Chapter thirty-seven

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You sat quietly as maids continued dressing you for the weeding, you didn’t know what to do other than to hope that these idiots got the message and come.

You bite your lip as you begun walking down the hall with heavy steps, your heels kept clicking away on the floor and the only thought in your brain was ‘Would they still care? If I just give up? All I caused is pain’ you thought as you stood in front of the door. Kaido grinned from ear to ear as he held your hand and lead you down the hall. You continued looking down at the ground when a sudden ruckus caught your attention. You immediately looked up and saw luffy, law and Kidd with their gang busting through the wall while bickering about something, you teared up seeing them stand there.

Shanks walked in calmly followed by his own gang as well as a couple of whitebeard gang members. Luffy smiled seeing you standing there “WE CAME TO GET YOU GUYS! Y/N! SANJI! WE’RE HERE!!” he shouted smiling, you put a hand on your mouth as tears filled your eyes ‘They came…Oh hell they actually came..’ you thought but you happiness was short livid when kaido pushed you back with too much force causing you to fly back into a wall. “We’ll talk about this later, traitor.” He groaned and the fight begun. You groaned as you stood up, katakuri was right beside you but he didn’t say anything. You grit your teeth as you put your hands on your knees staring down. “KAIDO!!!” you shouted making the whole place shake as your horns, wings and tail appeared. You looked up your eyes red and a streak of red had also appeared in your hair.

(if your hair is red then it’s either a darker or lighter color then your hair, alr?)

Everyone was shocked as you appeared in front of them and they all could recognize you as the same person from marineford. You lounged forward attacking him but since he was a bit distracted he realized too late that you attacked him and flew back to the wall but before he could hit it you teleported behind him and kicked him.

He composed himself and glared at you “I’M YOUR FATHER YOU DISRESPECTFUL PIECE OF SHIT!!” he yelled and the other half now froze aka your friends. Sanji came from behind and kicked kaido, somehow his leg was on fire but he seemed fine to you. “NO ONE HIT A LADY AND DISRESPECT HER IN MY PRESENCE!” he yelled then turned to you doing his weird dance.

“You look so good y/n-chwan!!! Don’t worry your knight in shining armor has came!!” you smiled as Sanji had finally returned to being normal.

(I’m bored and dunno how to write a fight scene so SKIP TO THE END OF THE FIGHT!!!)

Summary of the event, me and Luffy teamed up against kaido and mixed our powers together. Luffy had gained the powers of the angel’s or whatever while you got the power of the demon’s so it’s pretty destructible together.

Kidd and law had took on big mom with some help with shanks. Sanji with queen, Zoro with king while the other fight some other people you didn’t care enough to remembered. And katakuri stayed to the side just watching although the bunch of profanities that big mom was shouting at him because he didn’t help them and that made you snap at her telling her to ultimately shut up and that it’s his choice not hers.

After the fight was done you were able to change into much nicer clothes and your wounds had already healed, luffy was helping around healing people with his power while you stood to the side watching.

You leaned on the wall for a while to catch your breath since you overused your power and now you feel tired as hell. Your rest was interrupted when someone pulled you away from the group. You looked at them and your eyes widened realizing it was shanks.

You both went to a scheduled area away from the celebration of kaido’s and big mom down fall. You stood opposite of each other, you looking down at the ground while he looks at you. His hand rested on your chin and he made you look at him “Y/n…” he said softly once he realized you were crying “Shanks…” you muttered under your breath “I’m sorry… really sorry… I’M VERY FUCKING SORRY SHANKS!!” you sobbed as you cried “I didn’t mean to kill her… It wasn’t me I swear!! He controlled me… he killed her… I couldn’t do anything…” you added sobbing more as you whipped your tears but more kept coming back “I never meant for that to happen… I hate myself for that.. I wish I could just undo it all but-“ before you could continue shanks pulled you in and wrapped his arms around “I shouldn’t of snapped at you without listening to you” he said as he kissed your forehead and you clutched to his clothes “I’m sorry, I had failed you… Once again, I messed up didn’t I?” he questioned and you shook your head “No! This is entirely my fault!” you said looking at him “You were right… I can’t live without you. No matter how much I tried to hate you I just somehow loved you more” he said and you sniffled “I don’t deserve you shanks… you’re so much better than me..” you muttered and he looked in your eyes “No my dear, it’s you who’s much better than me. You went through a lot and now I can see it. I was blinded by rage when I said all of these things. I’m the one who should be apologizing not you” he sighed. You hugged him tightly and buried your head in his chest, breathing in his scent. You smirked slightly before returning to being sad, “It’s alright, I forgive you. I always had, and always will. But do you forgive me as well?” you questioned and he nodded putting his head on yours “Why wouldn’t I? I forgive you darling”.

Oh such a happy ending right~?” chuckled red and you sighed ‘Go away, red. I’m not in the mood for you, I’m too tired’ you thought leaning in shanks’ hold while closing your eyes “Just came to say, me and strawhat angel’s are going for a while. Don’t do anything dumb, I know you. So don’t” he informed you then it felt as if the last bit of energy in you had left you and your vision begun blurring then it all faded to black.

Shanks POV:

“Why wouldn’t I? I forgive you darling” I said hugging her tightly to me, I just got her back and I won’t let her get away from my sight ever again. Suddenly y/n leaned all of her weight on me and her hold on my clothes lightened, I looked down at her and noticed that she had fainted. I quickly picked her up and walked back to the others, when I got back I found them all panicking because luffy had suddenly collapsed “You have… to take us to the hospital… Y/n is in danger..” he muttered then completely blacked out. Now our panic had doubled and an ambulance was quickly called meanwhile I just took y/n with my car there knowing that this could be so much worst than it seems. Benn was with me in the backseat assuring me that y/n was still breathing while I broke a couple of street laws nothing too bad. When we reached there y/n was immediately taken into the emergency room to be examined and taken care of. 30 minutes later luffy had also came in and they took him into a different room, his situation wasn’t as severe as hers which eased some of them. But my mind was running with millions of thoughts on why did she suddenly faint and why would luffy say she’s in danger?

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