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' MON , OCT 12TH 1995. '
club 662 ⸻
los angeles , california !

      BOTH TUPAC AND I ARE IN VEGAS for his performance at Club 662. The club pulses with vibrant energy as Tupac and I find ourselves in the neon-lit streets of Vegas. The crimson glow of the club's lights casts a great ambiance against the darkened night cold outside, bringing us inside. The thumping bass sounds through the air, signaling the busy party inside.

Approaching the entrance, I'm greeted by the rhythmic pulse of the music, growing louder with each step I take. This is Tupac's first main show ever since he's been out on bail, a way to put him back out onto the map but instead this time, a different side to him; and it's one that he wanted me to be there to see. He's going to be performing more often, a reminder of his growing impact on the label.

Tupac, the main event of the night, had arrived earlier, leaving me to navigate the club all on my own. But I know I'm not going to be alone for long, familiar faces from the record-label and strangers alike mingle in the bustling crowd.

Stepping into the main area, I'm filled by a wave of lively chatter and the scent of perfume mingled with sweat. The dance floor is a sea of bodies, lost in the rhythm of the music. Club 662 is alive with anticipation, and I'm eager to experience it first-hand. My gaze scans the room, searching for Tupac, the reason I'm here tonight—to witness his performance.

Amidst the sea of people, I find Tupac engaged in conversation with other people that I'm unable to recognize from a far. Our eyes meet briefly, and a subtle grin spreads across his lips. Excusing himself from the conversation he's in, he approaches and walks towards me with a gleam of appreciation in his eyes.

"Sanai, you made it," he greets warmly, his gaze lingering down the curves of my body that show in the tight dress I wear. His eyes tracing over my outfit, one hand holding a cup of liquor while the other lightly rests on my hip tracing my curve. "Looking all kinds of fly tonight," he whispers, a playful spark in his gaze.

"How am I gon' be able to focus?" Tupac chuckles into my ear, his eyes lingering on the details of my attire. "You too much." I joke, pushing him gently away from me.

"Why you pushing me away from you?" He asks me with a playful frown on his face, I'm unable to hide the bright grin that grows on my face. "Cause you crazy, you got all these people watching us and you already trying to get all over me."

"Why you worried about them cameras, baby?" Tupac replies with a mischievous grin, pulling me back into his embrace, way much more closer towards him this time. "Let 'em watch, they ain't seeing nothing they ain't already seen before."

He was right, although the public didn't know anything about our relationship, it was the first time we were interacting with one another in a public event, no one would suspect anything, except if I continued to be a continuous person around him, it'd be easy to put two and two together.

He grazes his lips against the side of my neck and I bite my lip, feeling a shiver run down my spine at his touch. "You always up to something." I tease, leaning into his embrace despite my earlier protest.

Tupac chuckles softly, his warm breath sending tingles down my skin. "Only when it comes to you." he murmurs, his lips lingering against my neck before he pulls back slightly, his gaze locking with mine.

I can't help but smile at his words, feeling a rush of affection towards him. Despite the chaos of the club around us, in this moment, it feels like it's just the two of us, lost in our own little world.

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