Chapter Forty-one

16 1 14

Wake up…

They need you…

I suppose you can use my power child…

Kill the demons….

Save your lover…


Wake up.


You opened your eyes and sat up, feeling a different kind of energy running through your body.

You looked around and saw nothing but darkness, the memories of what happened crashed down on you. You looked around and noticed that your wings were different, you didn’t have the bloody red wings or the thin tail and your hands didn’t imitate fire. Your wings were white, pure white. And a golden halo floated above your head, your hand imitating some sort of white light which was a bit blinding.

You stood up looking at your hands a bit amazed “Woah, what the fuck happened. I’m not dead am I? Hold on if I was dead I’d be a demon not an angel, what the fuck was that voice? Never mind I have to break this doom thing” you groaned getting up and closing your eyes focusing your energy on your hands, you lifted your hands up and a light shoot out breaking the doom. You opened your eyes and looked around “holy fuck, this actually really cool! I love this new power” you smirked getting out of the remaining shadow on the floor.

You walked around for a moment trying to find your friends or anybody for that matter.

Your blood ran cold once you did find them, just not in the condition you wanted go find them. Bloodied, on the floor, injuredDead.

You froze in your spot, your eyes widening as you stared down at them. You fell to your knees in shock “Guys…? Wake up, it’s not funny… Haha, good prank now please wake up! Wake up, god fucking damn it!!” you shouted desperately shaking each of them “Come on, please! Kidd… Law… Marco… Thatch… anybody! Luffy… Zoro! Just answer me for fuck sake!” you shouted desperately trying to get anyone to wake up, but it’s too late… Everyone is gone.

You stood up looking down, only one thought swirling in your mind. ‘I need to fucking kill that bastard. He will pay.’ You started walking to where you heard some noises and you couldn’t help but freeze, now knowing what had happened. Black Flames everywhere, burning everything in it’s wake. Red. Was your initial thought, you gritted your teeth and continued walking, more agitated than ever.

Your steps came to a halt as you witnessed shanks still up and fighting although a bit sluggish due to his injuries, red as well fighting alongside him against Teach.

It's just one more time…

Kill the demons.

Save him.



And then we’ll stop…

The voice you heard before yelled and your body involuntarily started moving, a sword appeared in your hand as you approached them. Immediately jumping and decapitating red which happened to be right in front of you, his body withering as he looked at you shocked “Ah, you’ve finally awakened… Goddess of war.” He smirked his body finally disappearing, you turned to teach glaring at him coldly “Thought you got rid of me?” you grinned walking towards him with your sword pointed at him.

“How are you alive..?” he questioned gritting his teeth while glaring at you. You rolled your eyes and looked at shanks “Go and rest, you’ve done enough” he looked at you for a moment then hesitantly nodded “Be careful, yeah? We’ve got a lot to talk about later” He said then walked away holding his side which was bleeding from the earlier stab.

(After an epic fight scene and Teach’s defeat cuz I don’t know how to describe a fighting scene)

After a long fight and merely destroying everything around you, you won. You stood there victorious as blood dripped from your sword.

You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. It felt as if words were appearing in front of you, so you begun reading “By the powers I’ve been given, the fate I’ve been condemned to live. I, the goddess of war. Demand that you arise from the dead, heal the wounds of those who had been good and rot the bodies of those who had been evil. For the blood that had been spilled is pure injustice to these souls.” As you begun saying what you’re seeing, you opened your eyes and saw white light emit from the earth surrounding your friends as well as some black substance had enveloped the allies of Teach and started dragging them down to the bottom of earth.

Not even a minute later, the light dimmed. Everything returning to normal, as if the fight never happened. Your angel like features disappeared so did the immense feeling of power you always had. You just felt… you?

No voices talking in the back of your head or excessive power flowing through you.

You leaned on the tree for support and looked around as everyone started waking up slowly, realizing that everything was over they started celebrating. Shanks immediately ran to you and was by your side hugging you, you looked at him and smiled hugging him back “I knew you could fucking do it, are you okay? How are you feeling?” he asked and you chuckled “Thanks for believing in me…” you said leaning on him and burying your head in his chest, he continued holding you close while running his hand through your hair.
You felt at peace, content?... You’ve never felt like this before… weird…? It almost felt… endearing…?

You looked over noticing the sun setting, why is this so peaceful…?

“Love..? Why are you so quiet..?” Shanks asked holding your chin and making you look at him “I don’t know… I just…” you stopped talking as you coughed into your hand, tasting something metallic on your tongue.

You looked at your hand noticing the blood “Ah, Now I know…” You said falling to your knees, shanks immediately kneeling to hold you “Y/n?! What’s going on?” He questioned looking at you, you held your side noticing just how much blood was covering it. You took a deep breath and leaned on him then held his hand “Tell me what’s going on?!” He shouted as more blood came out of your mouth “Just keep holding me… yeah?” you muttered looking at him “What do you mean?! I have to take you to the hospital!” He said, his concern showing on his face “It’s too late, I’ll bleed out before I reach there..” you chuckled and coughed more blood “No…” He said shakily, holding your hand tightly ”I guess it’s the end for me…” you smiled “Why are you smiling...? You’re dying…” he asked brushing a bit of hair out of your face “Because… In the end.. Everyone is safe.” He looked at you sadly “But you’re not…” he muttered, you shook your head and looked at the sunset. The sun slowly hiding behind the sea of trees and into the horizon “Heh, the sunset is beautiful… isn’t it?” You asked and closed your eyes while smiling. And for once, everything stopped


So basically the saying ‘The sunset is beautiful isn’t it?’ means that ‘I love you but I have to let you go.’ As far as I know and I really liked it so I decided to involve it.

Now you might be wondering, who was that voice? It was the voice of the ‘goddess of war’ as we called her. She was controlling the body of y/n and making her do that.

The chant was to revive everybody and in result, y/n used the last of her energy on saving everybody.

Completely sacrificing herself in favor of letting everyone live.

When the voices said ‘just one more time and then we’ll stop.’ Meant that after killing ‘red’ and the other demon, this new ‘voice’ is just gonna leave because it had served it’s purpose which was to eliminate the demons.

And no, what luffy has is not a demon but an angel. That’s why he’s left with it.

And I think that’s it.

Hope you enjoyed it and thanks for reading my complete nonsense.

We’ll meet again in my new story ‘The arranged marriage’ :>

Till another time.

Adios mi Lectores.

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