Chapter one

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Y/n l/n is a very well-known model yet somehow, her hometown never knew of her. They all thought of her as worthless and kept on bullying her.

She only had one friend in school, but fate had it that she died in an ‘accident’ two years ago.

Y/n was heartbroken knowing her only friend died, on top of that. She had to watch as she was killed unable to do anything at all, she was devastated by the outcome of that single night.

After all that time, her father decided to send her to her uncle in hope of helping her recover.

You sat in the car as John drove you to your uncle’s house, looking outside the window with an empty look. Nothing meant a single thing to you; no sun could make your day shine. No rain could make you sad, no cloudy day could make you happy. 

You sighed once you reached the neighborhood, it seemed like a high-level street of some sort. Once the car was parked you got out of put your sunglasses on your head “Seems like a nice enough place I guess...” you muttered as one of the butlers started taking your stuff out “Hi y/n!!” smiled your uncle excitedly, of course he’d be excited. He hasn’t seen you in years! “Hi uncle Rayleigh, hi aunt shakky” you greeted looking at them for a second then turned to your butler “Take the stuff up to my room, hurry up” you ordered then walked into the house without sparing them a second glance. You kept a stern expression on as you looked around the house, everything looked simple to you but you just went upstairs and found a room that had your name carved on the door.

//The next day//

You woke up early in the morning, did your regular morning routine then went downstairs. Cooked breakfast and put it on the table then walked out of the house.

You took your phone out and put some music playing then began walking towards the park.

You sat down on one of the chairs and sighed “It’s a nice day huh?” chuckled a voice behind you. You turned around and saw a red-haired man with a scar on his left eye “I guess it is" you replied and looked in front of you “Would you mind if I sat beside you?” he asked “Sure, sit down” you said while looking at him, he smiled and sat down then looked at you “I’m shanks, what about you pretty lady?” he winked and you smiled slightly “I’m y/n, nice to meet you” he chuckled ‘hold up, did I just smile?’ you thought “Like wise. Are you new here? I had never seen you here” he questioned raising a brow “I just moved here yesterday..” you replied then looked in front of you “What are you doing here?” he smiled leaning towards you “I’m just here to breath fresh air” you sighed and he looked at his watch “Well, I gotta go now. See you later” he grinned and got up leaving you alone.

You were a bit startled by how friendly he treated you, but you shook it off and got up as well. Typing your school's name in the Google map. Thankfully it wasn’t that far, only 5 minutes away and you’ll still have 15 minutes to spare. You could get your schedule comfortably and explore the school for a bit, seems like a plan to you.

Once you stood in front of the school you were shocked by how big it was, just when you walked in did the mummers start.

“Isn’t that the famous model y/n?”

“Omg! Is she going to study here?!”

“She looks so pretty!!”

“What is a super model doing here?”

You sighed and rolled your eyes as you heard people whispering about you, you walked around for a while trying to memorize the interior design of the building.

After a few minutes of walking, you decided to tap on one of the boy’s shoulders “Hello, could you take me to the principal’s office?” you asked politely “Of course! I’m Monkey D. Luffy! You’re my friend now!” he grinned as he took your hand and ran towards a direction “I’m y/n..” you muttered quietly while contemplating your whole life choices, after all you thought that this school wouldn’t be any different yet you were completely startled by the over friendliness you got here. It wasn’t helping that much...

Once you stood in front of the principal office, you thanked Luffy and knocked on the door “I’ll be here waiting for you!” he grinned “alright...” you muttered then walked into the office after hearing the ‘come in’  

You bowed and stood up “Hello sir. I’m here to take my schedule” you said politely “Of course my dear, could you tell me your name?” he asked “Y/n l/n Sir” you replied while looking up, he stood from his chair and took a piece of paper and handed it to you “There you go” he smiled, you took the paper and bowed “thank you sir” you said politely and left the room ‘weirdo’ you thought as you closed the door and Luffy immediately bounced on you “Hiiiiii!” he grinned, you were actually confused he really did stay there and waited for you “hey” you sighed as you looked at your schedule “Room 5… second floor.. Mr. Mihawk Spanish” you frowned as you read your schedule “Oh? You have Mihawk as your Sensei? Poor you! He’s such a creepy guy” he pouted “Oh I see...” you muttered quietly “Well, I have gym class now. So, I’ll see you at lunch!” He grinned and then ran to his class, you shrugged and walked up to your class. You had about 6 minutes to spare but you just wanted to sit down and calm down yourself because just the overfriendliness here is messing up your head, you entered the class and sat down in a seat beside the window looking out at the field outside.

Not even 3 minutes later did the teacher come in, one thing was very remarkable about him, his golden Hawk-like eyes.

Seems like everyone was here already and the teacher nodded, he looked around then pointed at you “You’re the transfer student right?” he asked his eyes pricing through your soul “Yes sir” you replied while standing up “Great, introduce yourself” he sighed and sat in his seat, you went to the front of the class and bowed “Hello everyone! My name is y/n l/n, I hope we get along” you said as you stood straight looking at the class with a calculative look, half of them was looking at you in admiration and the other half confusion. A few raised their hands and asked you questions about your age, modeling career and other stuff.

After the class was over and lunch time came, you went into the cafeteria and Luffy immediately jumped on you. You were a bit startled as you didn’t expect him to jump on you but you didn’t budge from your place. He then took your arm and dragged you to a table where about 10-11 people were sitting. “Y/n, meet my friends! That’s Zoro, Nami, usopp, Sanji, chopper, robin, Franky and brook. While these two are my brothers Sabo and ace!” Luffy grinned pointing at each person, your eyes lit up slightly once you saw the dark-haired woman “Robin?” you smiled lightly “It’s been a while hasn’t it?” she chuckled, and you immediately hugged her “I missed you! Why didn’t you visit me?” you pouted “Sorry y/n-San, but I’ve gotten really busy” she replied while hugging you back “How do you know her?” asked Franky “We used to work together sometimes” she answered while sitting you down beside her, the table was lively with everyone trying to get to know you.

Some flirting while some were trying to keep their food away from Luffy's reach, you just stared at them interacting while seeing their bright smiles and shiny eyes. You were wondering if one day you could be like them…

You couldn’t shake the feeling of someone staring at you throughout lunch, although you kept glancing around you couldn’t see anyone. Just then your eyes caught the magnetizing brown eyes of a certain red-haired you met this morning.

The grandline highschool (Shanks x Reader) [Rewrite]Where stories live. Discover now