Chapter 19: The Detective Lives!

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Sherlock's eyes slowly opened, he was panting, sweat had covered his head, Nurses and Doctors were around his bed checking his vitals were okay.

"Welcome back Mister Holmes," A Doctor told him. "We removed some metal from your head and shoulder, you have also broken your wrist."

Sherlock grunted and removed the breathing mask from his face. "Where's my daughter and brother?" He panted out and winced in pain. "Mycroft and Abbie Holmes, where are they?"

"It's best if the little one is kept outside, you are in no state to see her," The Doctor told him.

Sherlock grunted. "LET ME SEE THEM!" He barked then winced in pain and held his head.

The heart rate monitor was beeping up a storm, the detective was panting and shaking; He had just woke up from the worst nightmare he may have ever had and now he couldn't see his child or brother.

"Mr Holmes you need to relax!" A Nurse told him and gave him so more morphine for the pain.

Sherlock gripped the bed sheets. "MYCROFT FOR GODS SAKE GET IN HERE AND BE BOSSY!" He shouted and leaned back against his pillow panting.

Mycroft opened the door to the room; He was alone.

"Everyone out!" Mycroft stated but no one moved. "This is an order from the British government. Leave now!"

The Doctors and Nurses all looked at each other and quickly left the room. Mycroft looked at his brother... Well at least he was awake.

"And the detective lives," Mycroft stated with a stupid smile on his face.

Sherlock growled in frustration at his brother; Always pointing out the pointless, obvious stuff!

"What happened?" Mycroft asked. "What was that?"

"I had a nightmare of a sort," Sherlock mumbled and looked at his brother. "My mind was playing with me!"

Mycroft frowned in confusion. "What do you mean, did your palace go against you?" He asked.

"I watched my friends die," He stated. "I watched you die, I watched my daughter die repeatedly!"

Mycroft was a little taken back, Sherlock had never admitted to having nightmares or what he had seen. The elder Holmes knows what it's like to have that fear of losing a loved one... Only a few years ago Mycroft would fear that he would one day find his brother dead.

"Is she alright?" Sherlock asked breathlessly. "Is she hurt?"

Mycroft knew who his brother was referring to and knew if he said Abbie was fine his brother wouldn't believe him.

"Would you like to she her?" Mycroft asked softly.

"Yes," Sherlock breathed out.

Mycroft pulled out a handkerchief and handed it to his brother. "Wipe your sweat away," He ordered him. "I shall bring her in but be nice when she is present, she was distraught earlier."

Sherlock looked at his brother and his wiped his head. "What?" He asked. "What happened?"

"When you wouldn't wake up it scared her," Mycroft stated. "She's smart Sherlock, she knew something was wrong but she couldn't understand what was going on or why!"

Sherlock sighed. "Let me see her," He mumbled.

Mycroft nodded and went out the hospital room, he turned to the side and looked at his little niece sitting next to one of his Agents.

Abbie turned and looked at Mycroft. "My- My!" She stated and held her arms up to him. "Daddy up?"

Her uncle nodded and picked her up placing her on his hip. "Yes he's a wake but you can't climb all over him," He told her. "Be gentle."

Abbie nodded as he carried her into the room. Sherlock sighed in relief when he saw his daughter in Mycroft's arms, she looked happy to see he was awake.

"Daddy!" Abbie giggled in excitement.

Mycroft sat Abbie on the bed next to Sherlock. "I'll leave you two alone for a while," He told his brother. "I'll call Mummy and John."

Sherlock nodded as he watched Mycroft leave.

"Daddy owie," Abbie said quietly and point to the blue and green bruise that had formed on her forearm.

Sherlock ran his fingers through her blondie- brown hair. "It's okay, I have an owie to," He told her and held up his cast.

Sherlock remembered when they had the DNA test, when they both said similar things to each other... Who'd have known it would have led to them both sitting here.

The Detective cupped his daughters cheek. "I'm glad your safe," He told her and kissed her head softly. "I won't let anyone hurt you."

Carefully Abbie shuffled onto her Dad's lap, she sat down an hugged his middle listening to his now gently heart beat. "Daddy no bye," She said and looked up at Sherlock.

Sherlock shook his head. "I'm not going anywhere," He told her. "We still have more cases to go on."

Abbie smiled and kissed the plaster that was on Sherlock's shoulder. "My- My and John?" She asked with a little yawn.

"Of course!" He told her and played with her hair. "Who else is going to get us out of trouble?"

Abbie giggled and snuggled into his chest, Sherlock pulled the blanket up so it covered her. The Detective could relax, his child, his friends and even his brother was safe, safe from Moran and Moriarty.

"The game has ended," Sherlock stated then looked down at Abbie and smiled. "But a new one has begun... Hmm what shall I get you for your birthday?"

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