Chapter twenty three

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You smiled opening the door expecting to see the giant man but what you didn’t expect was for the red-haired person you were hiding someone from to be right there 'holy shit! What is he doing here?'

Your smile dropped but you quickly composed yourself and smiled again “Shanks!” you grinned as you hugged him “What are you doing here?” he asked and you flinched slightly “Nothing, I was just checking the place hehe… why are you here?” you questioned looking up at him “I was searching for you, and they tagged along” he smiled pointing behind him making you finally notice the trio (Benn, Yasopp and lucky) who you didn’t even realize was there ‘oh fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! Why did you come here??’ you thought looking as calm as you could “Since you’re exploring the place, you wouldn’t mind us coming in… unless you’re hiding something?” said Benn and you cursed your luck ‘Just because I’m your best friend’s girl doesn’t mean you can do this to me! We can split the attention you know!’ you thought starting to panic “yeah, sure. Come explore with me” you smiled as you took shanks’ hand and glared at Benn ‘You fucked up my plan’ you thought as you pulled shanks’ with you.

You sighed once you felt your head begun aching, you let go of shanks for a moment and held your head ‘What the hell? Why is my vision getting blurry..?’ you thought as your vision was blacking out “Sha…nks…?”


Shanks POV:

I turned around when I heard the loud thud behind me, seeing y/n on the ground with a red face. I immediately kneeled down and checked her temperature “Holy shit! Benn! She’s burning up!” I yelled as I picked her up, I took her outside and put her in the car then we drove to the hospital.

Y/n POV:

‘What happened? Why did I faint?? Why am I here?’ you thought as you stared at the unfamiliar hospital, you walked around for a while until you’ve seen a woman that looked exactly like you holding a child “Where the hell is he?” she muttered putting the newborn baby on the bed, you frowned as you looked at the child ‘why does it seem familiar?’ you thought as a man entered “I’m here, now where’s you kid?” he asked and your eyes widened “Mark…” you muttered shaking “Her name is y/n, keep her as far away as possible. Where’s my money now?” she said glaring at him and you looked down “That’s my… mother? She sold me?” you whispered holding your mouth “Here it is” he rolled his eyes as he picked up the child and put the money down, the woman laughed as she looked at the money and mark went out of the room “Why would she give out a kid like this, crazy bitch. She’ll regret this” he muttered walking away.

You fell down and looked up, staring at the woman in front of you “I did nothing at all… I was just a kid… I didn’t deserve that… it’s all because of you… I’m a monster…”

The place started fading slowly and you went back into the darkness, you held your mouth as tears fell down your face. Your own mother gave you up so easily, gave up a child she carried for 9 months. How could she be so heartless?

You opened your eyes slowly and stared at the white ceilings of the hospital, you sat up and looked at your hands “Y/n, you’re finally awake!” shanks grinned and you looked at him “Shanks…” you muttered staring at him, he flinched slightly once he saw you tearing up “Why are you crying??Are you hurt anywhere? Do you need anything??” he questioned and you stood up from the bed  and hugged him tightly “Just… hug me please…” you muttered shaking, he sighed and wrapped his arms around you “It’s okay.. you’re gonna be fine sweetie.. just tell me who hurt you and I swear I’ll break their neck” he said sweetly as he rubbed your back in a comforting manner. You just cried into his shirt and bit your lip ‘Why me…’ you thought clinging to him “I hate everything… Shanks… you won’t leave me right?” you asked looking at him, he whipped your tears and smiled “I promise I won’t leave you” he answered and kissed your forehead “Now who made you cry?” he smiled and you shook your head “Don’t worry, it was just a nightmare” you sighed as you let him go and sat on the bed “Just call the doctor and let us get out of here” you muttered and looked away whipping the rest of your tears “Oh right away, also Marco is here. He said he needs you in something” he grinned as he walked out the room.

A few minutes later, Marco came in and sat down in front of you “How are you feeling yoi?” he asked and you looked at him “Better, my fever went down” you answered and sighed “Did you find him?” you asked “The guy named Tyler? Yeah, he's in our base now yoi. Isn’t he shanks’ brother?” he questioned lowly “well yes, but he was ‘dead’ and I found him. He needs protection, kaido is after him now. And I’m sure if shanks knows he’s alive and realize that kaido had him all this time he’d immediately go after him” you replied looking down and sighing “I see, don’t worry we got him now” he said and you nodded “thank you. I know I can rely on you, protecting Tyler is a big thing after all” you sighed and the door opened revealing shanks’ who was standing there “Tyler... is... alive...?” he asked ‘oh fuck’ you and Marco though at the same time.

The grandline highschool (Shanks x Reader) [Rewrite]Where stories live. Discover now