Chapter 16: Sebastian

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A week later Sherlock, John and Abbie went to face 'Sebastian'.

All week Abbie had been terrified of what might happen, she didn't want Sherlock to hurt Sebastian and she didn't want Sebastian to hurt Sherlock. The toddler was confused about what had really happened between her Daddy and Jimmy, Sebastian had told her what happened but the toddler just couldn't understand; to Abbie her Daddy was a great man but now...

"Daddy sow," Abbie said loudly as she and John tried to stay close to Sherlock as he walked down the road.

Sherlock's long legs were no match for the toddler and Doctor. The Detective was walking down the road like the world depended on it.

"Come on, we're here!" Sherlock told them as he went round the corner.

The toddler pouted as she went into reception. "Daddy," Abbie sniffled and held her arms up to him.

Sherlock looked down and gently picked her up. "I'll fix this," He whispered and kissed her temple. "I'll protect you."

John huffed. "Did you bring a gun?" He asked quietly.

"No," Sherlock mumbled as he brushed Abbie's hair out of her face.

"WHAT?" John shouted. "You told me to bring a gun, I bloody protested because it's a nursery but I brought it any way and you haven't even brought one!"

Sherlock sighed and went into Abbie's pocket. "Abbie brought it," He told him then slipped it back into Abbie's pocket.

John stood there wide eyed, mouth hanging open and just in overall shock... Was Sherlock Holmes for real? The answer was yes. For a while now Sherlock had been teaching Abbie little secret words which meant different things, to Abbie it was a big game but to Sherlock, it was BRILLIANT!

"SHUSH!" Sherlock whispered loudly and the door buzzed open.

The trio headed down the corridor to the small classroom where many children were running around screaming, laughing and playing. Sherlock winched at the noise and went inside... The room fell silent as all the children stared at them.

"ABBIE!" A little boy shouted and jumped up and down. "Come play!"

Sherlock looked at the little boy; He had short blonde hair, dark green eyes, his clothes were expensive and tidy... Parents must have important jobs in high places.

The little boy tried to climb up Sherlock's body to get to Abbie. "Child stop!" Sherlock told him. "Go and play, leave my daughter."

"Hi Tom!" Abbie giggled and looked down at her friend.

Sherlock groaned. "Abbie please don't encourage him," He told her. "I can hardly handle your snot, net alone another child's!"

Abbie pouted. "No nice," She told Sherlock and shook her head.

"I know but right now we have better things to get on with," He told her.

"I believe so Mister Holmes," A man's voice stated.

Sherlock turned to look at a man in black dress trousers, a dark blue button up, his dark hair was combed nicely and a cocky smile played on his lips. Abbie wriggled in Sherlock's arm begging to get down, happiness and excitement shone through her bright eyes as Sherlock slowly placed her on the floor letting her run over to the man.

"SEBBY!" Abbie yelled.

Sebastian knelt down and opened his arms letting the little girl run into his chest. "Oh Abbie, I've missed you," He told her. "I didn't know you were in today with your Daddy's?"

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