Chapter 28: What Have You Done?

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A/N- I'm sorry it has been so long my exams have been stressing me the hell out!!!

"Abbie give me that!" Sherlock raised his voice.

The toddler pouted. "NO MINE!" She shouted and balled her hand into a fist.

"I have told you before, we don't stick things in key holes!" Sherlock told her.

John frowned from the sofa. "But that's what you do," He stated.

Sherlock rolled his eyes as he pulled Abbie away from the door, he placed her on the sofa then knelt down in front of  her keeping a stern expression.

"Hand it over!" Sherlock ordered her. "Abbie give it to me!"

"Sherlock it's a hair pin!" John stated. "Just let her have it!"

"She tried to pick locks, she broke an office door at the yard with one a few weeks ago!" Sherlock explained, he remembered how angry he got when he saw an officer shouting at his daughter.

Abbie huffed. "Wanna see Jack!" She told Sherlock.

"We are going for dinner in an hour, I am sure you can wait just one hour," Sherlock told her.

The blonde toddler crossed her arms and pouted, she forced tears down her cheeks trying to get some sympathy from her Dad... She was getting none!

Sherlock took the hair pin off her and slipped it in his coat pocket out of Abbie's reach. Sherlock returned to Abbie, he picked her up and carried her into the bathroom... It was a posh bathroom that only had a shower...

"No bath?" Abbie asked.

Sherlock sighed. "No bath, you have to have a shower," He told her as he placed her on the floor.

Abbie looked around the posh bathroom as Sherlock turned the shower on, he helped Abbie out of her clothes and into the shower. As Sherlock washed his daughters hair he couldn't help but hate his time in America, he really didn't want to help Sherrinford with his problems, he only cared about a handful of people in his life... Sherrinford defiantly wasn't one of them!

"Daddy sad," Abbie stated, her blue eyes staring softly into Sherlock's light Green/ Blue eyes.

Sherlock couldn't help the smirk that tugged his lips. "Only you can see that," He told her quietly and rinsed her hair. "Are you going to be nice to Irene?"

"No!" His daughter told him firmly.

Yep it was very clear that Abbie did not like Irene at all and in honesty Sherlock found the whole situation amusing. His daughter knew her likes and dislikes, she made her dislikes very clear and never made an effort to try and like them.

- 1 hour later -

It wasn't easy but John, Jack, Irene and the four Holmes' were all in the back of a long black limo; The men in black suits and the girls well Irene as usual goes all out with a tight red dress and Abbie wore a black dress with little black dolly shoes.

"Can we all please behave ourselves while we are here?" Mycroft asked.

"Are you saying that to everyone so the children aren't upset that you pinpointed them?" Sherlock asked as his eyes flickered between Mycroft, Jack and Abbie.

Mycroft rolled his eyes. "It was mainly directed towards you!" He stated.

Sherlock leaned back in his chair and watched the world go by through the tinted windows. Dinner was going to be held at the billionaires house, many 'important people' were attending so everyone had to be alert and on their best behaviour.

The limo pulled to a stop outside a stunning mansion, classical music played through the mansion, guests were walking around talking to one another about pointless things. Everyone got out the limo, Mycroft and Sherrinford took the lead and went into the mansion first followed by Irene, then Jack who was also carrying Abbie then John and Sherlock.

Sherlock took in every inch of the house, studying all the smooth edges and cracks. He looked over some of the guests, nothing really alarmed him in the slightest but he didn't relax, how could he?

Abbie played with Jack's tie as he carried her through the house to the back garden; Lights filled the garden, the bushes were cut into swans and the flowers were in separate colours.

"Sherrinford Holmes, good to see you!" A man said as he walked over to the middle Holmes brother.

Sherrinford smiled. "It's good to see you Mark!" He greeted and shook Mark's hand. "Everyone this is Mark Thompson, he is the CEO of Thompson Industries, they make military weapons for both US and British Army's."

"Soon to be going world wide!" Mark added with a light laugh. "Please, I see you have brought some guests..."

"Yes, this is my older brother Mycroft, Miss Irene Adler, Doctor John Watson, Jack Lestrade, my younger brother Sherlock and my niece Abbie," Sherrinford introduced.

Mark shook hands with everyone then when he got to Abbie he smiled softly at her. "She is a little beauty, which brother?" He asked Sherrinford.

"She's my daughter," Sherlock spoke up and took Abbie out of Jack's arms.

His protective Dad side was starting to make an appearance.

"She is a little diamond!" Mark stated. "May I show her the garden, I'm sure she would like to look at the flowers I grow here!"

Sherlock was about to decline his kind offer but Sherrinford handed Abbie over to Mark.

"Of course, she is very intelligent for her age!" Sherrinford told him. "We will meet you in the dinner hall!"

"Wonderful!" Mark told him then walked away with Abbie on his hip. "Now Miss Holmes let me show you what flowers we have!"

Sherlock balled his hands into tight fists, it took all his strength not to hit his brother.

"Why is she so calm with him?" Irene asked. "When I hold her she screams!"

"How dare you hand my daughter over to a stranger!" Sherlock growled. "You drag us here, not telling us anything, not letting us prepare ourselves one bit, what the hell is going on?"

Sherrinford sighed. "Do calm down brother, you always were over the top," He told Sherlock. "Abbie is the key to all of this!"

Sherlock felt his heart stop for a minute, he looked at Mycroft who had his eyes to the floor...

"What have you done?" Sherlock growled.

John took a step forward ready to grab his friend if he went to punch his brother...

"Abbie will get us all the answers we need," Sherrinford stated. "I originally only wanted her and John but I knew they wouldn't be able to come with out you little brother!"

This only made Sherlock's anger worse...

"What. Have. You. Done?" Sherlock asked through gritted teeth.

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