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' WED, MAY 4TH 1995. '
sanai and darnell's residence ⸻
inglewood , california !

      MY EYES WIDEN AS I HOLD THE LETTER within my hands, not believing my them at all one bit. Everything is insane to me, the fact he even bothered to reply back to me makes me feel a little bit better, the letter is a symbol of hope to me and that maybe there is a future for me.

I glare down at it, noting his handwriting, the black ink of the pen he used and the prison stamp nearby my address. This all feels surreal and I feel my lips curve into a smile of disbelief.

My friends aren't going to believe me.

Instead of getting all excited in the middle of the apartments mail area, I decide to open up the letter, carefully opening the envelope not wanting to destroy or break it one bit. Once it all opens I take out the paper with a short To Sanai on it, unfolding it and flipping it to see the full letter.

There's a lot of writing, he really decided to write back.

To Sanai,

Hope this letter finds u holding up, navigating the twists life throws at us. Your words hit deep, real talk. The honesty in your letter, the effort 2 reach out, it's a breath of fresh air in this cell. Life in here is a grind, but your words bring a different vibe.

I appreciate u laying it all out there. I respect the courage it took 2 pen this. We've both been through some real stuff, left scars and wounds on something that could've been good. I've been in this cell, dealing with my own demons, sometimes it's easier to duck and dodge than face the hard truth.

It's good to hear u making moves, finding a new path. Your pregnancy is something that hit me hard, but it seems like you're riding the waves. Life's a hard journey. Much respect.

U telling me about the pregnancy hit me, Sanai. I ain't gonna lie like I wasn't aware, but I messed up, let fear and uncertainty guide my moves. I'm sorry for that, no excuses, just owning my mistakes.

Hate ain't my thing. We've been through a whole ton of shit. Your letter is a step toward understanding, although I don't know where it'll lead, I fuck with that. Let's build on mutual respect and see where it takes us.

Life inside these walls is a different world. It's hell. 6 months behind on the outside, trying 2 wrap my head around it. Your understanding and patience mean a lot. I want 2 be there for my child if it all is true; we need to figure that out.

And let's talk about this new man. I can't lie it stings a bit, caught a nigga off guard. I get it, moving on and all, but damn, it's a hit, but we were never a thing and I guess it's just me being all sensitive. Just part of the reality check that life rolls on, even in this place. But I get it, I was the one who pushed you away, I shouldn't care at all.

I respect your move, finding a new groove, but I gotta be real 2. This place is its own beast, and reconnecting ain't a simple path. But I'm down 2 explore it, see where it leads.

I ain't proud of ghosting you. Mistake on my end, and I own it. Time 2 face the truth, figure out how we move forward, not just for us but for the little one on the way. I'd like 2 know more about the baby, do u know the gender or anything? I can't believe this is all happening, shit's real crazy.

Your letter is the light in this dark space, Sanai. Appreciate your courage in reaching out. Let's keep the lines open and ride this journey together. pst. Whenever u see this please write back out 2 me.

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