Chapter Thirteen

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You rolled your eyes and sighed as you transformed back “If only I could…” you muttered looking at your hands “At least they’re safe… so lucky to not be me huh” you chuckled at your pathetic state and then fainted.

You woke up in your bed and sighed “Better than a blackout…” you muttered looking at your calendar “Another boring Saturday… I guess I could go and see shanks” you muttered standing up ‘Don’t forget…’ a voice said as you held your head. You wore your clothes and sneaked out of the house, heading towards the park where you first met shanks just to find him sitting at the same seat he found you in.

You smiled as you walked slowly then covered his eyes “Guess who it is~” you chuckled “Oh my~ who could it be~? Maybe my only love y/n?” he smiled as he took your hand and kissed it “Oh it’s unfair” you pouted walking around and sitting beside him.  “So where do you want to go” he asked smiling “I don’t know… oh come here, let’s take a picture” you grinned taking out your phone and leaning on shanks. You took a couple of pictures then posted them on your social medias accounts under the caption of ‘It’s a nice day huh?’

You and shanks decided to go to a lake outside of town which he had discovered but what you didn’t expect is for it to be the same lake you found.

You laughed as you were getting chased by both bf/n and Tyler in the forest, the two of them cursing you while you didn’t mind them. You tripped over a bush and rolled down a hill immediately scaring the twin “Y/N!!! ARE YOU OKAY??!” she shouted looking down but she was met by silence “If you’re dead can I take your house??” asked Tyler “OF COURSE NOT YOU LITTLE SHIT! JUMP DOWN BOTH OF YOU!!” you yelled “I still haven’t gone insane” she rolled her eyes looking down but instead got pushed by her brother who jumped after her “TO THE INFINITY AND BEYOND!!” he laughed while she screamed. You caught them both then grinned “Look! Isn’t it such an amazing place!” you smiled as you put them both down bf/n immediately lounged at Tyler and started shaking him harshly “Why?! Why?! WHY?!” she shouted and you sighed walked closer to the lake ‘Come closer~’ a voice whispered and you stopped looking around ‘You know it’s calling~’ it whispered again and you got closer to the lake. You stood by the edge and gazed at the water, soon after you begun feeling dizzy and fell in.

You looked at shanks and sighed “You do find a variety of ways to make me remember her don’t you?” he sighed too but you just shook your head “Never mind, why are we here?” you asked “nothing, the town is too busy and since you don’t want to make our relationship public yet. Tada~ a private place!” he smiled and you chuckled “That’s sweet, you see. I came here once with them, I fell from there” you grinned pointing up the hill “I landed in that bush, I heard bf/n calling for me but I didn’t answer her then Tyler yelled something about my house” you smiled “I told them to jump and I was like ‘Oh god give me a sign they love me’ and I heard both of them yelling. Tyler was being insane as usual and she was scared out of her mind. I caught the both of them and we hung out here” you added chuckling slightly “That seems fun!” grinned shanks as he pulled out picnic stuff from the back of the car “You- you were planning this all along!” you blushed looking at him “Of course~” he grinned and you just sighed.

You both sat down, you looking at the trees while shanks stared at you. “You look kinda pale? Did you eat anything?” he asked and you froze slightly “I drank coffee this morning” you answered looking to the side “You’re a way worst liar than luffy” he sighed and you looked down “I know” you muttered “Now you gotta eat” he said pulling you closer to him and hugging you. “No, I don’t want to!” you protested but didn’t move from his hug.

In the end, you did eat. He grinned while you pouted “Not fair” he chuckled and kept patting your head.

You leaned in his touch and sighed closing your eyes “you okay?” he asked putting his head on your shoulder, you hummed slightly which made him chuckle “Comfy?” he grinned and you nodded ‘Don’t forget…’ a voice in the back of your head called.

You opened your eyes and looked at shanks “I love you” you smiled “I love you too” he grinned and kissed your cheek.

You closed your eyes again and sighed.

“Don’t you dare fall for my brother!” pouted bf/n “I want you all for myself! You’re my only friend!” she added hugging you tightly “Come on~ I’m not gonna fall for nobody. And I’m not your only friend, you have a lot more than just me.. Compared to them I’m nothing” you chuckled Patting her head “No! You’re everything! Don’t you dare say that again!” she pouted and Tyler came “Hey! Stop hogging y/n all the time! I want some time with her too!” he shouted hugging you from the back “Guys, guys! Stop hugging me!” you chuckled nervously looking at them too “No! You’re mine!” they both shouted at the same time glaring at each other “ok enough!” you sniffled “Mama rose!” you shouted and rose immediately walked in the room “LEAVE MY CHILD ALONE!” she yelled pushing them both away and hugged you “ROSE!” they both shouted and you looked at them with an evil look then begun sobbing “They made me sad mama!” you sniffled and they both paled “No wait, it's not what it looks like” smiled bf/n nervously “yeah! We were just…” Tayler tried protesting but rose glared at them “Run” she said and all three of them sprinted. You chuckled looking at their misery and ray just leaned on you “You had to do that didn’t you?” he grinned “Obviously” you laughed.

You opened your eyes and saw that it was getting dark, you sat up and grinned seeing shanks asleep too “Such a sleeping beauty…” you muttered caressing his face and brushing some strands away from his face.

After some time you got bored so you put shanks’ head on your lap and begun playing with his hair, you took out your phone and took a picture of you both. ‘WHY ARE YOU BEING SO DUMB?!’ shouted a disoriented voice in your head, you sighed and kept ignoring it playing with shanks’ hair.

He stirred slightly and finally opened his eyes “Evening sleeping beauty” you smiled “Hi..” he mumbled half asleep but he immediately sat up after and looked at you blushing “Did you- did I- oh god” he stuttered covering his face making you laugh “Aren’t you the cutest? I just love you!” you smiled hugging him.

After packing up the stuff, you both went back and he dropped you off at Rayleigh’s house.

You entered and found him looking at you with complete disappointment “What did I do now?” you sighed taking your shoes off “Are you really planning on killing shanks?” he asked and you immediately froze “What? No..” you answered as you turned around “I’m not dumb, how long have you been planning those? You have a lot of plans in your room!” he frowned and you begun shaking.

You need to kill Akagami no shanks to gain back your freedom, It’s quite easy” grinned mark “But isn’t he a yonko?” you asked looking at him “I mean yes- that’s why! I hate that damned red-haired yonko so damn bad! He needs to fucking die! You will be trained thoroughly just for that. I want him dead” mark chuckled as he stood up and walked towards you “Don’t  you want your freedom? He’s the key to that! You know you want it” he tempted as he took hold of your face and made you look at him “Isn’t freedom what you seek? Then kill him” he smiled and your eyes flashed red “if I kill him… I can get my freedom?” you grinned “Yes my dear~” he smirked

“You really are planning on that” he frowned and you stayed silent looking down “Think about it wisely and don’t do it” he sighed and you sprinted to your room and locked the door.

You searched frankly in your drawers until you found your knife, you looked around at the mess and panted. You glared at the knife and then stabbed your arm “Dumb… Stupid… Idiot… Careless… Traitor... Heartless… Monster…” you muttered stabbing your arm repeatedly, blood flew from the wound but you didn’t flinch. You stared at your arm as it regenerated and sighed “I’m monster aren’t I…? Making him fall for me just to kill him...” tears gathered in your eyes but you refused to let them fall, after all a monster shouldn’t cry.

The grandline highschool (Shanks x Reader) [Rewrite]Where stories live. Discover now