chapter thirty

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Y/n POV:

You walked into the old base and sighed looking around “How long has it been since I was here? It seems like it’s been forever” you muttered as you put your hand on the wall and kept walking.

You checked every room and when you entered b/f/n’s room you found a letter on top of a notebook. You raised a brow and took it opening it

Dear y/n,

It’s me. B/f/n I don’t know if you’re still angry at me or if you’re still upset. You may not know the truth but you still came back anyway searching for us. Are you seeking revenge from me? You might’ve killed me already or kaido did. What does your father have to do with this? I worked under him for as long as I remember and I gathered the fact that you were his daughter from the information I gathered. I was shocked at first but then I confirmed it with the DNA test, it’s in my drawer if you’re wondering. Did you reunite with your family again? How was it? I hope you’re happy with them now. How’s everyone else? I hope they’re safe, tell my brothers I love them a lot. I hope we meet again y/n, Maybe in another life. Where we can live freely with a normal life

                Yours truly,


You stared at the letter in shock as your grip around it tightened, you immediately opened the drawer and the DNA test stared right back at you. You knew something was wrong that day, you knew it was all fake. You knew she wouldn’t do anything to harm you. You shook as you fell down and glared at the ground “What the fuck… why couldn’t anything be simple?! It’s as if the gods hate me!” you shouted your fist connecting with the ground making a dent in it.

(Well it’s more of a writer situation than gods but yk)

You immediately went home and opened the door “Hey y/n! Where-“ shanks couldn’t finish his sentence when you ran and hugged him tightly “What’s wrong?” he asked making you look at him while he put one of his hands around you.  You stayed silent as tears ran down your cheeks “Just hug me… please” you cried and he sighed picking you up “I’m here don’t worry darling, you don’t have to tell me what happened but know I’m here for you” he whispered reassuringly as he kissed the top of your head. You just didn’t say anything and only buried your head in his chest.

When you fell asleep from exhaustion, shanks layed you down on the bed and left the room. Benn was standing there waiting for him “So why did you call me?” he asked while shanks stared at him seriously “I want you to find any possible information on y/n. Anything useful, parents, past, medical files. Anything. I’m sick of not knowing what’s going on with her, even if she told me a major part of her life I feel like she left out some bits out. I want to know them” he stated seriously while Benn took a drag of his cigarette “Alright, consider it done by tomorrow” he smirked and walked off.  

//The next day// (damn I’m lazy af someone give me ideas!)

You went to the highschool as usual but felt like there was something wrong. Your gut feeling was kicking in and you just knew it was correct.

You walked into the school and everyone was staring at you. Although it was normal, you felt like throwing up just by the stares. You bite your inner lip and continued focusing on looking forward.

You saw nami and immediately ran towards her putting a hand on her shoulder “What the fuck is going on?” you asked and she looked at you weirdly making you frown ‘What’s up with that look?’ you thought “What’s going on? You should know yourself what you’ve done!” she said and your frown deepened “I didn’t do anything though?” you replied confused “You’ve been talking shit about all of us! The conversation is imprinted all around school” she accused you making you feel shocked “But I-“ you couldn’t finish your sentence when she slapped you “We’re not friends anymore” she said and left. You looked down smiling as you put your hand on your cheek ‘But I did nothing at all! How could she believe this stupidity?’ you thought as you glared at those who stared “What are you looking at huh?! Move from my way fuckers!” you yelled as you pushed through the crowd and looked at the pictures of conversations upon conversation with your name on them and someone’s else you’ve never seen.

You went to your friends to try and convince them that whoever’s conversation that was, it wasn’t yours but they didn’t listen. Nobody wanted to listen.  Honesty is one way gate to hell, you’ve done nothing and no one believes you. Poor y/n! Everyone hates you again!’ Red laughed while you clenched your fists.

You glared at anyone who stared at you making them cower in fear. The school day went by painfully slow, and you had yet to see law nor Kidd or robin. Which was strange since their usual spots are clearly known.

Luffy was sick and Sanji was out of town meanwhile thatch and Marco had to go with whitebeard to solve some problems outside.

You were hanging by a single thread from going haywire and beating everyone to the ground. You took a deep breath as you saw Kidd and got ready for him to immediately start yelling “Hey fucker, what are these rumors yapping about?” he asked and you raised a brow “So, you don’t believe them? Wow, the only person I expected to believe them without thinking actually didn’t” you chuckled and he just stared at you “So it is a lie, I knew your dumbass wouldn’t do that shit. You’re way too.. uh.. friendly for that shit.” He said looking away and you smiled slightly “Thanks for believing in me” he rolled his eyes and then took your wrist “Yea right come on, cow hat and the dark humor girl are at the library” he grumbled as he pulled you and you chuckled ‘At least you care enough to believe me…’ you thought your eyes softening.

You and the other trio tried to understand who would benefit of you losing your reputation and being hated by everyone but no one crossed your mind’s. You had been too caught up in this mess that you completely ignored your phone’s notification and the fact that it was blowing up thinking it was just hate messages.

You returned to shanks’ house and opened the house to be met with an agitated shanks “What’s going on?” you asked and he looked at you sharply “you have the audacity to ask?! YOU KILLED MY SISTER!” he yelled and your eyes went wide “How…”

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