Chapter 3: Uncle Mycroft

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The cab pulled up outside 221b, Sherlock picked up and now sleeping Abbie, she rested her head on his shoulder, he was amazed that she still had hold of the toy horse. He carried her up to the second floor and into the living room where Mycroft was waiting for them, he was in his grey suit, holding his black umbrella sitting in John's chair.

"Hello brother dearest," Mycroft greeted him.

Sherlock walked into the room and lay Abbie on the sofa but as soon as she lost contact with him she shot up and tried to reach for him. He sighed and removed his his coat tossing it over on the table, he picked Abbie up and sat on the chair with her.

"Why don't you take her coat and shoes off?" Mycroft suggested. "I'm sure she can't be comfortable like that."

Sherlock glared at his brother then slipped Abbie's shoes off and undid her coat and pulled it off her. "There!" He stated and leaned back in his chair.

Mycroft smirked at the two. "You look comfortable," He said with an amused grin.

"Shut up," Sherlock growled and sent his brother an evil glare.

"Do you know anything about her?" Mycroft asked as he looked at the yawning toddler.

Sherlock scoffed. "I'm sure you've done your research," He mumbled and pulled Abbie's hair tie out of her hair, letting her blonde hair fall down her back.

Mycroft looked at Abbie and gently pulled her hair down to it's full length, it was half way down her back, it had obviously never been cut before.

"Come on then brother what information have you got?" Sherlock asked.

"I have done my research, Abbie Holmes is Two years and two months old, she is toilet trained which is surprising, she is extremely clingy to her Mother but by the looks of things you've done a brilliant job at getting her to like you I must say, I didn't know you were Father material," Mycroft explained. "You do realise if you decide to keep her then you'll have to be very careful about what you do or I could take her off your hands?"

Sherlock suddenly felt very protective over the small child. "You don't think I can take care of her," He stated.

"I didn't say that," Mycroft told him.

"It sounded like it," Sherlock shot back

Mycroft sighed. "Moriarty is apparently back, I am only thinking about her safety," He explained.

"She is my daughter, therefore she stays with me," Sherlock told him.

Mycroft nodded. "Very well, I shall send some people round with things for her, she can't live out that bag forever," He told him and stood up, Abbie raised her head to looked at him. "Hello Abbie, I'm Mycroft."

Sherlock smirked. "He's Uncle Mycroft," He stated.

Mycroft glared at him."See you very soon."

Mycroft picked up his umbrella and left the flat leaving his brother and niece alone.

Sherlock sighed and placed a hand over his face which caused Abbie to giggle and move his hand away from his face, Sherlock frowned and did it again, Abbie giggled and moved his hand away.

"Why is that so funny?" He asked himself and looked a her curiously.

"Mama?" She asked and tilted her head to the side.

Sherlock sighed softly. "Your Mommy's gone away for a while," He told her and ran his finger through her blonde hair, gently pulling out the knots. "You'll be alright though, I'm a consulting detective so your in safe hands and then there's John who is an ex- army doctor, he'll always be there if we need patching up and Mycroft, he runs the British government so if we get introuble he has to get us out of it but over all he is a good man but don't tell him I said that."

Abbie giggled and slid off his lap, she ran to her bag and opened it, she pulled out a pink blanket and held it close to her, she ran back to Sherlock and held her arms up to him. Sherlock picked her up and wrapped the blanket around her and she cuddled her horse.

"I first met John in Barts Morgue, I was on a case at the time and I was looking for a flat share but I didn't know that Mike Stamford would find an old friend and bring him into the morgue," Sherlock began.

Sherlock told Abbie about all the cases he had been on since he met John, he told her all the tails about the pranks he would pull on Mycroft and he even told her about the Woman. Abbie was sat up listening to him, taking in every word he said to her, Sherlock couldn't help but feel like she understood everything he said to her.

After a while Abbie had fallen back asleep on Sherlock's chest, he carried her into his room and lay her in the middle of the bed, he moved the pillows so they were like a barrier around her to stop her from falling off the edge, he lay her blanket over her and half shut the door to listen for her.

Sherlock sat in his chair and went to his mind palace, a room was going to be made for this little Holmes.

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