Chapter 22: Sick!

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Sherlock was pulling his hair out, it had been a while since Abbie had cried like this and the detective hated it. The cry was high pitched, painful and heart breaking.

The three year old was lying on the sofa in her shorts and t- shirt, the shock blanket was now on the floor after she kicked it off. Sherlock was sat in his chair not knowing what to do, he opened all the windows trying to bring cool air into the flat, he gave Abbie plenty of water but nothing was helping.

"Abbie please, you screaming will not help," Sherlock told her softly.

The little girl sniffled and continued to cry. "Daddy owie," She cried hugging her body tightly.

"SHERLOCK?" Molly called as she climbed the stairs.

Sherlcok jumped out of his chair. "Molly, come in!" He told her and showed her in.

Molly walked into the flat and looked at the detective. "I came as soon as I got your text, how's she doing?" She asked as she set her bag on the floor.

Sherlock stepped out the way and showed Molly the teary eyed girl on the sofa. Molly crouched down next to Abbie, she took the toddlers temperature then sighed. The young women felt incredibly nervous with Sherlock standing over her shoulder, his eyes were burning into the back of her head...

"Abbie where does it hurt?" Molly asked gently and brushed the little girls cheek.

"Here!" Abbie sniffled and pointed to her head and then her chest.

"Well?" Sherlock asked.

Molly sighed. "Has she eaten anything?" She asked looking at the detective.

"I have tried to give her water but she won't drink much," He told her.

"Okay, run her a bath," Molly told him. "It er will relax her a little and then we'll erm bring her temperature down, I'd say she has a er virus."

Sherlock nodded and went into the bathroom and started to run a bath.

"Daddy!" Abbie cried and coughed.

Molly's heart ached for the little girl. She gently picked Abbie up and sat her on her hip, Molly let the little Holmes rest her head in the crook of her neck as she gently swayed trying to calm the child. Molly looked at Abbie and took in her feature; She had stunning eyes like Sherlock, her hair curled at the ends, her cheeks were defined and her little lips were a pale pink and perfectly formed.

Sherlock felt a small smile tug at his lips when he saw Abbie with Molly. "Comfy?" He asked looking at the duo.

Molly jumped and blushed. "I er, she was upset that you er left so I er," She stuttered and handed Abbie to her Father.

Sherlock ran his finger through Abbie's hair. "I hate hearing her cry like that, that's the cry I heard when she was with Moriarty and Moran," He mumbled as he walked into the bathroom.

Molly followed and stood in the door way of the bathroom; She watched Sherlock with his daughter, she couldn't help but smile... Never did she think she'd see Sherlock with a child but what made her smile grow was that she could see he was happy, really happy to have his little girl in his arms. Molly couldn't imagine what must have been going through his mind when Abbie was with Moriarty.

"Ducky!" Abbie mumbled and showed Sherlock the little yellow duck.

"What does a duck say?" He asked holding a bigger yellow duck.

She giggled. "Quack, quack!" She said quietly and pushed the duck in the water.

Molly smiled. "Smart girl," She stated softly.

Sherlock grinned. "Well I am her Father!" He stated placed his duck in the water.

"Did you ever think you'd be a Father?" Molly asked curiously.

The detective sighed and looked at the young women. "No," He stated softly. "I never imagined I'd have anything other than my work. It is a dangerous world and since the day Abbie appeared in my life I have tried to protect her and yet I have failed, Moriarty got her, Moran got her!"

"But you saved her," Molly told him. "You are a hero Sherlock, she is very lucky to have you as a Father, she will grow up and know that her Daddy will always find her."

Sherlock blinked at Molly what she said made him a little shocked. Was Molly right?

"Daddy, done," Abbie mumbled and began to try and climb out the bath.

"Hold on," Sherlock told her as he grabbed a pink towel.

He gently picked her up and placed her on the mat, he wrapped the towel around her small body. He carried her upstairs and into her room as Molly went into the kitchen to prepare some food for Abbie.
Sherlock sat his daughter on her bed and pulled out some clothes for her, she changed her and tied her hair in pigtails. Abbie snuggled into Sherlock's chest coughing and sniffling.

"Don't fall asleep, you need some food or you'll be up or night trying to get into the fridge," Sherlock told her as she stood up. "Wouldn't want to end up like Mycroft!"

Abbie giggled and shook her head. "No," She told him.

Sherlock carried Abbie down stairs and into the kitchen, the smell of chicken soup filled the kitchen. Abbie lifted her head and hummed at the smell then smiled at Molly who was holding a bowl with cool soup.

Molly placed the bowl on the table next to a glass of milk and a spoon, Sherlock placed Abbie in a chair, he sat down next to her and Molly handed him a cup of coffee.

Sherlock looked at Molly. "Black, two sugars," She said quietly and blushed.

Sherlock nodded in thanks and sipped his hot drink happily. The three sat around the table enjoying their food and drink, after a little while Molly got a cold flannel and placed it on Abbie head as Sherlock rocked her by the window.



Across from 221B Baker Street a man was knelt down on the roof watching Sherlock and Abbie

A small smile appeared on his lips and he pulled out his phone dialling a number...

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