Chapter 6: The Unknown

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Sherlock had returned to the flat with Abbie.

He was sat cross legged on the floor, he watched his daughter play with her toy horse, she would stack the books and place the horse on top of them.

Sherlock smiled softly at the toddler, she was so young and so much danger was around her. Sherlock for once wasn't sure of what to do, he was alone right now; John had to protect his own child, Mycroft was trying to figure out where Moriarty was.

"Detive," Abbie said and looked at Sherlock. "What?"

Sherlock sighed. "It's fine, your fine, we're fine, everything is fine so don't worry," He told her and closed his eyes.

Abbie titled her head to the side, she stood up holding her horse tightly in her hands and went over to sherlock, she moved his hands away from his face and sat in his lap, she rested her head against his chest and sighed softly. Sherlock wrapped his arms around her small body and pressed a gently kiss to the top of her head.

"He'll never get to you," Sherlock whispered. "He'll never hurt you, I swear on my life."

Abbie yawned. "Dadda," She mumbled and closed her eyes trying to fall asleep.

Sherlock's heart melted and for once he was utter speechless all thanks to a two year old.


The door bell rang.

Sherlock carefully stood up and carried Abbie down stairs to the door, he opened the front door and came face to face with the man himself.

"Moriarty," Sherlock hissed and held Abbie closer to his chest.

Moriarty smiled. "Afternoon Sherlock," He greeted. "It's been such a long, long time."

"Not long enough!" Sherlock told him. "Why are you here?"

"Well that's a terrible way to greet your guest," Moriarty stated. "Not setting a very good example to Abbie now are we?"

Sherlock sighed and glanced at his half asleep daughter, he slowly stepped out the way and let Moriarty past. Sherlock followed him up stairs and into his flat, Moriarty sat in the black leather chair and made him self comfortable as Sherlock sat on the sofa not letting his grip soften on his daughter.

"Don't look so scared Sherly," Moriarty told him. "I'm not going to take her, yet!"

Sherlock tried to hold a strong poker face but Moriarty's words scared him, he new better than to take Moriarty's words as a bluff.

"She looks like her Mother," Moriarty stated. "That blonde hair, petite and very sweet. I found it very hard to say no to her Mummy."

Sherlock glared at him. "Why are you here?" He asked.

"Ah yes, this is a warning Sherly," He stated. "This is a tiny look at what I can do, your dear big brother is searching for me and yet I walked up to your front door and your brother is no where to be seen."

"The game is over, your web is broke and you have no other connections," Sherlock told him. "Why are you back?"

"Our game is far from over," Moriarty stated. "We didn't die on that roof top, so the game only ends when someone is dead!"

Sherlock stood up as did Moriarty, they squared up to each other both holding their eye contact.

"The game ends when one of us does and I will be seeing this sweet baby again soon," Moriarty stated as he gently stroked Abbie's hair. "See you Sir Boast- A - Lot."

Moriarty walked out the living room, his foot steps were soft and steady as he went down stairs, he slammed the door shut. Sherlock sighed and slumped in his chair, the unknown was happening, it was now a waiting game, he was waiting for Moriarty to make his move.

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