Chapter sixteen

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You leaned on shanks and sighed slightly ‘Just spit it out! It’s not a big deal. He’s just going to become a super famous model cuz he’s gonna model with you that’s all, yeah just go like “shanks please be my modeling partner cuz I don’t want to be partnered with a snooby brat” yeah that will work’ you thought and you looked up just to see him staring at your face ‘Nuh, Nope. Never mind, I hate this. Why is he looking at me like that?!?!’ you thought sighing “do you need something?” you asked smiling nervously “You don’t have a partner for prom right?” he questioned looking in your eyes ‘Oh… Right… prom…’ you thought and shook your head “Great! Then be my prom” he smiled making you flinch ‘Calm down, he’s not like him. Shanks is different, nothing would happen’ you thought shaking lightly, shanks seemed to notice this but he didn’t say anything and just hugged you tightly while patting your back in a comforting manner.

You took a deep breath and shook your head “I guess I could be your date to prom… But there’s this photo shooting session I have… you wouldn’t mind helping me with it?” you asked looking at him just to see him smiling brightly and he begun nodding “Yes! Yes of course!” he smiled and you chuckle at how enthusiastic he was about it.

The rest of detention was spent in…..

Never mind, after detention was over shanks drove you home which was very appreciated.

When you walked in you smiled seeing luffy and jack playing “Guess who’s home~” you chuckled as he immediately ran towards you, you picked him up and spun him in the air a bit “Mama’s home!” he laughed as you hugged him. You took off your shoes and walked into the house “Hi y/n!!!” grinned luffy “Hey lu” you chuckled putting jack down “Now! Who’s hungry??” you smirked “Me! Me!” both boys said smiling brightly “Mama’s food is the best!” jack complimented while luffy just looked at you with puppy eyes as if ‘Please cook it fast’

You lifted your sleeves up and grinned “Now sit down and watch boys, chef y/n is gonna cook you the best meal if your life” you chuckled entering the kitchen.

After you finished, you put the food down so they could eat then you looked at luffy “I’m gonna text the others to tell them that we’re going shopping for the prom. I bet none of y’all have an actual appropriate suit or Dress for it. Maybe except Sabo, Law and Robin. But you’re all going. I’m paying, I want that oversized flamingo to lose half his money” you chuckled looking down at your phone with an evil smirk “who’s an oversized flamingo?” asked jack while eating making you chuckle “Someone who’s very scary and mean and bad”


 Never leave us


The _quite_kid🔪: ladies and gentlemen’s I! the great y/n invite all of you to my shopping spree for the upcoming party, all for free! I’ll pay for whatever you’re buying! all to make sure my father go bankrupt

Law: y/n-ya are you really that determined on making him go bankrupt in any possible way

Money_lover🤑(nami): of course y/n-san I would love to

Cook👩‍🍳(sanji): I’ll do anything you want y/n-swan!!

Swordsman(Zoro): I can’t go I have training

The _quite_kid🔪: come on Zoro! please go with us, I will make sure you’ll carry all the bags as your training plus carrying some bag wouldn’t hurt right

Swordsman: deal

Liar(usopp)🤥: I could come

Robin: okay I would come too

Mother_hen🐦🐔(Marco): are we invited too?

The _quite_kid🔪: yes my dear phoenix addicted ❤️

Mother_hen🐦🐔: I would come too and don’t call me that

The _quite_kid🔪:  Didn’t ask. Don’t care. Are you coming law ,thatch , ace , sabo , koala , vivi , Kidd and killer

✨The_best_father✨(thatch): yeah I ain’t letting you with them alone

Law: sure just to see him miserable

Arsonist_one🔥(ace): duh coming

Arsonist_two🔥🔥(sabo): I’ll come too if you don’t mind

Koala: I’ll accompany you as well y/n-Chan

Shyness☺️(vivi): okay

Brute☠️(Kidd): hell yeah I wouldn’t let a free offer go to waste plus I don’t have any clothe for the party

Caretaker👨‍👧‍👦(killer): I’ll come to keep him in check

The _quite_kid🔪: great then

The _quite_kid🔪: tomorrow I’ll come pick each of you up at 10a.m. just send me your address later

Mother_hen🐦🐔: wait a damn minute

Mother_hen🐦🐔: what the hell is wrong with our name

The _quite_kid🔪: okay then bye guys! hehe

Mother_hen🐦🐔: get back here you little shit!

Everyone: Hahahahaha

The_quite_kid is offline

You chuckled looking at your phone “I’ll come around to pick you up tomorrow at 10. Don’t over sleep” you said looking up at Luffy “Alright” he grinned “Can I come too mama!” jack asked “of course sweetie!” you smiled as you turned around and looked out the window ‘weird I thought someone was outside’ you thought while narrowing your eyes.

??? POV:

Oh fuck! That was hella close, she nearly caught me but… who’s that child and why does he keep calling her ‘mama’?


Yes ladies and gentlemen I am alive!

But barely

Like who has a week full of fucking tests and survive?

Ugh, that's not what I wanted to say anyway



which means I would be free to write more!

And I wouldn't be writing just 2 words a day without concentration!

So better quality chapters and longer ones (hopefully)


(Love you guys!!)

The grandline highschool (Shanks x Reader) [Rewrite]Where stories live. Discover now