Chapter 14: My- My?

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"My- My?" Abbie spoke up.

Mycroft sighed. "What is the matter now Abbie?" He asked her slightly irritated.

The little girl tilted her head to the side. "Where Daddy?" She asked him.

"You've asked me that question seven times now," He grumbled. "I don't know."

Abbie huffed. "Bored," She stated and pouted. "Have cake?"

"No it's mine," He told her and moved the plate out of her reach. "You're Dad will buy you cake when he gets here!"

Abbie huffed and slumped in the chair; It was late at night, Sherlock was on a dangerous case with John so Mycroft had to take care of Abbie which he used to enjoy but the toddler is too much like Sherlock; She gets bored very easily and always asks the question 'why'!

The little toddler was in her pink onesie and was wrapped in Sherlock's shock blanket, Abbie couldn't sleep unless Sherlock was talking to her about his deductions or telling her about his case; She found his voice very soothing and comforting.

"My- My?" Abbie spoke up.

"No," He told her firmly knowing exactly what she wanted. "Go to sleep!"

Abbie huffed and climbed off the sofa then walked round to Mycroft and stood next to him, she didn't say anything she just stood there watching Mycroft type on his laptop.

"What is it?" Mycroft asked her not taking his eyes away from his work.

"Pwease!" She begged.

Mycroft huffed and turned in his computer chair to face Abbie. "If I do it will you go to sleep?" He asked her.

"Yes!" She told him with a giggle.

Abbie turned around so her back was to Mycroft, he pulled her hair back and began to braid from the top of her head, Abbie called it an 'Elsa braid', Anthea did it once and that was it, Abbie was obsessed with the hair style.

"You're a very demanding child," Mycroft stated.

Abbie just giggled not really knowing what he meant but still found his words funny. Mycroft got an elastic band and tied the end of Abbie's hair.

Abbie jumped round to face her Uncle. "There done!" He told her. "Now sit on the sofa and sleep!"

The little toddler ran and jumped on the sofa. "Thank you My- My!" She shouted and wrapped the blanket around her.

"You are very lucky you're family," He told her.

"Why?" She asked then yawned softly.

"Because you are just like your Father!" He told her with a soft chuckle.

Abbie yawned again and leaned against the sofa, slowly her eyes lids closed and her breathing steadied... She was sound asleep.

"Finally," Mycroft breathed out.

The elder Holmes couldn't believe how much Sherlock and Abbie were alike. Just like when Sherlock was younger Abbie was curious about everything and would do anything to get answers; Which included being very annoying!

"Brother," Sherlock greeted as he entered the room.

"Took your time," Mycroft stated.

His brother shrugged. "It's been a while since you've spent time with her," He stated and looked at his sleeping daughter. "And I see you braided her hair!"

Mycroft growled. "Don't go there!" He told him.

"Well we'll be off then," Sherlock told him.

"Before you go you may want some valuable information," Mycroft told him.

Sherlock raised a brow. "Oh?"

"Sebastian Moran," Mycroft told him.

Sherlock just looked at him then Mycroft handed him a piece of paper.

The Game is
On Mr Holmes.

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