Chapter 30: Paintings

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Dinner was full of low toned conversations between all the men there.

Sherlock looked at Abbie then back at Mark who was looking at her... The detective stood up and picked Abbie up as well.

Mycroft frowned. "Where are you going?" He asked.

"Bath room," Sherlock stated. "Can't be too careful!"

Abbie giggled as Sherlock carried her out the dinner hall. Once outside Sherlock placed his daughter on her feet and they walked side by side up stairs.

"Daddy, me no need toilet," Abbie told Sherlock.

He smiled. "I know but we needed an excuse to leave," He told her.

Upstairs was well lit and decorated with paintings of people... An old couple who both looked a little like Mark.

"Parents," Sherlock mumbled then carried on walking.

Abbie walked behind Sherlock and followed his line of sight, she looked at the paints but one caught her eye; It was of a girl sitting on a swing that hung from a tree.

Sherlock stopped and observed the painting. "Strange," He mumbled.

The painting did not look old at all if anything it looked like it was only a few months old unlike the others...

The two started walking again then they went in and out of rooms just snooping around for things that would tell Sherlock a little more about Mark but there wasn't really anything the bed rooms were more or less untouched, the bath rooms were spotless and his study was organised, nothing was out of place so why did Sherrinford want Mark dead?

Abbie skipped down the hall and up to the top floor...

Sherlock slumped in the black leather chair that was in the study.

"Why does my brother want you dead?" Sherlock mumble to himself the tapped his fingers on the desk.

The consulting detective looked at the door way and sighed... A lonely man with a lot of money but what had he done wrong?

"DADDY!" Abbie shouted.

Sherlock's eyes widened and he jumped out of the chair. "Abbie," He whispered and ran up to the top floor. He ran down the hall and saw Abbie standing in a door way. "What are you doing?"

Abbie just smiled brightly and pointed inside the room. "Daddy look dis!" She told him and ran into the room.

Sherlock frowned and slowly followed his daughter... Suddenly soft music began to play, it was a tune from a music box?

"Abbie?" Sherlock called softly and stepped into the room.

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