Chapter 12: Normal ish?

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Since Moriarty was killed Sherlock had tried to give Abbie a normal life... Well as normal as it could get.

Starting with Nursery...

"Daddy no!" Abbie cried as she lay under the coffee table wrapped in a shock blanket.

Sherlock was sat cross legged on the floor a few meters away from the coffee table with his head in his hands.

"We agreed that if you go to Nursery then you can come on a case tonight," Sherlock told her.

Abbie shook her head and used the blanket to cover her head. "No!" She told him.

"Having trouble dear brother?" Mycroft asked from the door way.

Sherlock glared at his brother; Mycroft was the one who started the whole Nursery thing. Mycroft couldn't possibly watch Abbie, he was too busy cleaning up what was left of Moriarty's network, Molly was working at Barts, John was helping Sherlock and Mary was now back at work and the baby was with one of her friends, Mrs Hudson was visiting her sister... The Detective had no choice.

"ABBIE!" Sherlock barked, it was rare Sherlock got angry with her but Abbie's stubbornness was driving him up the wall.

"It's karma little brother," Mycroft stated with a smirk. "You were just like that. Poor Mummy would have to drag you to school everyday kicking and screaming."

"Shut up!" Sherlock told him then lay on the floor. "Abbie get out now!"

"Don't want to," Abbie told him from under the blanket.

Sherlock grabbed the Corner of the blanket and pulled it, dragging Abbie out with it. Sherlock quickly grabbed the squirming child and threw her over his shoulder and ran into the bed room then threw her on the bed. Sherlock slammed the door shut and turned facing Abbie who was now facing him, trying to get  round to the door. Abbie ran at him and tried to dive through his legs but Sherlock caught her with ease, he held her under his arm in a tight grip so as she wriggled around she wouldn't fall. After half an hour of more shouting, crying, screaming and arguing the two year old was dressed and worn out from trying to fight off Sherlock.

"Took your time," Mycroft stated as Sherlock walked out the bedroom with Abbie following.

Sherlock glared at him. "Stop enjoying it," He mumbled.

"I can't I love seeing you stress," Mycroft told him then looked at Abbie. "Are you ready?"

Abbie sniffled and tried to climb up Sherlock's body desperatly seeking comfort from him. "Daddy, pwease," She begged and held her arms up.

"Are you forgetting something?" Sherlock asked her.

"Sowy," She mumbled.

Sherlock picked her up and placed her on his hip. "Apologies accepted," He told her.

Mycroft rolled his eyes. "I take it back brother she's more pleasant than you," He stated.

Sherlock pulled his coat on and grabbed Abbie's little bag. The three Holmes' made their way out the flat and outside. Mycroft bid goodbye to the two and climbed into his car knowing Sherlock wouldn't accept a lift. The Father and Daughter talked as they got closer to the Nursery; Sherlock was giving her a good pep talk...

"Remember don't mention the cases, playing with my gun or experiments, no pick pocketing even though you've gotten good at that, don't be afraid to show off how smart you are and if any children are mean to you tell them who your Uncle is," Sherlock told her as he entered the Nursery.

Abbie nodded as they got to the office. "Hello can I help you," The young receptionist asked.

"I'm here to drop my daughter off for the day," Sherlock told her.

"Miss Hardy will see you," The girl told him and buzzed the door open.

Sherlock made his way into the Nursery; It was like a nightmare; Children were covered in paint and sand, a few children were running around screaming... Had Sherlock made the right decision? Abbie's grip tightened around her Dad's neck as a young women came up to them.

"You must be Sherlock Holmes," The women stated. "I've read the blog, I'm a huge fan."

"It's John's blog and I'm here about my daughter not my job," Sherlock told her.

"Er yes well I'm Miss Hardy I'll be Abbie's main teacher, we spoke over the phone about her special arrangements and what not," Miss Hardy explained. "I can tell you Mr Holmes she'll be in safe hands."

Sherlock sighed and placed Abbie on the floor, he squatted down to her level. "I'm sorry," He told her then kissed her head. "John and I will pick you up later, please try to behave."

"Daddy no go!" Abbie begged and tried to grab him but Miss Hardy picked her up.

"We'll see you later won't we," Miss Hardy said to Abbie in a stupid voice.

Sherlock winched at the voice; His poor child!

And with that Sherlock left leaving his daughter alone and frightened. Abbie stood next to the glass door praying her Dad would have a second thought and come get her!

"Mr Moran Abbie Holmes is here," Miss Hardy announced.

Abbie turned and saw a man walk over to her; The man seemed pretty young, jeans, smart shirt, converse shoes, combed hair and a nice smile. The man knelt down in front of Abbie and took in her features.

"Daddy," Abbie whimpered and knocked the door.

"Come on, come play a game with me while we wait for your Daddy," The man told her. "My name is Mr Moran but you can call me Sebby." He held out his hand to her.

Abbie looked between the hand and the door...

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