Chapter 21: Ew!

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A/N- Can I just say how amazing you lovely lot are!! Thank you for reading up to this far, I've been reading over some of your comments and I can't stop smiling, seriously I'm so happy that you guys love what I am doing and I hope you carry on loving my work!!

"I don't want to be a buzz kill or anything but this isn't a playground," Lestrade spoke up looking at Sherlock and John.

It was late in the afternoon, Sherlock and John were asked to a crime scene by Lestrade so of course the crime solving duo caught a cab and went straight to the crime scene... With baby Maddie and Abbie.

Abbie was running around with Sherlock copying his movements, John had Maddie in his arms gently rocking her; her baby bag and carrier were by the door.

The four looked very out of place...

"We couldn't leave them on their own," John stated.

Lestrade rolled his eyes. "Why couldn't Mrs Hudson have them?" He asked.

"Have you heard my child scream?" Sherlock asked casually leaning against the wall.

Lestrade looked at Sherlock. "N-No," He stuttered.

"She has a big set of lungs," John mumbled. "Sherlock isn't allowed to leave the room without her!"

"Ask Mycroft, he has to suffer when she stays with him," Sherlock spoke up. "She can scream for about one hour, 13 minutes and 56 seconds then she falls asleep."

The DI cleared his throat. "Right but er this isn't exactly the best place for the girls, this crime scene is a bit..." He trailed off not being able to find the right words for the bloody mess on the floor and horrid body on the bed.

"Ew!" Abbie stated holding a bloody shirt.

Lestrade pulled a face looking at the child. "Yes, er ew," He mumbled and took the shirt off the child and bagged it up then looked at John. "Does Mary know you've brought Maddie here?"

John chuckled softly. "Of course not," He mumbled. "I'm still alive, of course she doesn't know. This was Sherlock's fault anyway he dragged me here!"

"You wanted to come!" Sherlock stated. "I'd never seen you run so fast!"

John rolled his eyes at his friend... Even though what Sherlock said was true.

"Daddy, what's happened?" Abbie asked as she leaned against Sherlock's leg.

Sherlock smiled. "Well it's clear that the blood around the room is not blood from the body, the body is actually three days old cause of death is strangulation you can tell by the bruising on the neck and just under the chin, murder was jealous younger brother who was left with nothing when their Father died six weeks ago," He explained and picked Abbie up. "Simple."

Abbie smiled brightly and rested her head on Sherlock's shoulder yawning softly. "Sorted lets go before Mary wonders where we are!" John stated as he buckled Maddie in her carrier.

"Yes, goodbye Lestrade!" Sherlock said and quickly left.

Sherlock and John got different cabs home.

In the cab Abbie sat on Sherlock's lap. "Daddy owie," She mumbled touching her head.

Sherlock frowned. "You probably have a head ache," He told her and touched her head, it felt warm.

He opened the window a little and let the cool air enter the cab hoping it would cool Abbie down. Once at Baker street, Sherlock carried the toddler inside and into the living room, the duo removed their coats and Abbie lay on the sofa. Sherlock was sat in his chair and watched as his daughter went pale.

"What on earth?" Sherlock asked himself and he knelt down next to his daughter. "What hurts?"

Abbie touched her head and her chest. "Daddy ow," She told him.

Sherlock picked Abbie up and held her close. "You still feel warm," He mumbled as he searched his mind palace.

He mental slapped himself for deleting all information he had about childhood illnesses. All that remand was life threatening illnesses and causes of death theories... Not exactly helpful.

"Hmm, I wonder if Molly is busy?" Sherlock mumbled as he picked up his phone.

Abbie is unwell
I don't know what
I'm supposed to do.

He sent the next then though for a moment.

Just come over.
Bring whatever you need.

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