Chapter 10: A little girls nightmare

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Sherlock had a plan, a great plan... Well to him it was great!

Molly Hooper had arrived at Baker Street to take Abbie to the park while the grown ups worked on a case. Molly arrived with Abbie at the park, the little toddler reluctantly went over to the climbing frame and sat at the top looking at Molly then someone caught her eye, two men were walking towards the climbing frame.

Abbie looked for Molly in a panic but she couldn't see her. The small child held her toy tightly and she climbed down the steps then headed to where Molly was, she ran to the bench and looked around; It was like Molly had left her!

"There you are Angel!" A man announced and picked her up. "I thought I lost you!"

"No!" Abbie said and shook her head.

"Come on, home time!" He told her.

The little girl thrashed around in the mans arms screaming, crying, she was scared, so scared. The man carried her out the park to a black car, he opened the back door and placed Abbie in a car seat... Next to her was none other than James Moriarty.

"Well look at you," Moriarty spoke up ad gently touched the little girls cheek. "You look so much like Mommy but I bet you're clever like Daddy."

Abbie whimpered. "Where Daddy?" She asked in her small voice.

Moriarty smiled. "You won't be seeing Daddy for a very long time," He told her as the car began to start.


Sherlock, John, Mary and Mycroft were sat around Sherlock's laptop watching the live feed. Sherlock had hidden a camera in the eyes of Abbie's toy horse, the four of them had been watching her, listening to her since she left the flat with Molly.

"I can't believe you made me do that!" Molly raised her voice as she entered the flat. "You made me abandoned your daughter!"

Sherlock huffed. "Molly I will get her back," He told her. "I planned this out carefully, I can see her through the horse!"

"What about the memory stick, Abbie still has it?" John asked.

"No she doesn't," Mycroft stated. "I have taken the original and it is now safe, the one Abbie has is just a copy, when it is opened up in a computer it will destroy the hard drive and send us a little message as to where they are."

Mary nodded. "Clever so now it's a waiting game?" She asked.

The Holmes brothers nodded. "I'm certain Moriarty won't hurt her," Sherlock stated then looked back at the Screen... They were now at a warehouse.


Moriarty carried Abbie into the ware house and sat her on the desk that was at the back of the room, Moriarty sat in his chair facing her.

"Why don't we take your coat and shoes off, make you more comfortable?" He suggested.

"No," Abbie shook her head.

Moriarty didn't listen and pulled her boots off, suddenly Abbie let out a high pitched scream and began to try and scramble off the table but Moriarty grabbed the back of her coat holding her in place, she tried to reach for her shoes but he lifted her up and sat her on his lap.

"Now that's not very nice," Moriarty told her. "How about a story?"

"No," She told him and tried to wriggle out of his grasp. "No!"

"Once upon a time a foolish man told me about his little brother. He told me how clever and brilliant he was, I listened carefully and decided to find this brother of his, I decided I'd play a game with the brother, test how clever he really was," Moriarty began. "I did everything, I killed people in cold blood, I tortured, I pushed the brother to his death. I faked my death and made him jump off a roof so he would die a liar, an idiot but he also faked his death and decided to destroy everything I worked for along with one of my own, Kelly Martin; A beautiful blonde who was clever very clever. She and the brother took down my web then at the end they had a passionate night together and they created you, a pretty little blonde who will one day be extremely clever just like your parents."

Abbie began to softly cry; She may be a child but she understood him, she knew who he was talking about.

Moriarty lent down to her ear. "I know what Mommy gave you," He whispered. 

Abbie sniffled. "Mine!" She stated and looked at her boot.

Moriarty smiled and picked up the boot, he tipped it upside down and out dropped the memory stick. A wicked smiled appeared on Moriarty's face as he picked it up and examined it; He had won!

"Now my dear why don't you watch uncle Jim destroy everything the elder Holmes has worked for?" He asked her and pulled out his lap top.

Abbie watched as he put the memory stick into the computer and he began tapping away at the key board...

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