Chapter 7: A new tail

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"Wa dat?"

"A finger nail."

"Wa dat?"

"The top of a mans skull."

"Wa dat?"

"Half a ladies arm."

"Oh wat dat?"

"Don't Touch that!"


Abbie giggled. "That's not funny," Sherlock told her and picked up the broken test tube.

"What are you two doing?" John asked as he walked into the morgue.

Abbie waved at John. "Look!" She shouted and pointed to the cut up body parts on the table.

John pulled a face. "Lovely," He said quietly. "Sherlock can I ask you a question?"

"You just did," Sherlock told him with a cocky grin.

"What is the plan with Moriarty?" He asked.

Sherlock sighed. "We are waiting," He told his friend.

John frowned. "Your waiting?" He asked. "Are you okay?"

"This is Moriarty's game, he'll make the move first," Sherlock told him and glanced at Abbie. "Besides I'm busy teaching."

John glanced at Abbie who looked like she was counting the body parts. Concentration plastered her face as she looked at the items in front of her, she used her index finger to point to the items .

"What have we got Abbie?" Sherlock asked her and stood next to her.

"Seven," She told him.

Sherlock nodded. "Very good," He praised her and picked one of the items up and showed it too her. "What's this?"

"She won't know what that is!" John told him.

"Give her a minute!" Sherlock told him. "Come on Abbie what is it?"

Abbie looked at the item. "Burn," She told Sherlock.

John frowned. "What is it?" He asked; not knowing exactly what Sherlock was holding.

"It's burnt skin," Sherlock told. "She was close."

"What have you been teaching that child?" He asked.

Sherlock rolled his eyes. "She asks what things are and I tell her, she obviously listens to me," He explained. "Come on then we have a case!"

Sherlock slipped his coat on then grabbed Abbie's and put hers on for her. He picked up his phone and slipped it into his pocket, he picked Abbie up and placed her on his hip. Sherlock and John walked out the hospital and hailed a cab, the quickly travelled to the crime scene; It was a small bungalow at the end of a quiet street. Abbie clung to her Dad and she looked at the officers, she wasn't that scared of the police any more but she still wasn't a fan of them.

"Ah Sherlock glad your here," Lestrade greeted him. "Hiya John!"

"Hiya Greg!" John greeted.

"What have we got?" Sherlock asked as he made his way to the house.

"Chloe Ryan," Lestrade stated. "A runaway a few years back, she left her family in Scotland and moved here for a better life. Her friends found her on the sofa, they thought she was asleep but when they moved the blanket blood was coming out of her mouth."

Sherlock nodded. "Lovely, John I hope your on top form," He told his friend as they entered the house. Sherlock placed Abbie on the floor just out side the living room. "Wait here, I'll be back in a minute."

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