out a little giggle, earning a glare from her father.

"Hang on so how did you become an International Government Agent?" John asked Jack.

The Lestrade boy smiled. "I have the Holmes brothers to thank for that!" He stated. "I was a troubled teen, my parents fighting then getting divorced so I started causing a bit of trouble breaking into places, I broke into here; Wasn't easy but I did it, went all around the place then ended up in here and came face to face with Sherrinford."

"I applauded his skills and we started talking, I knew he would be very useful in this line of work so I trained him up. It took two months of intense training but we got there in the end and he couldn't be anymore trustworthy!" Sherrinford took over. "He is one of my top agents, he's been all over the world protecting his country!"

Sherlock eyes darted all over the boy; How could he have not seen this?

"Oh Sherlock stop with the deductions, I trained him myself!" Sherrinford told his brother. "I taught him everything I know!"

"Great so now there's two of you!" Sherlock grumbled.

Sherrinford stood up and went over to Abbie, he gently placed his hand on her head then ran his fingers through her blonde hair. Sherlock watched his brother and daughter carefully, he watched as Abbie leaned into his touch and smiled softly.

Sherlock knew Sherrinford didn't just want there help...

"What about your Mom and Dad?" John asked Jack.

"My Mom doesn't give a damn, she's to busy with my PE teacher and my Dad is always working!" Jack explained.

John sighed sadly and remembered when Lestrade used to tell him about his sleepless nights worrying where his son was, wondering if he was with his Mother or with his friends... Now he knows he was running around for the Holmes brothers.

"Daddy where My- My?" Abbie asked with a little yawn.

Sherlock went over to his daughter and picked her up placing her on his hip. "He's busy with his boring meetings," He told her and let her rest her head on his shoulder.

Just then the door handle clicked open, the door slowly opened. In the corner of Sherlock's eye he watched his brother and Jack cross there arms and smile. What was going on?

Abbie tilted her head to the side when she saw her Father's expression as his eyes scanned the person that entered the room.

John's jaw dropped at the sight of her...

"Bloody hell!" John mumbled.

"Irene Adler?" Sherlock asked and turned to his older brother.

Sherrinford chuckled. "Yes, the woman!" He spoke up proudly.

"Hello Sherlock, Doctor Watson," Irene greeted with a smile.

Irene's eyes then fell on the Abbie Holmes who did not look impressed with the woman. Abbie took in Irene's appearance; Tight black dress, heels that should look painful and she was very pretty.

"You must be Sherlock's special little girl," She stated. "Aren't you a pretty little thing!"

Irene went to stroke Abbie's hair but she flinched away and hid her face in Sherlock's neck.

"Leave her," Sherlock whispered harshly.

A smile played on Irene's lips. "Hm I like this protective Daddy side to you," She told him. "Is the elder Holmes here yet?"

"Not yet but as soon as he is we shall go to the jet," Sherrinford told her.

"What?" John and Sherlock asked in sync.

Jack hopped off the desk. "We need to leave tonight!" He told them. "Agents have already got your things, John you wife and daughter are under the protection of the british government while you are away. They will be safe!"

"Right, good, okay... Sherlock what is going on?" John asked his friend praying for a good answer.

Sherlock looked at a everyone in the room... His brother and Irene Adler together could only mean trouble, Jack Lestrade was someone new and unpredictable...

"There is a new game John and I'm not sure what the rules are," Sherlock mumbled as he held his daughter close.

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