Chapter 17: Hospitals

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John and Mycroft arrived at the hospital, they both ran up to the receptionist and began demanding to see Sherlock and Abbie.

"Sherlock Holmes is currently in theater and Abbie Holmes is on the children's ward," The receptionist told them.

John was in a panic. "What's wrong with Sherlock?" He asked.

"I'm sorry sir but I don't know," The receptionist told him sadly.

Mycroft pulled John away from the desk. "I'm going to see Abbie, you go and see Sherlock, see if you can find out what's happened," He told John.

John nodded and he parted ways with Mycroft.

Mycroft walked quickly through the halls, passing sick patients, rude Doctors, crying family members; All Mycroft kept telling himself was his family would not crumble, they would be strong and fight through this. The elder Holmes went up to the third floor where cry's of children filled the halls, he walked around looking for Abbie, trying to spot the child but he couldn't find her...


Yes that was it.

Worry was filling his heart. Mycroft knew Sherlock was strong, he was a man, he was used to this but Abbie, sweet little Abbie was only a small child. She would be in a room with strangers poking and prodding her...


Mycroft's ear's picked up; ABBIE!

"ABBIE!" Mycroft shouted.

He picked up his pace and followed the screaming. He knew it was Abbie, he knew that scream very well. Mycroft pushed people out of the way as he got closer to the screaming, he threw open a door and there thrashing around on the bed was a little girl covered in black smoke, her blonde/ brown hair was filthy, her little face was covered in black marks.

"MY- MY!" Abbie shouted and climbed off the bed.

Mycroft dropped to his knee's and let the toddler run into his chest. He hugged Abbie tightly, he rubbed her back as he kissed her head.

"It's okay," Mycroft whispered. "You're safe now, I promise you."

Abbie cried into her uncle's shoulder. "Where Daddy?" She asked through sobs.

Mycroft stood and moved to the hospital bed, he looked at the Nurses. "GET OUT!" He barked making them all run off. He then looked down at his fragile niece. "We'll see him soon, don't worry."


One of Mycroft's agents walked into the room.

"Sir Sebastian Moran is dead," The Agent stated.

Mycroft nodded firmly. "Good, destroy the body and protect the hospital," He ordered the Agent. "I don't want any unwanted guests!"

The Agent nodded and left the room.

Abbie clung to Mycroft's blazer as if someone was trying to pull her away from him, as if someone was in the room trying to take her away from him.

"You were very brave," Mycroft told her softly. "So brave just like your Father, he's so proud of you."

Mycroft gently pressed his cold lips to Abbie's head, his grip on her body never loosened. Sure Mycroft wasn't her Father but right now that child needed comfort, love, affection and Mycroft was willing to give it to her...


Get to Sherlock

Mycroft sighed and stood up gently shifting Abbie so she was sat on his hip. The duo made their way through the hospital, slowing making their way to Sherlock's ward; Mycroft knew Sherlock would be okay but he wasn't sure what damage was caused to him...

Abbie tucked her face in the crook of her Uncle's neck, shielding herself from the view of others. There was one person she truly wanted to see. Daddy. She was desperate to be in his arms, she wanted him to be okay, she wanted him to still be her Daddy!

Mycroft pushed open a door to reveal a pale, unconscious Sherlock lying in bed, John was sat in the chair next to him.

"DADDY!" Abbie said excitedly.

"What's wrong?" Mycroft asked as he placed Abbie down.

"Some of the roof caved in," John stated. "He's damaged his shoulder, cut his head; He had some metal in it or something and he's broke his wrist."

"He'll wake up," Mycroft stated.

Abbie's bare feet pattered on the floor then she got to the bed and pulled herself up and knelt next to her Father's still body.   

"Daddy wook, I owie!" Abbie told Sherlock and pointed to her arm where a bruise was forming. "Daddy you gots owie!"

Abbie sat there waiting, waiting for her Dad to reply but one never came. She gently tapped him and poked his cheek but nothing happened, he didn't move.

Tears of pure sadness filled the child's eyes. "Daddy?" She asked again then broke down. "DADDY UP!"

A lump found it's way into John's throat. "Shush Abbie, it's okay," John told her. "He's just asleep."

Abbie shook her head. "Daddy no, nap!" She told him. "No!"

John tried to shush her but it was no good. "Abbie it's okay, he'll wake up soon I'm sure of it," He told her softly.

The little Holmes wasn't stupid, she knew Sherlock hardly ever slept and when he did he would always wake up at the sound of Abbie's voice but she couldn't understand why he wasn't doing it now!

"Abbie it's okay, he'll wake up soon," Mycroft told her softly. "Stop crying and calm down. Look your Dad is right there."

The toddler moved the bed sheets and climbed under them, she pulled the sheets up and snuggled against her Dad's bare chest, she stuck her thumb in her mouth and relaxed.

"Amazing," John whispered. "All she wants is her Dad."

"He better wake up soon," Mycroft muttered. "Abbie needs him more than ever right now."

Abbie sniffled. "Wove you Daddy," She said softly then kissed his cheek just like he had done to her many times before she went to bed.

The little toddler was praying with all her might for her Father to wake up and hold her.

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