Chapter 24: Sherrinford Holmes

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John, Sherlock and Abbie were sat in the back of a sleek black Jaguar car, anyone would think they were going to see Mycroft Holmes... Oh no they were going to see the other Holmes. After four days of sibling fights and arguments Mycroft convinced Sherlock to see their brother, the middle Holmes.

Sherrinford Holmes.

Oh yes and poor John has no idea what is going on...

"Who else owns black cars?" John asked.

Sherlock stayed silent staring out the window; He was not exactly happy about this situation at all. As for Abbie well she was in a toddler car seat that she really didn't like.

"Daddy I wan out!" Abbie told Sherlock and pouted.

Sherlock sighed. "We'll be there soon just sit still," He told her.

John frowned. "Where?" He asked.

"Hell," Sherlock mumbled.

After another ten minutes the Detective, the Army Doctor and the toddler pulled up outside a large mansion. The front looked stunning, the garden was filled with rose bushes all perfectly trimmed and shaped, John sat wide eyed as they pulled to a complete stop.  John hopped out the car as Sherlock freed Abbie from the car seat, he took her hand in his and lead her up the steps with John in tow.

Sherlock pressed the door bell...


The doorbell chimed loudly then a few seconds later and maid in her mid thirties opened the door, she stayed silent as she showed the trio into the house. Sherlock pulled Abbie close to his side and followed the maid with John close to his other side.

The house was old fashioned, oil paintings, strange antic pots and vases were on display, the house it's self was cold and creepy.

"When are you going to tell me what's going on?" John asked as he looked around.

The detective sighed. "Soon," He muttered. "Just keep walking!"

John sighed and followed the maid into a large office; It was dark, book shelves filled the side walls, a large desk was at the back of the room with a large black leather chair behind it but it's back was to the trio.

"You know if you were going for the evil villain look you'd have failed!" Sherlock stated calmly.

"How is that?" A soft British accent spoke.

"You're not scary!" Sherlock explained in a bored tone. "You just like to think you are!"

John frowned at Sherlock. "Now, now Sherly don't be like that," The voice told him. "You're not setting a good example for my niece!"

"Niece?" John asked in confusion and looked at his friend. "Who is he?"

The chair slowly turned to reveal a man. "Oh Sherly did you not tell John who I am?" He asked with a dramatic pout. "I am the other Holmes, Sherrinford Holmes!"

John's mouth hung open as he looked between the three Holmes. "You just keep on growing," He mumbled.

Sherrinford stood up and made his way over to the trio his eyes glued on his little niece. "Isn't she a beauty?" He asked them and knelt down in front of Abbie smiling softly. "Hello Abbie."

Sherlock pulled Abbie behind him and glared at his brother. "What do you want?" He growled.

Sherrinford glared at his little brother. "Now Sherlock, play nicely please," He told him sternly.

Sherlock held his glare not willing to give up the fight which made his older brother smile... The three Holmes brothers were always like this arguing, fighting, killing each other with their glares.

"How come we've never met?" John asked in confusion.

Sherrinford smirked. "Well Johnny boy you see I am in a slightly different line of work to Mycroft, he his what I call 'office tamed', he likes to stay behind the lines and tries to be in control where as I love to be right in the middle of the gun fire and I like to play by my rules," He explained. "You could say Mycroft is a British government agent where as I am a international agent."

"That went rogue!" Sherlock added. "You are dangerous and a fool!"

"Sherly inside voice!" Sherrinford snapped the sighed. "Yes I am a rogue agent because I get the job done, unlike Mycroft I will do whatever it takes to get results as soon as possible, I know how to get in contact with the darkest parts of the world and live to tell the tale."

"So you're like a street wise Mycroft?" John asked.

The elder Holmes chuckled softly. "If you like yes," He told me.

Abbie frowned. "You no My- My," She stated then crossed her arms.

Sherrinford smiled. "Of course not sweetheart," He told her softly.

The toddler let a small smile play on her lips; Sherrinfords voice was rather soothing like her Fathers but his posture and attitude was like Mycroft's.

Sherlock huffed in annoyance. "I haven't seen you in four years, why did you want the three of us here?" He asked.

"Ah yes well I've hit a little snag on a mission," Sherrinford stated. "I need you three to assist me, I'll pay you a good amount of money and supply you with the best guns in the world."

"Coming to your younger brother for help are we?" Sherlock asked then started to laugh. "Oh this is new!"

Sherrinford rolled his eyes. "Bloody hell Sherlock I really only need Abbie but you and John are a bonus!" He corrected him.

Sherlock stopped laughing and glared daggers at his brother. "WHAT?" He snapped.

Sherlock picked Abbie up and went towards the door but it opened to reveal a large man in the way, Sherlock looked at his brother with anger and sadness.

"I wouldn't try anything brother, you know what I am capable of!" Sherrinford stated. "This is a family matter, this is going to take all of us and like it or not you, John and Abbie are apart of it!"

The detective sighed and looked at his daughter then to his friend. "What do we need to do?" He asked knowing arguing with his brother would do no good, anyone who knew Sherrinford knew better than to test his power.

Sherrinford smiled. "We're going to kill the biggest billionaire in the world!" He stated and winked at his niece. "Isn't this going to be a fun family activity?"

"Plus the one Lestrade," A voice spoke up from the dark corner of the room, the figure walked into the light; This person was very familiar... "Jack Lestrade, International government agent."

John's mind might have just exploded. "I dunno if I can handle anymore surprises," He spoke up.

Jack smiled. "We have a few more," He told him honestly. "You may want to sit down for this."

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