Chapter fifteen

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You shook your head and looked at them “I’m not going, I have so much businesses to attend to” you sighed and looked away just to see shanks staring in your direction with one of his lovesick looks.

You winked at him then turned back to them “I have a photoshoot session and I’m quite sensitive to loud noises” you muttered laying your head on the table “Come on~ is it because you don’t have a partner? I’m pretty sure one of the boys would be glad to take you right?” she smiled glaring at the boys “Oh my gosh no! You really think I have a problem with finding a partner when half the school wants to literally be my partner?” you groaned covering your face. “just come with us! You’ll have fun!” she said sitting beside you and putting a hand on your back and patting it harshly, you sighed and looked at her “I’ll try to come, it's a masquerade right?” you asked taking your phone out “Yeah! It’s their first time doing this! And you can bring people from outside school like your brother or sister or boyfriend or whatever” grinned luffy and you sighed looking at him with your best disappointed look. The silence conversation that went by your stares was very clear to everyone but they didn’t know what exactly you were talking about.

‘Bring jack :)’


‘Come on~ Please!’

‘He’s supposed to be hidden no!’


‘Ugh! Fine but we won’t stay too long’

You looked away and Luffy smiled victoriously after knowing his friend would come, at some point these two became such friends that even you couldn’t make them stay away from each other for one day.

Hence why luffy is now always sticking with you while you're walking home just to see his ‘Little Friend’ and play with him.

You sighed as the bell rang and you had to go to class, you dragged Zoro as usual and went to the gym class where you had to wait for garp and the other students. Zoro walked out and you sighed taking your book out and begun reading where you left off, after the death of mark everything went back to it’s usual routine and it became peaceful.. no missions… no deaths… no guns… nothing… such an odd peace of mind you’ve been having lately.

You and shanks finally started going out like normal people but still without anyone knowing yet. Jack was doing well and you were just so thrilled to see him okay which was making your mood get better seeing him grow out of that toxic environment he used to live in.

You looked up from your book as your phone rang and you took it out just to see your manager’s number, you picked up and rolled your eyes once her annoying voice transported through the phone “Hey!!!! So! Did you decide your partner yet??” She asked “No, not really…” you answered looking around “Well you better choose fast! Because~ that snobby guy wants to be your partner and you know I can’t stop him if you don’t come up with something” she chuckled and you frowned “Well I do have someone in mind, don’t you dare put that brat in the same room nor stage as me. Much more don’t he dare touch me because then I’m gonna make sure it’s his last day on earth” you threatened but stood up as garp entered “Gotta go, bye” you said hanging up and throwing your phone in your bag.

After the gym class everyone was exhausted due to how harsh garp was but you and Zoro as per usual were completely indifferent to whatever hell he was putting them through, well to you it’s entertaining just seeing them suffer to do such a simple task.

A 100 push ups is hard? Pfft- Should’ve seen you doing 1000. Guess mark was giving you a real assed training unlike garp! He’s being too soft on them.

You sighed looking at your table then looking at the board ‘When did he even write any of these?’ you thought looking at shanks then the board ‘Never mind, I don’t really care anymore’ you sighed laying back down.

Come pwease!!!” She begged on her knees “I said no! I’m not wearing that.. that thing! It’s so ugly and it expose so much skin!” you protested looking at the dress in disgust “I swear! It would look perfect on you!” she swore and you looked down at her “I’m not wearing that thing, nor would I ever expose my back! Remember” you frowned and crossed your hands “Please! I beg you! Wear a shirt underneath it if you don’t like it like that!” she insisted and you just walked backwards and ran out of the door “Nope!”

Y/N!” yelled shanks for the millionth time which you finally looked up at him “Detention with me after school” he sighed but you could see him smirking slightly, you nodded as the bell rang and everyone went out.

You leaned back in your seat as he sat down beside you “Hug?” he asked and you nodded standing up and hugging him, he hugged you back and made you sit in his lap.

You put your head on his chest and listened to his heart beats, it was oddly calming to you “Shanks?” You muttered looking up at him “Yes darling?” he asked kissing your cheek “Do you promise to never leave me?” You questioned “Of course!” he grinned and you smiled slightly “Even if I have insecurities? Even if my past is so bad? Even if I killed people?” you asked looking down but he made you look at him

“I don’t give a single fuck about what you did in the past, I Don’t care if you killed someone, I don’t care about your past, I love you. I love your hair, I love your eyes, I love your insecurities, I love everything about you. So don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, you’re beautiful. You’re my treasure, and I love you no matter what” He smiled sweetly as he kissed your forehead. Your eyes were filled with tears as you heard what he said, you hugged him tightly and smiled genuinely finally ‘Thank you… Thank you… thank you…’ you thought as tears ran down your face “I love you as well, so damn much… I can’t describe how much I love you” you sobbed burying your head in his chest.

Shanks just smiled and patted your head “Everything is going to be okay, don’t worry. Just cry it out darling..” he said soothingly.

The grandline highschool (Shanks x Reader) [Rewrite]Where stories live. Discover now