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' MON , JUNE 3RD 1995. '
deathrow headquarters ⸻
los angeles , california !

    I TAKE A DEEP BREATH , maintaining eye contact with Suge. "Yes, just some personal matters," I reply, my voice steady but my nerves subtly betraying me. The room falls into a silence as Suge continues to take in the situation, his deep gaze fixed on me. I find my eyes glancing off his, returning back towards my purse that lies upon my lap.

The only reason I feel a little nervous is that fact that I'm holding back on the real truth, knowing this makes me panic and worried if Suge's able to see through me. But I'm doing this for the best of things, I'm doing this to resolve things between Tupac and I, but also for our son.

Suge, leans forward, his large frame dominating the room. The subtle tap of his fingers against the desk echoes through the space. "Personal reasons? I get it . . . you got a lot on your mind, and I can tell . . . but that don't gotta mean you fly all the way to New York," he remarks, his  voice unsure.

I feel the weight of his words, making me second-guess the way I've worded things. However, I stand my ground, attempting to match his intensity. "Suge, I know it seems sudden, but I need sometime to myself . . you said you'd help me out and this is what I want."

Suge leans back in his chair, his eyes never leaving mine. "Look, Sanai, if something's bothering you, you can tell me. . We got some shit planned coming up and now you ain't gonna be here? You don't need to go across the country to deal with personal matters."

Despite his attempt to sound understanding, his presence still intimidates me. I choose my words carefully, trying not to reveal the true extent of my intentions. "I appreciate your understanding, Suge . . I'm sorry about the things you have in plan but I promise, I'll be back soon, and we can catch up."

He studies me for a moment, the silence growing, and the intensity in the room becoming intense. "Alright, Sanai. Take your week off, handle your business in New York, and we'll discuss the details of your maternity leave and the others later."

Relief washes over me, but there's a lingering tension in the air. Suge's gaze feels penetrating, and I can't shake the feeling that there's more to his thoughts than he's letting on.

I nod appreciatively, "Thank you so much, Suge." He leans forward again, his eyes narrowing in a thoughtful manner. "Sanai, I'm not gonna control where you can or can't go, I'll make sure everything runs smoothly while you're away I'll find a way. Just keep me updated."

"Of course, Suge. I'll make sure to keep you updated." I assure him, still sensing an underlying tension, I stand up carrying my purse within my hand, making my way towards the door. As my hand reaches for the handle, he adds, "And Sanai . ." He starts, I turn around raising my brows curiously as I listen to him. "If there's anything you need, remember I got your back, you have my number."

I blink at him for a moment, noticing the seriousness on his face and smile at his words watching how he mirrors my smile, I nod my head understanding him. "Thank you, Suge. I'll keep that in mind," I reply, offering a parting smile as I exit his office.

The corridor seems to be filled with anticipation as I walk back, but the weight of my ongoing secret with Tupac weighs on my shoulders. I know things won't always be all secret between the two of us and that it would be a matter of time before I'd open up with everyone at Deathrow.

But I want to save things for myself before opening up with everyone.

As I make my way towards the exit, Snoop randomly appears again, catching up to me in the hallway. "Everything cool with Suge?" he asks with a raised curious eyebrow. I nod my head. "He's letting me take the week off, but I'll be back soon." I explain, trying to keep my response on the low.

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