Chapter 15: A Picture...

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"My- My," Abbie said as she tugged the bottom of her Uncle's blazer.

"Abbie wait a minute," Mycroft told her as he held one of her pictures out of her reach.

Abbie's face went red and she shook with anger. "MY- MY!" The toddler screamed forcing tears to stream down her face.

"You do love to be dramatic," Mycroft mumbled. "You are too much like your Father!"

The duo were stood in Sherlock's flat waiting for him to come out of his room. Abbie had been trying to climb up her Uncle's body to retrieve the picture she had drew at Mycroft's house.

"My- My pwease!" Abbie begged and sat on the floor with her head bowed, her blonde/ brown hair covered her face.

Mycroft just wanted to scream; Since he took the picture off the toddler he had regretted it, the little girl had a big set of lungs on her... That had been made very clear.

"What the hell is going on in here?" Sherlock asked as he entered the room.

Abbie's head snapped round to face her Dad. "Daddy mine!" She told Sherlock and pointed up to the picture.

Sherlock raised a brow at his brother. "Mycroft, stealing a child's drawing, how very low," He told him.

Mycroft rolled his eyes. "Wait until you see the drawing," He told his brother and handed it to him.

Sherlock frowned as soon as his eyes landed on the picture... It was of two men, one was holding a gun up to another mans head but the other man looked a lot like Sherlock?

The Detective looked at the toddler then knelt down to her height. "Abbie what is this?" He asked her softly.

Abbie snatched the picture. "No shush!" She told him.

The Holmes brothers shared a worried look. "No Abbie, Holmes' don't keep secrets you must tell us!" Mycroft told her sternly.

Abbie shook her head and looked at Sherlock; Their eyes met and Abbie's eyes started to water.

"Abbie tell me," Sherlock begged her. "I'm your Father you can tell me, please I want you to be safe."

The little toddler sniffled. "Daddy, Sebby wanna give you owie," She told him.

Sherlock frowned. "Why does he want to give me an owie?" He asked softly.

"You hurt Jimmy," Abbie told him. "You weren't kind to Jimmy Daddy, you were bully."

Sherlock felt like his heart had stopped as he held his daughter close to him and gently picked her up letting her cry into her shoulder softly.

Mycroft hummed. "Sebby, short for Sebastian," He stated.

Sherlock thought for a moment as he gently rocked the little girl; His mind went on a walk around his palace. Abbie had a floor of her own, all her likes and dislikes, favourite games, murders, foods, everything. Sherlock had stored everything since day one!

How could his daughter have come into contact with someone connected to Jim Moriarty?

Sherlock's head suddenly snapped round to the kitchen, he sprinted into kitchen and went straight over to the fridge, he pulled the pictures off and looked at the names on the back...

'Abbie Holmes and Sebby M'

"I need to see this man!" Sherlock mumbled.

"You're saying you've left her with this man?" Mycroft asked.

Sherlock glared at his brother. "I thought you were the one that checked the staff out!" He shot back.

Mycroft scoffed. "Haven't you ever spoken to the teachers?" He asked.

"I have better things to do then listen to teachers tell me things I already know!" He stated.

"Alright shut up!" Mycroft told him. "What is your cunning plan now?"

Sherlock looked down at the little girl in his arms, his little girl was teary eyed and confused... This Sebastian must have told Abbie that Sherlock hurt Jim or in child form bullied him, every child knows that bullies must be stopped.

"I think I'm going to book a meeting with this Sebastian," Sherlock stated softly.

Mycroft raised a brow. "And then what?" He asked.

Sherlock held a poker face as his eyes met his brothers. "Protect my daughter and give this Sebastian an owie!"

The three Holmes' all stood looking at each other... This Sebastian wanted revenge, he wanted to brake this family, he wanted them to pay...

Mycroft smirked. "Hm I'm guessing he's messed with the wrong father?" He asked his brother.

Sherlock nodded firmly...

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