Chapter 13: Seriously?

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As soon as Sherlock left Abbie his mind wasn't right, it took him longer to solve a case than usual, he just kept thinking about Abbie. The Detective found himself questioning his decision and that was very unlike him, John could see the change in his friend too it was like there was something missing...

Sherlock looked at his watched. "John it's two, thirty!" He announced. "We need to pick up Abbie!"

Sherlock quickly spurted out his deductions, grabbed John and jumped in a cab. Sherlock's knee bounced as the cab neared the small nursery; He prayed Abbie was okay and no one had tried to make her brain into a pile of mush.

The cab pulled up outside the Nursery, Sherlock threw his money at the driver and sprinted inside ignoring the Receptionist, as he entered the small class room his eyes darted all over the place looking for the small blonde... His eyes landed on his daughter who was happily sitting on the floor with the other children watching a kids cartoon.

"Abbie!" Sherlock breathed out.

Abbie turned her head and looked at her Dad. "DADDY!" She squealed and got up.

The little toddler ran into her Fathers arms and hugged him tightly. Just then Miss Hardy walked over to them holding a few kids paintings.

"Mr Holmes Abbie painted these while she was here," Miss Hardy announced and handed Abbie the pictures to hold.

Sherlock placed Abbie on the floor and grabbed her coat and bag. "Yes well I will think about this arrangement, I'm not sure she enjoyed it," He told the young teacher. "I will be in contact, afternoon!"

The two Holmes quickly left the classroom and bumped into John. "So how was it, did you like it?" John asked the smallest Holmes.

"YEAH!" Abbie shouted as she jumped up and down.

"No I don't believe sending her there is a good idea!" Sherlock snapped.

Abbie sniffled and held up her pictures. "Daddy wook!" Abbie told him. "I wike it!"

Sherlock's heart had broke there and then... Did his daughter prefer that place to him?

"Seriously?" He asked her.

The little blonde nodded. "Wook," She said quietly and held the pictures up.

The detective looked at the pictures... They were all of the two of them, some were of them doing experiments in the kitchen and others were of them on cases. The little girl still loved her Dad but she enjoyed Nursery, she enjoyed being with other children.

"Who's Seb?" John asked looking at the other name on the back of the paper.

Sherlock shrugged. "Another child most likely," He mumbled looking at down at his daughter. "So you like it there?"

Abbie nodded. "Yes," She told him.

"So you would like to go again?" Sherlock asked.

Abbie's blue eyes sparkled. "Pwease," She begged.

John looked at his friend. "You will never be able to say no to her little face," He stated looking at the two Holmes'.

Sherlock sighed. "I'll call them later to secure her place," He muttered and the three walked back to Baker street.

Abbie couldn't wait to see her friend again!

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