Chapter thirty-five

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You and teach both just stared at each other darkly, his body was turning into mist but you could clearly tell that he barely had control over it.

You smirked as you immediately attacked him, he blocked the attack and tried to make his own but you were already back in your spot. You smiled “Not too shabby for a beginner” you said shaking off the mist that was on your hand “But don’t forget, you’re countering fire” you smirked as your hand lit up ‘is ace and Luffy out of the battlefield yet?’ you thought “yup! Pineapple guy is just asking who you are but nobody answer him because they don’t know or just hiding it” red replied “We’re gonna end this today, one of us is gonna die.” You said firmly but before either of you could attack shanks appeared. He commanded that the war ends and that he’ll retrieve the bodies of these who had died.

You couldn’t help but turn and stare at him, although his hair was messy and fell slightly on his eyes but it was still pretty good. You could still see them, these dark brown eyes that are filled with hatred. His composure was tense and he spoke with the utmost confidence. He looked like he was doing much better than you were, ‘he probably already forgot about me’ you thought as you turned your attention back to teach to see that he had fled. You cursed under your breath and put your hand on your hip as your other one slicked your hair back “I’ll get you, Motherfucker. You won’t get away from me.” You groaned as you begun walking but sengoku stopped you “What the hell was that about? You really just betrayed us like that?! If you had this planned why didn’t you get him the moment you went to impel down” he questioned irritation clear on his face “Easy, the world needs to know what you’re doing. You may be ‘justice’ but I was never that. I was revenge, hatred and loathe. So don’t mind me, this is what you created” you said as you rolled your eyes and teleported out.

You stood in the middle of the room and sighed as you threw the mask away “God damnit!!” You groaned as you begun hitting air “He’s such a damn distraction!! If only he wasn’t so handsome- No! Mind stop!! He distracted you and that bastard ran!” You begun shouting “No and he seems to be completely fine! Like I didn’t even exist in his life!! How dare he?!” you said as you started hitting the air again.

Edward came in and he looked at you confused “Uhm… lady y/n?” he muttered slightly scared for his life “WHAT?!” you yelled as you turned and glared at him “Oh, hey…. Didn’t notice you were here…” you chuckled nervously “need something?” You asked “Master Yamato, is asking for your presence. Said he need to ask you about something” you raised a brow at that and followed after him. He lead you to the underground cells where the ‘criminals’ of wano are kept and your confusion furthered more.

After reaching a cell at the end of the hall you saw Yamato sitting there making you surprised “What the hell?!” You yelled as you went closer to the cell but it was as if a barrier had stopped you. You just stared at him waiting for an explanation “What the hell happened? Why are you here?!” you questioned “I wanted to save Ace.” He answered and you froze ‘He wanted to imprison me as well? Why? Aren’t we his children? What the hell? But he didn’t show any… evil intent… Why? WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! WHY?!’ you thought looking at the ground “What happened?” he asked after a moment of silent letting you take in the information “What happened to ace and his friends?” He questioned again and you looked up “Oh yeah, sorry. He’s alright. Ace had escaped because some masked person helped him, fucked up the government by revealing their secrets which is just illegal experimentation. Possibility of Akainu dying because he just randomly fell. And red haired shanks showed up, that’s what happened. It was all casted live because they thought ace would die and yeah” you explained and he just stared at you shocked “What the hell?!” He yelled and you laughed “It’s much crazier watching it” you laughed and he just sat back “At least ace and his friends are safe” he muttered and you nodded as you touched the barrier again ‘Not demon friendly, I get it’ you thought pulling back your hand.

You sighed as you turned around “I’ll get you out of this cell if he doesn’t free you.” I said and then left.

A week had passed and a lot of riots were happening against the government. The revolutionary was starting to move taking this as an opportunity since everything was so messed up, and with the citizens help they were able to take down a lot of government facilities. You smirked hearing the news and we’re glad that everyone was okay.

Kaido had called you a couple of times to ask how you were and just check how you’re settling in. It’s been three months since you came and you were much better since the time you came. No disassociation moment that much or anything. Pretty friendly with the staff and everything is going much better. You felt as if there was an ulterior motive to just bringing you here but nothing seemed to click in your mind. But you felt as if big mom’s appearance when you first came has a thing to do with this.

You thought this was going to be a normal sitting with your ‘father’ who you don’t call anything like that. You don’t even address him when talking with him. You entered his office and found big mom and katakuri there. You were pretty used to seeing her roam around the castle but not in the office again. You walked in and closed the door then sat down in your chair. “So what’s the reason I had been called here?” You questioned looking at them ‘I feel like a damn dwarf sitting in with giants. Why are they all so monstrously tall’ you thought sweat dropping a bit “Well, me and Lin Lin had decided to make and alliance” he said and you nodded “Congratulations, what do I have to do with that?” you questioned, smiling because you didn’t understand the purpose of you being here “We decided you’re gonna marry katakuri” big mom said and my smile fell “Excuse me what? Where did ‘What do you think about this’ go? I don’t consent” you protested looking at them. Katakuri looked away, also not having a say in this. While the other two just shrugged it off like you didn’t say anything. “You don’t have a say in this” kaido said and you glared at him “Yes I fucking do! This is my life you’re talking about!! You can’t do this!!” You yelled standing up to leave but what he said next made you stop in your spot “Well do you want your precious ‘friends’ to die?” he smirked and you turned around “DON’T YOU DARE LAY A FINGER ON THEM!!” you shouted “Yes I can and you won’t do anything to stop me.” He smirked and you went quiet looking down ‘Who does he think he is?! I’VE GOT A BITCHASS DEMON I CAN SEND ON YOUR ASS ANYTIME I WANT!! YOU CAN’T THREATEN ME WITH MY DAMNED FRIENDS!!’ you thoughtOh~ that’s very nice of you to think of me! Didn’t think you loved me this much-“ ‘Shut up or you’ll perish’ you thought gritting your teeth. “It’s next week, be prepared” he said and you left “No one threaten me with my friends and stay alive. I won’t let you go with it fucking bastard. I hate everybody” you muttered under your breath but you bumped into something more like someone “ow, what the fuck?” You cursed holding your head “I’m sorry- Y/N?!” yelled a familiar voice and you immediately looked up “What the- SANJI?!” you shouted once you saw him.

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