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' WED, APRIL 22ND 1995. '
café  ⸻
inglewood , california !

     ALANA, CRYSTAL AND I DECIDED TO MEET UP at a cozy café downtown. It had been a while since we had all gotten together, and I was eager to catch up with my two closest friends. We found a corner booth by the window, the soft glow of the hanging lamps casting a warm light on our table.

As we settled in, I couldn't help but feel a wave of comfort wash over me. Alana and Crystal had been my closest friends since we shared the same workplace and I'd been wondering how they were doing ever since I started working for Deathrow Records instead.

I was officially now 6 months pregnant and I wanted to celebrate it by meeting up with my friends who hadn't seen me in a few months, my belly was growing and I was set to give birth within the next 3 months, it's crazy how fast time really does fly.

Alana, her now brown braids reaching her shoulders was first to speak. "It's been way too long, Sanai. How you doing?" Her warm smile was contagious, and it instantly lifted my spirits. I leaned forward, resting my chin on my hands. "I've been good, it sucks to not be working at the strip club anymore but I'm doing way better now."

Crystal, her vibrant eyes filled with curiosity, leaned in. "I know, word about you being fired went around the whole club, it's good to hear you've been taking it well." I took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. "You right they fired me. But I'm actually relieved to be out of that place."

Alana and Crystal exchanged glances, and Alana turn to smile at me reassuringly. "I'm happy you managed to get that interscope job, you wanted it so badly." I laugh a little as I recall the moments where I wouldn't stop talking to everyone about how great it would be if I got the job

"I know it's crazy." I start as I blink at the two of them who listen to me expectantly. "I'm around so many people I never thought I would be." I tell him.

Alana's eyes glint up excitedly and Crystal looks at her with a sigh, "Maybe one day I'll get some free tickets or something." She tells me as a slight joke, but I know there's a hint of truth and hope behind her words.

Crystal turns to look at her with a glare, "Alana, they don't know you." She tells her, Alana frowns at her words turning to look at me and I only shrug.

Our conversation flowed as we caught up on each other's lives. Alana and Crystal were excited for the next chapter of my life, asking me how many of the artists were in real life and if there were any stories I could tell them. The cozy café seemed to envelop us in a world of its own, where time moved slowly, and our conversations flowed effortlessly, until eventually the conversation began to become more deeper than I expected.

"So . . Now that you're working for Deathrow Records ain't they cool with Tupac?" Crystal asks me taking a sip of the latte within her hands as she drops a hard question, Alana glances at her and then back over to me.

The name I had been avoiding for months is brought back to my mind once again, I decide to be honest on the matter. "Yeah, they know Tupac, but it's not like we're close or anything. He's not even under the label anyways and I can't bring it to myself to reach out to him."

Crystal isn't one to let things slide easily. She leans forward, her eyes intense, as she places down her latte upon the table. "Sanai, you should consider it. I mean, you know he could be the father. You owe it to yourself and your baby to at least try." Alana nods in agreement, her brown eyes reflecting the concern that weighs on her. "Crystal's right, girl. You can't just keep ignoring it. It's not just about you and your problem with him anymore."

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