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' SUN, OCTOBER 30TH, 1994. '
nightclub ⸻
atlanta, georgia !

     TUPAC HEADS TO THE SHOW , he's due to perform for. He smiles towards the fans that call his name out as all eyes are on him, camera flashes blind his vision temporarily as everyone hurries to get a glimpse or even just pictures of him.

"Tupac, Tupac!" A woman shouts from within the crowd. He turns towards the fan that shouts his name, brightly flashing a smile followed by a wink watching how she and her friends beside her loose it.

As he walks, many people rush to get a chance to get an autograph from him. They hold out whatever it is they have, and Tupac kindly accepts the offers. Although he's going through so much allegations, it's nice to see the real fans who truly appreciate him and know the truth.

Finally, he enters the building his entourage walking in behind him. He walks into the outer rooms of the club, sighing tiredly from all of the buzz outside. He notices a leather couch within the room and sits down. Beside him sits Dante, another one of his cousins who's deep in a loud, humorous conversation with EDI Mean.

He doesn't want to be a bother to interrupt them, instead he sits there for a good moment taking everything in. He lets his eyes close, trying to give himself a break from all the stress he's been feeling this past week, since he has a show to pull within the next few minutes.

His eyes flutter open without rest and he turns to look towards Dante, his attention earned as he overhears a situation that sounds a little bit too familiar to him. "She came out onto that stage and when I tell you she was the flyest girl I've ever seen." Dante tells, his eyes widening dramatically.

It doesn't take him too long to realize who exactly it is that has they engaged in a dramatic conversation, as a matter of a fact his mind has been thinking about the said person all week long.

"Y'all talking about Amber?" He asks, his voice interrupting with no emotion. The two turn to look at him nodding enthusiastically, Tupac doesn't return the same energy only smiling back. Dante speaks, "Whatcchu mean, you know she fine cause you ain't giving us her number."

Tupac gives him a long stare and he frowns, "Malcom, he tripping." Dante says towards EDI Mean who blinks at the two confused.

"Nah, it's more than that." He mumbles, the others on the couch turn to look at him. "I ain't in the mood to talk about it . . Y'all ain't giving me time to even talk to the girl, shit." He finishes, his eyes turn to look upon Billy who stands in the corner of the room, his back leaned against the wall. "You got some weed?"

Billy pauses unsure for a moment, caught aback by the sudden statement. "Yeah, but Pac you gotta be careful with it, they gon' kick us out here."

He forces a sarcastic nod, rubbing his eye exhausted. Billy passes him the weed from within his pocket and he rolls it up perfectly into a blunt, preparing to smoke it. Dante notices his low mood and turns to look at him concerned, "No, but really. You gotta let me hit that or something."

There's a clear short moment of silence.

Tupac glances over towards him before with the flick of a lighter, he lights up his blunt letting his eyes close for a moment, finally getting his short moment of peace as a cloud erupts from his blunt. "Shit, you serious." Dante utters shrugging off trying to talk to him.

Holding a weight of emotions I step back into the strip club once again, ever since the night I met Tupac, no other night has ever been as interesting or memorable as the night that I met him.  Instead I feel even more broken, but this is my only job and it pays the bills, and I still do have to work even when Darnell isn't here.

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