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' FRI , APRIL 24TH 1995. '
deathrow records headquarters ⸻
los angeles, california !

     "Sanai I know it's been a week since I've gotten the chance to talk to you but you did your thing at the Deathrow Showcase." Suge tells me a proud smile growing upon his face.

I sit in Suge's office after being called into the record building, not for any work since there isn't any event on but just to catch up with Suge after he called me in, who I haven't talked to in quite a bit.

"Thanks I mean it was a good opportunity, I'm happy you gave it to me, it was my first time organizing something big like that." I say a smile growing upon my lips.

Suge's room is a reflection of his affiliation, nothing but red covers the walls and furniture. It's a color I've began to get used to but I've never seen anyone go to the extremes as him. He does radiate intimidating energy and I've heard a few stories from him that aren't too exciting, but when it comes to me it seems like he has a soft stop and it's genuine.

"It's all good." He starts leaning back into his chair, he somehow isn't smoking his usual cuban cigar, perhaps he understands that he shouldn't smoke around me. "You know I had to give you a chance cause you seem real passionate about working for my label."

"Of course, I'm happy to be here." I begin and his brow raises curiously. "It's not like everywhere I go I'll be able to work in such a good . . . place like this." My words begin to drag as I watch him confused he reaches somewhere out of my sight beneath the dark table, pulling out a bundle of cash and laying it down upon the table. I watch him do so and blink at the amount of money confused.

"I promised you I'd pay you good if things went well and I'm a man of my word." He tells me, I turn to look up at him out of disbelief and then back down over towards the money. "You serious Suge?" I ask him as a surprised smile grows upon my face, he nods.

"Hell yeah I am it's all yours. Put it to good use, buy the baby some clothes a crib or something." He mumbles and I beam thankfully, carefully taking the money within my hands. I glance down at it as I take in how much there is, he watches me do so a grin growing upon his face. "Thank you so much, you don't understand." I gasp.

If there's anyone who's managing to keep me stable and going it's Suge, he understood my situation and was willing to give me a chance out of everyone else who signed up to work for his label. I hold a lot of respect for him and don't have any thoughts on leaving the label anytime soon.

"You know it's crazy how I saw you working at that strip club and now you working for my label." He suddenly says, I turn to look over towards him away from my purse only to have him already glancing towards me. The thought of the strip club makes me wince especially since I gave him an lap dance. "Yeah, it is." I simply reply.

"You never told me why you stopped working there . . If you don't mind telling me why did you?" He asks me, the conversation suddenly grew deep and I slightly bite my lip deep in thought as I feel him awaiting my response. The money within my purse reminds me of how much he does seem to care for me and I feel almost obligated as if I should tell him the truth. "You know, things just caught up. My boss found out I was pregnant and he obviously didn't like that at all, he fired me and I never went back there again."

Suge reminds quiet for a moment before he leans forward. "That's why you chose to work for Deathrow?" He reminds the obvious to me, I lift my eyes to look over towards him and nod. "I saw an advert and it was my only option . . but now I'm here so none of that really matters at all too me, I'm just kinda trying to put stuff together for my baby."

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