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' WED , JUNE 11TH 1995. '
hospital ⸻
los angeles , california !

     THE RIDE TO THE HOSPITAL IS A BLUR of city lights and the intense beating of my heart. Contractions come in waves, each one more intense than the last. Tyrell navigates through the quiet streets, occasionally glancing over with concern, his hands tightly gripping the steering wheel. As Jasmine sits beside me, trying her best to comfort me the way she can.

The night air is cold as we pull up to the emergency entrance of the hospital, the glow of its lights creating an different to the darkness that surrounds us. Every step feels heavier, and the urgency in the air is obvious. Jasmine helps me out of the car, and Tyrell, now more nervous than before, grabs the hospital bag from the backseat.

Pain fills through me with every step I take, each contraction growing more intense and painful. I hold onto my belly, trying to steady my breathing. The automatic doors slide open, and we step into the cool brightness of the hospital.

The reception area is a sea of white and blue, with a smell of antiseptic in the air. I approach the front desk, my voice strained but determined. "I'm in labor," I manage to say, the urgency obvious in my words. The receptionist, calm and composed, unalike Jasmine and Tyrell beside me who argue with one another as they try to get stuff together, guides us to the labor and delivery ward.

As we walk through the long, sterile corridors, the pain intensifies. The hallway seems never-ending, and each step feels like a struggle against time. Jasmine beside me turns to Tyrell, "You forgot the fucking car seat for the child, babe." She tells him, his face drops as he realizes. "It's not my fault, there was so much going on." He defends himself.

Their argument is all muffled in my mind as I try my best to to remain calm, the waves of pain taking over me as I try my best to continue walking. "Baby, I know but come on." She sighs. We finally arrive at the labor and delivery room, a space that's meant for both joy and pain.

The room is well-lit, with a large bed at the center surrounded by medical equipment. The walls are decorated with motivational posters, trying to create an atmosphere of encouragement. It's a different to the mix of emotions swirling within me.

Jasmine helps me onto the bed as the contraction pauses, allowing me a brief moment of relief. Tyrell rushes out to get the forgotten car seat, his steps hurried and anxious. The medical staff arrives quickly, a nurse named Lisa, she's white with blonde hair and deep hazel eyes.

Lisa, with her comforting smile, begins the process of inserting the IV, her hands moving with professionalism. "Alright, sweetie, let's get you all set up," she says, her tone a soothing me in the all of the chaos. I nod, appreciating the calmness that she holds.

The labor room is now filled with a sense of readiness, the soft beeping of the fetal monitor creating a background rhythm. Lisa, the nurse, begins to gather the needed equipment for the birth. Her calm and experience brings a reassuring presence to the room.

As I settle into the hospital bed another contraction overwhelming me, Lisa pulls a mobile cart filled with medical tools and supplies. She glances at the fetal monitor, checking the baby's heartbeat, and nods with satisfaction. "Looking good," she comments, her voice carrying a mix of professionalism and warmth.

Jasmine, by my side her hands rubbing me comforting to help ease my contractions takes a moment to ask, "What's the plan, how long will we be here?" Her eyes concerned. Lisa offers a reassuring smile, "We'll check the dilation once in a while, but the span of the childbirth is up to the baby unless you'd like to be induced. First things first, we need to get that IV in to make sure you and the baby are well-supported."

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