Chapter 23: No!

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It had been a week since Abbie had fallen ill and the little girl was slowly getting better much to Sherlock and Mycroft's delight.

Sherlock was sat at the kitchen table looking in his micro-scope; He was currently working on a case from home it was only a six but he needed something that wouldn't make him leave the flat.

"Daddy cas!" Abbie said as she held her coat up to her Dad.

Since the start of the illness Abbie still wanted to go on cases but Molly told Sherlock it wouldn't be wise to drag Abbie everywhere, the little girl needed rest and Sherlock was determined to try and give her that.

"Not today," Sherlock told her softly. "You're still not well and I don't want to make it worse."

Abbie sat on the floor and pouted, little tears appeared in her eyes...

Sherlock got up and left the room; Those eyes, they were the eyes he used to give his Mother when she wouldn't let him do something. He knew the eyes worked!

"Daddy!" Abbie whimpered.

"No!" Sherlock stated and sat in his arm chair and closed his eyes.

Abbie crawled on her hands and knees to Sherlock's feet. "Daddy please!" She begged and tugged his trousers.

"Abbie my word is final!" He told her sternly.

Abbie was stubborn just like Sherlock so really it was like he was having an argument with himself... Can you imagine?

"Wanna see Jack!" Abbie whined then paused for a few seconds... "Daddy I scream!"

Sherlock slowly opened his eyes and slowly looked down at his small teary eyed daughter.

"Don't!" He told her firmly. "Don't even think about it!"

Abbie sucked in a deep breath, her little hands were in tight fists...


Sherlock groaned and clenched his eyes shut.

"What is going on here?" Mycroft asked as he entered the flat.

Abbie stopped screaming and looked at her Uncle. "My- My Daddy no cas!" She told him and began to cry.

Mycroft raised a brow at his little brother. "Oh dear, all the screaming over cases?" He asked and picked Abbie up. "What a terrible Father."

Sherlock glared at his brother. "You are not helpful!" He stated.

Mycroft rolled his eyes and sat in the red arm chair, he sat Abbie on his lap and lay his umbrella on the floor getting comfy.

"I'm not here to be helpful brother, I'm here to tell you, you are being watched," Mycroft told his brother.

Sherlock rolled his eyes. "Yes I know, now please leave!" He told him.

"He wishes to see you little brother," Mycroft told him.

"No!" Sherlock stated and picked Abbie up and sat her on his hip.

Mycroft watched his brother and niece carefully, the way his brother looked at Abbie with such love was something he thought he'd never see. As a boy Sherlock was never caring in any way, he always kept to himself and was always very distant from emotions.

The eldest Holmes sighed. "Sherlock, he wants to see you!" He stated. "You, John and Abbie!"

Sherlock's jaw tightened. "He is not to come near my daughter, ever!" He told his brother firmly. "He is the definition of dangerous, all he will do is put everyone in danger!"

"You will see him Sherlock!" Mycroft stated harshly.

Sherlock raised a brow. "What makes you so sure?" He challenged.

"He is our brother!"


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