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' FRI , MAY 31ST 1995. '
jasmine's residence ⸻
los angeles , california !


My baby shower has finally approached, although it hadn't been planned at all by me, it was all left up to the works of Deathrow who decided to pull the party together for me, as always I'm thankful and excited.

Knowing the gender of my baby and potentially the due date is such a great feeling, that reminds me that my pregnancy soon will come to an end and all of the pain and tiredness is temporary.

I sit in my new bedroom, getting myself ready for the day and sorting out my hair and makeup, I glance at my face in the mirror, noting my almost tired eyes from waking up so early in the morning. Still, I put myself together, opening many makeup products as I think of what look to do.

The anticipation in the air mixes with the soft morning light filtering through my sheer curtains. I decide to start with a clean face, applying a lightweight foundation to even out my skin tone. A touch of concealer helps conceal the signs of early wake-up calls, giving my face a fresh and rested appearance.

As I move on to my lips, I opt for a soft and delicate shade, wanting the focus to be on the joy of the day. A subtle fragrance completes the look, leaving me with a sweet aura that mirrors the atmosphere of celebration surrounding me.

The door opens revealing Jasmine who peaks over through my room towards me with tired eyes, only to find me getting ready already. "What time did you wake up?" She manages to ask me the through her tired hoarse voice.

Halting applying my lip gloss I turn to look towards her with raised brows, she blinks at me only ushering for me to respond. "I woke up at 6, I couldn't sleep the baby was moving wild inside of me." I yawn.

Simply she yawns. "What time we leaving?" She asks me, only to be met with the shrug of my shoulders, "I dunno I'll have to call, I hope I ain't getting ready to early." I admit.

Jasmine lets out a small chuckle, her tired eyes still lingering with curiosity. "Well, if we're early, we'll have to find something to do?" she suggests, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. I nod, appreciating her perspective. "You're right."

As I resume my makeup routine, Jasmine takes a seat on the edge of the bed, watching me great ready. "You look beautiful already," she compliments, her tiredness unable to conceal the genuine warmth in her voice.

"Thanks, Jazz. You know, Deathrow really went all out for this baby shower, so I gotta make sure I look good." I express, a mixture of gratitude and excitement in my tone.

Jasmine nods in agreement. "They love you so much and you only a stylist for them."

Finishing up my makeup, I stand up and twirl in front of the mirror, examining the final look. "Alright, I think I'm ready. I'll probably leave a different time from you and Darnell."

Jasmine stands up, stifling another yawn. "Alright, mama-to-be whatever works for you." Upon her words I turn to her, pulling a jokingly annoyed smile, she tiredly giggles.

The day is just beginning, and I can't wait to celebrate this special moment surrounded by the love and support of those who matter most.

The soft hum of excitement lingers in the air as Jasmine and I make our way to the baby shower. Deathrow has prepared an entire ceremony for me, and I know it's not going to disappoint. The sun is high in the sky, casting a warm glow that dances through the leaves of the trees, as if nature itself is celebrating the memorable event.

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