Chapter 2: Another Holmes

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Lestrade had brought the little girl to his office at Scotland Yard. It was now that Lestrade was able to look over the girls features; Her hair was blonde and reached her lower back, her eyes were sky blue, she wasn't tanned but she had a nice glow about her and she was very quiet.

The DI had gotten some information about her and lets just say some of the information he got, well he wasn't too sure about how true the information was.

"Lestrade why have you called John and I over here, we were in the middle of a case!" A curly haired man shouted making the little girl jump and hug her toy horse.

Lestrade glared at the man. "Thank you for coming Sherlock but this is more important than your case," He told him.

Sherlock raised a brow. "Oh really?" He asked.

"Kelly Martin," The DI stated and he watched Sherlock's face went pale. "Does the name mean anything to you?"

"I know a Kelly Martin," Sherlock stated.

Lestrade handed him a picture of Kelly. "Miss Martin was murdered this morning," He stated.

Sherlock frowned at the picture; It was a beautiful blonde in an Army uniform... It was Kelly for definite. "How do you know I knew her?" He asked not taking his eyes of the picture.

"Your name is on here," Lestrade told him and handed him a birth certificate.

Sherlock quickly scanned the certificate. "Who the hell is Abbie Holmes?" He asked.

"Mommy?" The little girl spoke up as soon as she heard her name.

Sherlock slowly looked at the small child that was sat on the desk, he looked over the small blonde in front of him, worn pink Wellington boots so she wore them a lot, clean jeggings and jacket so she was well looked after, her blonde hair was in a pony tail, the girl looked about two years old, not very talkative and very shy.

Sherlock stood up straight and looked at John. "Call Molly I want a DNA test," He told his friend.

John nodded slowly. "Are you going to explain?" He asked.

His friend hummed. "Depends if this birth certificate is correct or not," Sherlock stated then looked at Abbie in the eye. "You have two choices, I can carry you or you can walk."

Abbie looked at him, she looked a little scared but she slowly pushed herself onto the floor and stood next to Sherlock, she was tiny compared to him. Lestrade, Sherlock, John and Abbie walked through the station, Sherlock stayed close to the little girl and watched her every move carefully.

As the four got outside Abbie saw her chance and made a run for it, she ran down the path but she didn't get very far of course, Sherlock's long legs soon caught up to her and he scooped her up.

Abbie let out a scream and thrashed around. "Oh she is so yours," John stated and chuckled. "Doesn't like following orders."

"Abbie stop squirming!" Sherlock told her and held her tightly as he got in the Cab.

Sherlock sat Abbie on his lap but that didn't last long, she wriggled in his grip then he placed her in between his legs on the floor, she sat there crying into his trouser leg.

Sherlock looked at John and Lestrade in the corner of his eyes. "Don't say a word!" He growled through gritted teeth. "Stop crying, there is no need to cry over being told what to do."

John tried to hide a laugh. "Maybe you should listen to your own advice," He mumbled.

The four quickly drove St Barts hospital. Sherlock carried a now calm Abbie into the morgue where Molly was waiting with all her equipment. Lestrade and John stood on the other side of the morgue as Sherlock sat Abbie on the table.

Molly smiled at the little blonde. "Hey little one," She greeted. "I love your horse."

Abbie clutched her horse tighter and slowly shuffled towards Sherlock. "So you wanted to get away from me earlier now you want me to comfort you?" Sherlock asked her.

Abbie just clung to Sherlock's coat and pressed her face into his chest. "She can sit on your lap, if it'll make things easier?" Molly suggested.

Sherlock sighed then hopped on the bench, he placed Abbie on his lap facing Molly. Sherlock held his hand out letting Molly prick his finger and draw some blood out, she bottled it, washed her hands and picked up another prick.

Sherlock held Abbie tightly then held her hand out to Molly, Sherlock sent her a look that meant 'Hurry up'. Molly pricked the toddlers finger drawing some blood out and making the little girl cry, after the blood was drawn Abbie thrashed around in Sherlock's arms.

Sherlock growled. "What do I do?" He asked out loud.

John sighed. "Hug her," He stated; This wasn't rocket science!

Sherlock held Abbie close to him and was gently shushing her, Lestrade wasn't sure if what he was seeing was reality, never in all his life would he see Sherlock cuddling a child.

"Mommy!" Abbie cried clutching both Sherlock and her horse.

Sherlock sighed. "I know shush now," He told her. "Look I've been pricked aswell and I'm not crying."

Sherlock held up his finger showing her the small blood spot on his finger. Abbie looks at his finger curiously then looked at her finger than also had a blood spot on it.

She raised her finger to Sherlock. "Owie," She told him.

Sherlock looked at her watery eyes, he used his thumb to brush away her tears. "You're okay, you won't even notice it later," He told her and brushed her hair out of her eyes.

"Bloody hell," John muttered.

"Is this really happening?" Lestrade asked himself. "Someone pinch me!"

John smirked and pinched Lestrades arm making him jump. "JESUS CHRIST!" He shouted.

Sherlock glared at the two and they quickly shut up. The morgue doors opened to reveal Molly holding a clip board, she was scanning over it, the boys leaned in a little closer to her waiting for the answer...

Molly looked at Sherlock then smiled at the little girl. "She's yours," She stated and handed Sherlock the paper that had all the information on it.

The result hit him like a ton of bricks, he was holding his biological child. Sherlock thought a little deeper, if Kelly hadn't been killed then he may have never have met Abbie and she probably would never have met him. Sherlock sighed and pulled out his phone and sent a text to Mycroft.

Get to Baker Street!

Sherlock placed Abbie on the floor and held the strap on her bag stopping her from running off. "John I assume you are wanted at home to help with your new baby," Sherlock stated then looked at the DI. "Lestrade your team needs you, hurry before they burn down the station."

Lestrade looked a little shocked. "So where in that sentence does Abbie come in?" He asked.

Sherlock frowned. "She's coming with me obviously," He stated.

"Obviously," John and Lestrade both muttered.

"Good glad thats sorted, thank you for bringing this situation to light, good afternoon," Sherlock told them and left with Abbie.

As Sherlock walked Abbie kept grabbing his trousers making him stop, she would then lift her arms up and flash her puppy dog eyes.

The Detective stopped and lowered himself to the girls height. "Okay if we are going to do this, we are doing this my way," He told her and took off her back pack then picked her up placing her on his hip, he picked up her bag and held it in his free hand.

Sherlock walked out the hospital and hauled a cab, he sat in the back of the cab and placed Abbie on the chair next to him, letting her lie across the chair but she wasn't happy about that, she scrambled up and sat leaning against Sherlock's side.

The detective looked at the little girl and sighed, this was his life now.

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