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' FRI , NOV 15TH 1995. '
tupac and sanai's residence  ⸻
calabasas , california !

     IT HAS BEEN A FEW DAYS SINCE TUPAC left for Club 662, under the usual quiet company of my house, I decided that it was best that instead of being alone taking care of Zahir in the emptiness of our home, I brought over some friends from Deathrow that I hadn't spoken too in a while since I'd been so caught up parenting at home.

"Damn, you living good Sanai. This place is huge!" Jewell exclaims in awe, wrapping me in a tight hug as I open the door to my mansion. Michel'le and Rage follow behind her, their smiles bright with excitement as they glance around the building with astonishment. It was their first time visiting me and Tupac's home despite constant asking, and it had been months delayed.

"I missed you all," I reply, returning Jewell's hug, her enthusiastic loving arms wrapping me tightly slightly swaying me, before turning to greet the others who turn greet me with loving arms and smiles. "Come on in, we all gotta talk it's been a minute." I order, standing behind the door letting them walk in.

Whilst the rest of the Deathrow men were gone to support the promotions of Tha Dogg Pound, Suge and the Deathrow Executives offered the rest of us a break too, and taking the chance we'd all exchanged plans to meet up at my home.

As they step into my lavish mansion, their eyes remain widened in awe at the grand of the entrance, the large staircase that swirls up towards the upstairs. Zahir, my 5-month-old son, gurgles happily in the living room, his curious eyes glancing at the unfamiliar faces eager to greet due to the social butterfly he is.

"Oh my baby, it's been some time since I've seen you!" Jewell screeches after noticing Zahir in his little babysitter, she runs over towards him lifting him up high into her arms lovingly and smiling as he coos and giggles at her energetic demeanor.

I chuckle at Jewell's adorable act as she scoops Zahir into her arms, her aunty instincts kicking in effortlessly. Zahir's eyes widen with delight as he gazes up at her, his chubby little arms reaching out to grab at her necklace a little too violently.

"He grown so much since the last time I saw him," Rage remarks, her eyes twinkling with fondness as she steps closer to get a better look at Zahir, poking his cheek playfully. "What you feeding him? He's chubby as hell." She finishes, laughing as she notices his chunky body.

"I promise you I don't even know, it's not like he eats a lot," I reply, watching as Zahir interacts with each of my friends, his laughter filling the room. "But I mean who knows, I'm pretty sure Tupac be feeding him whatever he wants."

Michel'le joins in, her smile radiant as she leans down to plant a gentle kiss on Zahir's forehead. "You such a cutie, Zahir. Auntie Michel'le's missed you," she coos, her voice filled with affection. Rage, the calm and collected one, observes the scene with a soft smile. "He's lucky to have such amazing aunties," she says, her gaze warm as she looks at Zahir.

After the adorable excitement of everyone seeing Zahir, we all settle down in the living room, finding comfortable spots on the plush sofas. Zahir sits adorably in Jewell's arms, his chubby cheeks flushed with excitement from all the attention.

As we gather around, Michel'le takes a seat beside me, her gaze drifting to Zahir as he babbles happily in Jewell's embrace. "So, Sanai, how you been so far?" she asks, her tone filled with genuine curiosity.

I smile, feeling a surge of warmth at the question. "I've been alright just doing my own thing, it hasn't been ages since we've last seen each other," I reply, my eyes flickering with affection as I watch Zahir. "I'm living comfortably, everything's good so far and I'm loving my family."

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