Ayo- chapter thirty-two

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Days passed and you didn’t go to school.

Millions upon millions of text messages has reached you, whether it’d be hate or concerned. You turned off your phone at some point during the third day and just continued doing nothing.

You usually stayed in your room unless you were called for food or Yamato dragged your ass out.

You knew you couldn’t face anybody even the one that believed you, you had to forget them. Forget the life you grew associated with, the laughs you’ve had with luffy. The dates with shanks. Messing with Kidd. The fights with Benn. Annoying law. Drawing with Marco. Cooking with Thatch. You shook your head and frowned as you picked up the knife and stood in front of the mirror. You tilted your head to the side and traced the back of your neck “The chip must get out of my body, no more control” you said as you held the knife firmly, you blinked once and stabbed your neck.

You flinched as blood begun pouring out on your clothes and carpet. Blood seeped from your mouth and your vision got a little blurry. You twisted the knife slightly, groaning at the unpleasant feeling.

Not even a second later a small chip fell on the ground and you smirked as you took the knife out. With unfocused vision you picked up the small chip and crushed it. Your breathing was heavy as you smiled “It’s partially over…” you chuckled as the door open “Y/n! Come on we’re- OH GOD Y/N!!! EDWARD CALL THE DOCTOR!!” Yamato yelled as he ran to you, you tried stopping him but you stumbled and fell in his arms “What did you do?!” he yelled and you just stayed quiet as you closed your eyes “No damn it! Don’t die!” he yelled and you groaned “Let.. Me.. sleep.. damn..” you muttered “SLEEP?! YOU DAMN BITCH DON’T SAY YOU’RE SLEEPING WHEN YOU STABBED YOURSELF WITH A GOD DAMN KNIFE!” he yelled making you internally cringe “I’m.. okay.. I.. heal..” you muttered Yet again, I’m gonna save your ass. When will you learn mortal, your life is valid don’t waste it’ red said as your neck begun healing ‘I wonder if you’ll ever let me die or if you’ll keep healing me all the time… aren’t you getting bored of me as well? Everyone did… they hate me’ you thought as you closed your eyes.




Shanks POV:

Days passed and I haven’t seen y/n at all, her pained face that day never left my memory. She tried to explain something to me but I didn’t let her, nobody in the highschool mention her in a great way anymore after she’d been discovered as a ‘backstabber’ by others.

Although I loath her for killing my sister I still feel like there’s a missing part, the part she used to fill in me. I can’t even fully hate her, it’s like there’s something clearly wrong! Y/n always spoke so highly of my siblings and she seemed so attached to them that it makes me wonder how in the world could she kill her own supposed best friend.

I miss her stupid laugh and stupid attitude. I miss her dumb idea and dumb pranks. I fucking miss when she hugs me and fucking miss when she jumps on me to surprise me. I only met her this year what the hell is wrong with me?! I need to find a way to distract myself from this. Oh yeah! Let’s get knocked up in some bar that’ll do.

Y/n POV:

You opened your eyes and sighed looking at the unfamiliar ceiling, you got up and immediately took off the bandages on your neck. The wound had completely healed and the only trace was the thin line on your neck.

You sighed throwing the bandage away and walking out, you looked at each side to make sure that no one was there when red appeared in front of you “Hey idiota! Where do you think you’re going? Your stupid body needs rest” he chuckled and you just rolled your eyes “just go back to doing what I asked of you” you muttered “Why do you want to protect these fools when they clearly hurt you? You’re back to being monotone, I want to get a reaction out of you!” he whined and you rolled your eyes as you begun walking towards the garden door “Yeah right, are you gonna shut up or tell me what’s going on with them?” you groaned “Well anger issues is everywhere looking for you, doctor guys isn’t too concerned maybe he knows because of his adopted father’s relation with that oversized flamingo. The strawhat guy is actually pretty serious which I thought is unusual but apparently he’s ‘upset’ that the others hurt you. Bread and pineapple hair with giant mustache are searching for you. The others are feeling guilty and the lover boy is hanging by a single thread with sanity, he’s losing his patients and he’ll snap. Probably at a couple of bars drowning in his ‘pain’” red chuckled making you raise a brow at all the weird nicknames you just heard “Interesting names, thanks for the report though” you nodded and frowned slightly 'I only hope they'd forget about me soon'



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