Chapter 26: A Long Jet Ride

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"Daddy, don't wanna go," Abbie told Sherlock as they were once again in the back of a sleek black Jaguar.

John, Irene and the four Holmes' had left Sherrinford's mansion. The two elder Holmes' had gone in one car and Irene, John and the two younger Holmes' went in another as for Jack he had a mission he had to attend to first before he joined them.

Sherlock sighed. "I know but we have to," He told her softly as he tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.

Sherlock really didn't want to go either, he'd rather spend a week explaining things to Scotland Yard.

"Daddy, wanna go home," Abbie spoke up.

"She has your eyes," Irene stated looking at the toddler. "And your cheek bones."

"Actually she has her Mothers eyes," Sherlock corrected her; His attention was on the run way outside.

Abbie frowned a little and looked at her buckle, her little hands played with the straps and the button but nothing opened.

"Where are we going?" John asked.

"Sherrinford wants us all to go to New York, he's booked a fabulous hotel for us all," Irene explained not taking her eyes of the little girl.

John looked between the two Holmes' and Irene... Tension filled the air. Sherlock was looking at Irene in the corner of his eye and even John could tell he wasn't pleased with Irene.

The car pulled to a stop, Irene got out first then John followed. Sherlock huffed in annoyance and helped Abbie out of her car seat then carried her onto the jet.

Sherrinford and Mycroft were already on board and sitting comfortably, Irene sat across from the two elder Holmes' and buckled herself in, John looked at the jet in amazement as he sat down in his seat; The inside of the jet was black and silver, everything looked brand new and untouched.

Sherlock entered the jet, he made no eye contact with anyone as he made his way to the back of the jet. He placed Abbie in the seat by the window and buckled her in, as he buckled himself in an air hostess brought the shock blanket over and gave it to Abbie. The toddler smiled and hugged the blanket.

"Thanks My- My," Abbie mumbled and looked out the window.

Sherlock sighed and closed his eyes.

The jet's engines began to rumble and the plane started moving.

- 1 hour later -

The plane was high in the sky, John was half asleep in his chair, Irene and the two elder Holmes' were making planes but as for the two young Holmes' they were having some fun of their own...They were doing deductions on the air hostesses first, then they were throwing paper at John and Mycroft until Mycroft got angry.

Abbie and Sherlock were both drawing pictures; Sherlock was testing a theory, he believed that Abbie had a photographic memory and that is why she can remember things.

"What are you drawing?" Sherlock asked. Abbie held her picture up; It was of Moran and her at Nursery playing hide and seek. "Why did you draw that?"

Abbie shrugged and continued drawing, she would look at Sherlock's drawing; He was drawing the last crime scene he and John went to.

"My- My!" Abbie called and ran over to her Uncle. "Wook at this!"

Abbie handed Mycroft her drawings. "Abbie we're a little busy right now, wait," Mycroft told her.

"But My- My!" Abbie cried and pouted.

"I'll have a look sweetie," Irene told her with a smile.

Abbie hugged her pictures. "No," She told her then looked at Sherlock. "Daddy why she here?"

Sherlock couldn't help but laugh. "Good question," He told her.

Abbie sighed and looked at Mycroft. "My- My please wook," She begged.

"Abbie I will later just let me finish this," Mycroft told her.

Sherrinford looked at his niece. "Come here Abbie, I will look," He told her.

Before Abbie took a step towards her other Uncle, Sherlock shot up like a rocket and picked Abbie up. "I think I'll put her to sleep, she's not exactly the sweetest toddler when she's tired," He said quickly.

"What is your problem with me brother?" Sherrinford asked.

"Don't even go there!" John spoke up his eyes burning into the side of Sherlock's head.

Sherlock sighed. "Please do keep the noise down," He told them and headed back to his seat.

Mycroft sighed. "I cant wait to get off this bloody plane!" He mumbled.

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