Chapter Two

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You looked at him confused then the gears in your brains started working ‘Somehow a teacher was indirectly flirting with me this morning...’ you thought as you looked back at your table. Everyone was so… lively… yet you were so dull… you were just sitting there while watching them talk, you hadn’t an idea what to do or talk about so you were just quiet unless spoken to.

Finally, the bell rang, and you got up from the table looking at your schedule “Gym class... with sir Garp...?” you muttered and looked up to see half of them pale as paper “What’s wrong? Did I say something wrong?” You frowned ‘you already messed up! Dumb y/n!’ you thought while looking at them “No y/n-San, you didn’t say anything wrong. It’s just that Garp is known as the hardest teacher ever” chuckled robin while you nodded “Ah, I see..” you sighed while putting your schedule away “I also have that class with the monster come on follow me” said Zoro as he stood up “Y/n-San, the gym class is right around the left corner at the end of this hall” instructed Nami “Okay, thank you nami-san” you smiled politely as you and Zoro left the cafeteria, he immediately went the wrong direction. Taking the right turn instead of the left which made you just take his arm and drag him with you “What are you doing woman!” he asked frowning “Going in the right direction” you replied sarcastically as you walked into the gym class “you’re welcome” you said as you let go of him and sat on one of the benches, you looked around and saw that the teacher had yet to arrive.

You pulled out your phone and checked your Instagram to find it blowing up with photos of you sitting with the strawhats and some of them when you’re alone. All of them captioned with how much of a beauty you are even if you’re in a school uniform and how lucky they are to be in the same school as you. You checked your other social media to find more of the same topic about you, somehow the only question actively running in your mind was when did they take the pictures? Clearly not long ago but how didn’t you see them?

Suddenly your phone rang, and you saw it was your uncle. You let it ring for a few seconds then answered

“Hello” you answered flatly

“HI Y/N!!!” Rayleigh shouted through the phone excitedly

“Yes, what do you need?” you asked rather bored

“So, listen! Me and Shakky are going on a very important business trip! And we don’t want you to be alone! Soo, I got our neighbor, Newgate to take care of you for a while. We might be gone for a week max; he has his children in the same school as you. Thatch, Marco, Ace, Sabo and Luffy. He's already expecting you to come home with them” he informed you

“…” you stayed quiet for a while and that got your uncle rather concerned

“Y/n? You still there?” he asked rather worriedly

“Yea, sorry. I zoned out...” you muttered looking down while rubbing your forehead out of annoyance

“Okay then, what are you doing right now?” he asked



“The gym teacher, Garp”

“Oh well, good luck. He always come late, just stay in class”

“Is that all?”

“Yeah, by- “ Before he could even finish his goodbye you hung up and sighed as you put your phone aside and took out your book. You didn’t know how much time passed but the gym teacher finally came, you put your book aside and stood with the other students.

You had to introduce yourself again Which irritated you to no end, maybe you should stop being a transfer student.

You got asked multiple question, but the teacher wasn’t having that shit and made you all do 50 pushups, 20 laps around the whole gym which was fucking huge. Yeah, you sure this fucker doesn’t want to kill these poor people?’ you thought.

Although it wasn’t a problem for you in any way as you did the task effortlessly, everyone was shocked by how fast and strong you are. The teacher was smiling like a mad man, and he even gave you the rest of the class off. Meaning you could walk around the school. You changed back into the uniform and then packed your stuff and left the classroom. Seeing the interior of the school was kind of shocking as everything around looked kind of nice, now thinking about it. You’ll have to spend a week with your neighbor... ah great, more problems to you. It’s going to be a hellish week... You sighed as you walked past the infirmary but stopped once you saw who was there. You peaked through the door frame and your eyes slightly lit up, seeing that unique hat that you could recognize anywhere felt kind of good.

After all who wouldn’t be a little bit happy after seeing their childhood friend ‘Law...’  you thought as you entered the infirmary “Hello, what can I… y/n-ya?” law stopped midsentence once he saw you standing there “Hello, old friend” you smirked as he advanced towards you “How the hell are you here?” He frowned as he stood in front of you “Man, no hugs to your good old homie? That’s tough" you chuckled as you put a hand on your mouth “I mean, welcome back from the dead. Are you here for another deadly surgery?” he asked sarcastically making you laugh “Oh, that’s a good one. But no, I just transferred here” you grinned as you lowered your hand.

You both then started chatting normally, for whatever time you had left and once the bell rang you left the infirmary.

Checking on your schedule once again, you frowned lightly noticing who’s going to teach you next ‘shanks… English…’ you thought as you begun walking, you remembered seeing class nine on the end of a hallway but which one you don’t know exactly.

In the end, you had to ask for directions and went to your class. The introduction was inevitable at this point, although the discomfort you felt throughout the class was really something. Obviously, being a ‘super’ model and all. You’re supposed to be used to all the attention, but nooooooo. That look the red-haired one was giving you felt so different, it was piercing through your whole being and giving you every reason to want the ground to split in two and swallow you up.

After the class ended, you never packed your stuff and ran any faster in your life. Ah, how awkward can one situation be.

The rest of the day went smoothly and you didn’t seem to have any trouble at all until one problem occurred…

You couldn’t find any of the ASL trio and didn’t know who Thatch and Marco were. So yeah, you’re stuck here. I mean you could go back home and all, but seeing the school library proves to you much more appealing. 

You picked up one of the books and your eyes lit up once you recognized it’s one you’ve been searching for a while ago. You sat on one of the tables and began reading although your happy moment lasted for a second, that was until a certain red-haired someone sat beside you.

You looked up at him for a second then looked back at your book “Do you perhaps need anything?” you asked looking at your book “No, I just want to talk with you” he grinned as he took your book from you and closed it “Hey! I was reading that. There’s nothing to talk about here...” you frowned as you tried reaching the book “I just want to make sure we both got this right; I was flirting with you this morning and I don’t regret it. Anyway, I wanted to get to know you” he smiled as he stood up and kept the book away from your reach “Well, I don’t! Give me the book back” you said standing up as well and reaching for the book “Well shorty, you’ll have to get it from me” he chuckled but what he didn’t expect was for you to tackle him to the ground, you both fell down and you reached for the book finally getting it “huh! See I got it…” you trailed off as you noticed the position you both were into.

You were literally sitting on his waist straddling him while leaning forward. To the onlookers if there were one it would’ve seemed to them that you were kissing.

The grandline highschool (Shanks x Reader) [Rewrite]Where stories live. Discover now