Chapter twenty-eight

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You ran as fast as you could in the forest ignoring shanks’ shouting for you to stop or wait.

You reached the building and froze seeing it still standing, you shook as your eyes widened seeing the top of the building unharmed and apparently the fire somehow hadn’t reached it. Shanks panted finally catching up to you “Holy fuck! You sure as hell run fast! Why are we in the middle of the forest? And in front of the abandoned hospital?” He asked and you sighed putting a hand on your face “You didn’t have to follow me, I could’ve taken care of myself” you said coldly looking down while clenching your fists, shanks sighed as he walked to you and hugged you “I’m here and always would be here for you, now tell me what’s wrong?” he asked “You should go back” you muttered “What? why?” he exclaimed “It’s dangerous for you to be here, please shanks. I’ll tell you everything later but not now” you said pushing him away ‘You can’t enter, for your own sake please understand me..’ you thought as shanks sighed and walked away “I’ll see you at the house later and you better explain everything” he said and you smiled slightly “Okay!” you shouted and then turned around to the base.

You walked in silence enveloping the space. Your footsteps was the only sound you can hear, red came out of your body and smiled as he floated around you “Happy to be back?” he chuckled and you glared at him “Shut up! I just need to get my files and leave!” you grumbled as you snapped your fingers and your outfit changed into some jeans and shirt “this is better, I could barely walk in that shit” you sighed and kept walking while red laughed “Barely walk? Yeah right! You weren’t sprinting across town in that shit Moments before?” he rolled his eyes as he floated in front of you “Could you go any faster! I’m tired~” he whined making your eye twitch “you aren’t even doing anything! I’m the one doing shit! You’re not even walking you’re floating!” you shouted ducking down as you dodged a trap you accidentally set off. “We better hurry, I want to leave. I don’t feel safe here..” you muttered as you ran up the stairs “HEY! WAIT FOR ME! YOU CAN’T LEAVE YOUR DEMON ALONE!” red yelled as he teleported in front of you “GET OUT OF MY FACE!” you shouted back kicking him in the face “Oh wow~ how dare you kick me? I saved you more times then I can count! Without me you’d be dead!” he said and you glared at him “And I wish I was dead, better than having to deal with you and this shit!” you said and kick the door down “finally we’re here, now where the fuck is my document” you muttered as you begun opening cabinets and drawers.

“Where the hell is it??” you groaned looking everywhere for your files but you couldn’t find them “Hurry up host! I have to rest you know~ being a mighty demon is hard!” red rolled his eyes making you groan as you punched the floor “Could you shut up for once!” You yelled looking up at him “Ohh~ secret door!” red smirked and you looked down seeing the secret door under your fist “You knew it you bitch! Why didn’t you tell me directly instead of angering me!” You yelled glaring at him “You wouldn’t listen anyway” he shrugged and you opened the door “Oh! Here’s my documents!” you smirked as you grabbed the files and opened them

Experiment 00 or 06.

Real name:

y/n l/n

Age of arrival:

1 day old


m/n l/n



Age: 3

Experiment 00 is one of the best developing experiment, she’s got the best potential for conquering the demon that’s being contained. This experiment is getting the special treatment for being the youngest one here, she’s very cheerful for a potential murder machine.



Experiment 06 as she’d like to be called, is very exceptional! Although being only 4 years old she’s a great killer! She is doing anything to make mark proud of her, taking up the guy as her role model. Being the exceptionally child she is, she had taken one of the most dangerous missions and never failed one of them.

Second update:


3 years passed, she’s being sent to doflamingo’s care. A very dangerous decision considering his close relationship with her father. But maybe he don’t know she’s alive.

The experiment is getting harmed at school and she’s putting up a disguise as a weak person, very smart of her

Third update:


The demon has been injected into her body, she went into a 3 weeks coma but she woke up soon after with a new distinctive feature. Red eyes, horns and a tail. She was being controlled by the demon. Lock down was necessary for 2 days until she regained control.

Experiment 06 has gotten a couple of friends to hang out with, a very clear decrease in missions.

Forth update:

New things has been happening, the experiment developed a gang. A clear increase in the missions and more income.

Gang consisting of b/f/n Le roux, Tyler le roux the twins and siblings of the mafia leader shanks le roux. Julia Beckman daughter of the first mate Benn Beckman. Ray smith son of the CEO of a big company named William Smith. Rose Charlotte daughter of the emperor big mom.”

You blinked once then twice before yelling “WHAT THE FUCK?!” red laughed “you didn’t know who your friends were?” you looked up and glared at him “Do you think I did?! We were outcasts we didn’t give a single fuck about who was who’s child!” you shouted then turned back to your files “How did they even find information about them?!” you muttered as you stood up and left the hospital.

Lifting your hand up a small fire appeared and started getting bigger until it swallowed up the whole building. You smiled as the building burned and finally collapsed.

Red appeared beside you “Come on! I want food! Let’s go murder someone!”

You sighed and begun walking "Okay fine, let's go"

The grandline highschool (Shanks x Reader) [Rewrite]Where stories live. Discover now