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' TUES , APRIL 31ST 1995. '
jasmine's residence ⸻
los angeles , california !

     I HAD BEEN LOOKING FORWARD TO catching with my sister, Jasmine. It had been a while since we spent some quality time together, and I couldn't wait to share some of the recent events in my life. But there was one topic that had been weighing on my mind, one that I knew I needed to discuss with her.

As I walked into Jasmine's cozy yet spacious apartment, I couldn't help but notice the aroma of food wafting through the air. Jasmine was in the kitchen, her eyes furrowed as she focused on making whatever it is that she was cooking. Her long, curly hair was pulled back into a loose ponytail, and she looked effortlessly beautiful.

"Hey Jazz!" I call out as I entered the living room. Jasmine turned around, a bright smile lighting up her face. "Sanai! You finally came on time, I'm making something for the both of us." I smile, appreciating her hospitality. Jasmine had always been the nurturing one in our family, I love my older sister and I was grateful for her warm welcome.

"It smells good in here." I utter as I approach her kitchen, glancing around the counter to see what it is that she was making, something about me being pregnant made me want to eat so much. "I'm just frying some chicken," she said, insisting it wasn't anything special. "I know you love chicken."

I roll my eyes as I look for a stool to sit on behind the counter, I feel her eyes on me as she watches me move about the place, before I turn around to look towards her finding her already smiling back.

"What?" I ask her playfully, she giggles for a moment and I shrug my shoulders confused. "Damn, you really are pregnant." She tells me, I furrow my brows confused before glancing down towards my belly that sticks out in the shirt I wear. "No shit." I mutter before turning my attention back towards finding a seat, she laughs again and I force a playful sigh.

"How's pregnancy been?" She asks me as she moves about the place busy cooking. I exhale deeply. "It's been alright, tiring but I feel like I'm getting used to it all now." Jasmine hums understanding me, she turns to look at me with a comforting expression.

"I dunno how you're holding onto it, pregnancy scares me." She mutters under her breath, I hear her and laugh a little.

We eventually settled into her comfortable living room, talking about various topics, it had been a little while since the two of us had both talked to one another in person, but it still felt natural and comforting. I kept randomly smiling at the thought of telling her that I reached out to Tupac and she eventually noticed the strange act, raising a brow.

"Why you keep smiling?" She asks me, curiously as she eats on some of her fried chicken. I blink back at her for a short moment and she tilts her head ushering for me to continue speaking. I shake my head. "It's nothing." She peers her eyes at me obviously knowing that it really isn't nothing, it's hard for me to lie in front of Jasmine, she reads me so easily.

She bites into her food and tries to shrug it off, but when she finds me still glancing towards her she can't help but find out what it is. "Sanai why you looking at me like that, what happened?" She asks me once again.

I smile. "Alright, but I dunno how you'll take it." I tell her, she shrugs her shoulder as she continues to eat before finding an interest on the TV in front of the two of us. "You might as well say it now." She insist her eyes meeting mine for a short moment.

"Okay. ." I start, her eyes remain on the TV and I sigh deeply as I begin to think of my next words, I decide to drop it all then and there. "I reached out to Tupac a few days ago." I utter.

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